Government Says If It Ends in .Com, It’s .Seizable

Holy crap, the Bush Administration passed more legislation and created more crap to restrict personal freedoms than at any other time that I've been alive. Our debt is in large part is response to the policies that were instituted previous to our current administration's existence. is a victim of UIGEA, a policy slipped into the SAFE Port Act moved into law by President Bush.

I don't think anyone's arguing that Bush was any better. Just that Obama is just as bad or worse. The puppet may change. The people pulling the strings are more or less the same.
Uh, doesn't matter who is in office. Could be Donkey from Shrek.

So please don't bother wasting energy debating what political party does what. They both do what they are told by their superiors.

$$ rules the world and the rest of us stand under the open toilet.
I don't think anyone's arguing that Bush was any better. Just that Obama is just as bad or worse. The puppet may change. The people pulling the strings are more or less the same.

Obama is not nearly the marionette that Romney is destined to become, if he gains power.
Obama is not nearly the marionette that Romney is destined to become, if he gains power.

That is a good point. He is barely human and completely guided by advisers. No personality or character beyond what he is told. Bush v3.
Obama is not nearly the marionette that Romney is destined to become, if he gains power.

Obama's major 2008 contributors beg differently.

Citigroup Inc $736,771
Columbia University $547,852
General Electric $529,855
Goldman Sachs $1,013,091
Google Inc $814,540
Harvard University $878,164
IBM Corp $532,372
JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799
Latham & Watkins $503,295
Microsoft Corp $852,167
Morgan Stanley $512,232
National Amusements Inc $563,798
Sidley Austin LLP $600,298
Skadden, Arps et al $543,539
Stanford University $595,716
Time Warner $624,618
UBS AG $532,674
University of California $1,648,685
US Government $513,308
WilmerHale LLP $550,668

Let take a look at Romney's 2012 contributors.

Bain & Co $521,180
Bain Capital $356,400
Bank of America $297,550
Barclays $296,160
Blackstone Group $280,050
Citadel Investment Group $245,900
Citigroup Inc $225,202
Credit Suisse Group $217,150
Elliott Management $188,500
EMC Corp $185,550
Goldman Sachs $178,050
HIG Capital $151,500
JPMorgan Chase & Co $148,950
Kirkland & Ellis $140,650
Morgan Stanley $128,300
PricewaterhouseCoopers $123,625
Sullivan & Cromwell $123,500
The Villages $112,800
UBS AG $106,650
Wells Fargo $97,500

O look what do you know they have some similarities...

It may be hard to face but our entire government is for sale effectively making all presidents the same on all major decisions. How would Obama and Romney have different banking laws when they are both funded by the same banks?

also the contributions don't stop after election when Romney loses to Obama pretty much his donors will jump ship and start giving Obama money and Vice-Versa.

Thus Obama = Romney.
It may be hard to face but our entire government is for sale effectively making all presidents the same on all major decisions. How would Obama and Romney have different banking laws when they are both funded by the same banks?

also the contributions don't stop after election when Romney loses to Obama pretty much his donors will jump ship and start giving Obama money and Vice-Versa.

Thus Obama = Romney.

Everything SteveDate is saying is true and he's correct when he says it doesn't matter if they have an R or D in front of their names. We need to throw them all out and find people that wont cater to big business or labor groups.
The economy sucks right? Might have something to do with the contributions.

Anyway, yeah, two party system is broken. Has been forever.
Ron Pauls top contributors.

US Army $81,423
US Air Force $60,739
US Navy $58,267
Google Inc $34,191
Microsoft Corp $24,698
US Dept of Defense $22,821
IBM Corp $21,898
Boeing Co $20,986
Liberty PAC (Ron Paul) $20,000
Corriente Advisors $20,000
Northrop Grumman $17,804
US Marine Corps $16,490
US Government $16,128
Intel Corp $16,091
Lockheed Martin $15,766
Mason Capital Management $14,000
Verizon Communications $13,636
US Coast Guard $12,868
Cisco Systems $12,762
Chevron Corp $12,701

20+ million to his campaign and the majority of it came from small 40$ donations from ordinary people. Candidate of the People... not the Corporations.
Everything SteveDate is saying is true and he's correct when he says it doesn't matter if they have an R or D in front of their names. We need to throw them all out and find people that wont cater to big business or labor groups.
Congressional Approval Rating
Senate Approval Rating
Our politics is a joke and we all know it, and our lawmakers know there isn't anything we can do about it because it's so damn rigged. Nobody can get in unless they're part of the D&R club. 100% of congress and 96% of the senate is part of the duopoly.
I'll paraphrase Einstein once last time, before I vacate the discussion:

Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler.

