Grid Auto Sport 8$ (GMG)

can anyone compare this to grid 1 and 2?

GRID 1 was the holy grail of arcade racing. It was and is still fun. I wish Codemasters would update it with an options menu that works in a modern OS. Other than that it is a mandatory buy if you like arcade racing. Codemaster's racing titles are very competent so if your buddy beats your lap time by 0.01 seconds then it's because he's better than you; not because of some glitch in the game.

GRID 2 is fun, but you can't select a cockpit view. Meaning that either you're staring at the ass of your car or your seat is on the hood of the car. This just pissed me off to no end because the core game play is so good. If you don't like seeing the car's steering wheel then this is your game. Why Codemaster's? Why? I know the explanation that they gave, and it's just as lame today as it was at launch.

GRID Autosport is GRID 2 with an in car view! They listened to the fans and hacked a sorta low resolution car interior into the game. The game is so much more enjoyable for me. It made me forgive them for removing the option in GRID 2. I love GRID Autosport for what it is; a very competent arcade racer that is designed for maximum fun! Get some buddies together, grab some Logitech G27's, and laugh all night as you try and hang on for dear life through corners. Multiplayer is awesome in this game! And the game is perfect for sharing lap times and other achievements with your buddy! This is because Codemaster's is godly at designing arcade racers that mimic sims, but add a little more fun to the mix.

Hope that helps. :)