Grrrr. Help installing Windows 7 *new build*


Feb 27, 2004
This is my first PC build. Just picked up all my parts for my new build today and everything went together nicely. I have Windows 7 Ultimate x32 x64 burned from an ISO which installed successfully on my Dell Latitude D410 laptop. It starts loading files and then errors out.

The error I'm getting is:

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.

File:\windows\system32\I forgot what file this is


I've tried 2 different DVD drives. Both give different errors. I've tried 2 different DVD's. Tried with 1 stick RAM and also switched slots. I've installed XP Pro SUCCESSFULLY although it took a couple of tries. Any ideas?

All parts are brand new unless noted.

-i5 750
-Asus P7P55D
-Corsair TX650W PS
-Cooler Master Hyper 212 +
-OCZ 4GB DDR3-1600 (2x2GB)
-Seagate Barracuda 500GB
-Sony Opticarc 24X SATA burner
-Sapphire HD 3850 (reused from other system)
Try setting the RAM voltage and timings manually. Run memtest overnight and report results.
I've no experience with modifying those settings. Is there a setting I should be aiming for? I'm quite busy this weekend but will give it a shot Monday.
I've no experience with modifying those settings. Is there a setting I should be aiming for? I'm quite busy this weekend but will give it a shot Monday.

Check your motherboard manual. It'll tell you where to change the RAM voltage and timings. Set the RAM voltage and timings to match the voltage and timings that your RAM has.

Then run memtest:
Download Memtest86+ v2.11 or whatever the latest version is, unzip it, burn the ISO file to a CD, and then boot from it, just like you would do with the XP/Vista install CD. Let Memtest+ run for at least three hours on each stick of RAM separately as well as test the RAM all together. Go for a full 24 hours if you want to be completely sure that the RAM is not a problem. If you start seeing errors, than your RAM is defective or you have incorrect settings for the RAM.
You guys are awesome. Adjusted my timing and voltage to specs and it's installing Windows 7 now. THANKS!