Romney and Obama are not equivalent in many ways.
To represent them as equivalencies is to ignore the truth. They are equivalent in a regard --- they are both "politicians," so to speak.
I am not sure how much other countries are going to like this. Anyone want to guess how long before the US loses control of the domain name system?
I think basically this will probably result in some companies taking their business to non-US providers, and/or potentially moving toward some sort of balkanized internet where the US is "firewalled" off so they don't participate - except perhaps through proxies and such.
Funny how you are upset at this, but revel in the misery of those who fight against it.
Funny how everyone already seems to know who is going to win before the election has even been held. Why the heck aren't you people working in meteorology or as fortune-tellers if you can predict the future that well? Any lottery winners here either?

I don't care who's in charge. If they're taking your rights it's bad, period. How many of you are just sitting back and moaning about how the "system's broke" and have never even tried to lift a finger to call your elected officials, write them, or otherwise let them know you don't like what they're doing? If you don't want them to take your rights then you might try doing something about it instead of pissing and moaning on a message board as if that's going to solve anything. SOPA and PIPA got smacked down because enough people told the government "NO." It can be done.
Funny how the Left was bitching at Bush for turning the US into a police state. And Bush was no better, he was a big government guy too.

BTW, this is not so much about who is "pulling the strings". You guys sound like a bunch of aluminum wearing nut jobs. Politicians accept money all the time from all kinds of people.

Pres. Obama is not a puppet, he is a statist down to the bone. He is doing what he is doing now because he is a true believer a la Alinsky.

Unfortunately, the Republicans still have a problem to putting up a competent candidate with balls and that could articulate liberty and the founding principles like Ronald Reagan. God bless his soul.
Well Kyle, looks like it's time to look into registering hard.ocp and look into offshore hosting.
Hate to break it to you but Obama has another four years (not saying I want that, it's just preordained stuff so it's kind of literally reality).

That and the current selection of candidates, are bats#!t insane or have views that they pulled from the 1950's.
O yeah there is not way Mitt Romney will ever do something like this......He'll probably close Guantanamo and retract the patriot act as well.

Clinton = Bush = Obama = Romney = any and every other democrat or republican whom both only care about money and power and create false differences to create an illusion of choice.

With exception of Ron Paul

And this is why Obama gets re-elected.

Repblocrats and Demacans are COMPLETELY the same and have no differences unless it's the un-electable ron paul, amirite? :rolleyes:

Enjoy your four more years of Obama, 12 if his wife decides to run like the rumors say.

Maybe we'll luck out and his plans aren't as completely terrible as they have seemed to be thus far.
O yeah there is not way Mitt Romney will ever do something like this......He'll probably close Guantanamo and retract the patriot act as well.

Clinton = Bush = Obama = Romney = any and every other democrat or republican whom both only care about money and power and create false differences to create an illusion of choice.

With exception of Ron Paul

And this is proven every single time they open their mouth. They're always going on about shit that no one gives a fuck about while brushing real issues under the rug.

It's a shame that Ron Paul doesn't have a chance of winning with how rigged the system is.
Funny how everyone already seems to know who is going to win before the election has even been held. Why the heck aren't you people working in meteorology or as fortune-tellers if you can predict the future that well? Any lottery winners here either?

I don't care who's in charge. If they're taking your rights it's bad, period. How many of you are just sitting back and moaning about how the "system's broke" and have never even tried to lift a finger to call your elected officials, write them, or otherwise let them know you don't like what they're doing? If you don't want them to take your rights then you might try doing something about it instead of pissing and moaning on a message board as if that's going to solve anything. SOPA and PIPA got smacked down because enough people told the government "NO." It can be done.

The government does not really listen to it's people though. It still helps to call anyway and to let them know however. The SOPA protest was great and it sorta worked. They shelved it, though they're still doing the things SOPA would allow, so at the same time they also say "Fuck you" to it's citizens. Basically "You don't want SOPA? No problem we'll shelve it, but we're still going to do what it allows us, even if we don't pass it".
The problem is with the people and the media feeds it. The media has everyone so caught up in R vs D and not the issues. The debates are a joke and they never cover the real concerns. I hear people say our side has to win. The only side right now is Government vs The People and the people are getting whooped. The average American is completely tuned out of politics and doesn't give a shit. They'll vote for a candidate based on looks as opposed to content.

The only real candidate is a the candidate that wants to give us our freedom back and we know who he is.
The system is too rigged to win in a voting system. Even if everyone votes for Ron Paul the machines/vote counters will say Romney or Santorum won. The only way to fix this country is an uprising. Television "PROGRAMMING" programs the masses to believe whatever the government wants you to believe. Most of that is from news channels. Its all rigged. Just prepare for bad news if anyone other than Ron Paul gets in. The internet will be censored completely if anyone else gets in. An Orwellian nightmare.
O yeah there is not way Mitt Romney will ever do something like this......He'll probably close Guantanamo and retract the patriot act as well.

Clinton = Bush = Obama = Romney = any and every other democrat or republican whom both only care about money and power and create false differences to create an illusion of choice.

With exception of Ron Paul
But the problem is, money wins elections, and the corporate/union puppets get the big corporate money and union support and get more commercials on TV, radio, etc and of course it influences the general media disposition as well.

There are plenty of people that see past this, sure, but not the majority of the nation unfortunately and we see that in the polls with Ron Paul. Steadily climbing as voters get more educated about the real issues, but I fear its not fast enough to make any change to the status quo. :(
BTW, here's crossing my fingers that perhaps his son Rand Paul will be able to pick up where his father left off and enact some real change some day soon. It takes more than just the executive branch though, we need changes in the house, senate, and supreme court. :)
BTW, here's crossing my fingers that perhaps his son Rand Paul will be able to pick up where his father left off and enact some real change some day soon. It takes more than just the executive branch though, we need changes in the house, senate, and supreme court. :)

Hopefully...and people too!
O yeah there is not way Mitt Romney will ever do something like this......He'll probably close Guantanamo and retract the patriot act as well.

Clinton = Bush = Obama = Romney = any and every other democrat or republican whom both only care about money and power and create false differences to create an illusion of choice.

With exception of Ron Paul

And that is why my domain and webspace are not based in the usa. Sure, it costs a little more but... like everything in life, you get what you pay for.

Lol at all the Uncle Paul's in this thread like he is a magical panacea or something. Please, like the oligarchy would let him win or if he does win like they would let him do anything besides ride the ponies in the presidential petting zoo.
I like how this turned into a "who will win" thread. It does not matter who the puppet in office is, the government as a whole does not change, and will remain evil. We need to get rid of all of em and start fresh, and make sure corporations have zero control over the politicians. In a perfect world... lol
Funny how everyone already seems to know who is going to win before the election has even been held. Why the heck aren't you people working in meteorology or as fortune-tellers if you can predict the future that well? Any lottery winners here either?

I don't care who's in charge. If they're taking your rights it's bad, period. How many of you are just sitting back and moaning about how the "system's broke" and have never even tried to lift a finger to call your elected officials, write them, or otherwise let them know you don't like what they're doing? If you don't want them to take your rights then you might try doing something about it instead of pissing and moaning on a message board as if that's going to solve anything. SOPA and PIPA got smacked down because enough people told the government "NO." It can be done.

SOPA and PIPA got shot down because large players in the tech industry launched massive campaigns against it. Way to use the biggest fucking exception as proof of the little guy demanding change.
And this is why Obama gets re-elected.

Repblocrats and Demacans are COMPLETELY the same and have no differences unless it's the un-electable ron paul, amirite? :rolleyes:

Enjoy your four more years of Obama, 12 if his wife decides to run like the rumors say.

Maybe we'll luck out and his plans aren't as completely terrible as they have seemed to be thus far.

He's only unelectable if you don't vote for him. The term unelectable is laughable.
Verisign needs to be bought by a foreign company or move to Eruope/Asia/Canada. Problem solved.
He's only unelectable if you don't vote for him. The term unelectable is laughable.

you obviously don't know how our electorally process works. Even if everyone voted for him the delegates will just ignore that vote and choose whom ever pays them the most.

quick little break down. Link

Ron Paul is unelectable because he capable of rational thought and is not a puppet thus the people who control society and elections don't want someone who will question the decisions they are paid to agree with.

Independents can't win in this system so he can't go that route and going that route will kill his son's carrier as a republican.

If for some crazy reason he does get elected he wouldn't be able to make any of the needed changes because he need help from the entire system which is broken and corrupt though there are a small handle full of good not enough to make the difference.

So he is only unelectable because he is the only real candidate.
you obviously don't know how our electorally process works. Even if everyone voted for him the delegates will just ignore that vote and choose whom ever pays them the most.

quick little break down. Link

Ron Paul is unelectable because he capable of rational thought and is not a puppet thus the people who control society and elections don't want someone who will question the decisions they are paid to agree with.

Independents can't win in this system so he can't go that route and going that route will kill his son's carrier as a republican.

If for some crazy reason he does get elected he wouldn't be able to make any of the needed changes because he need help from the entire system which is broken and corrupt though there are a small handle full of good not enough to make the difference.

So he is only unelectable because he is the only real candidate.

That's sad, and true. :( So much for democracy these days.
So what was everyone worried about SOPA and PIPPA for?

Oh I don't know... maybe the fact that ACTA was about a hundred times worse and now you have that many more freedoms taken away...

FOR STALIN!!! :eek: