Got Quake 4! First Impressions

Got quake 4 when it came out but lately im having problems. After 20min of playing, my computer rebooted on me today, and yesterday it did it after like 5min of playing. All my drivers are up to date. I havent had any problems with other games ( serous sam 2, half-life 2 dod:s cs: ) could it be my power supply (420w) isnt beefy enough?

AMD 3800+ x2
BFG oc 7800 gt
1 gig ocz gold pc 3200 ram
Audigy 2 sound card
3 optical drives
250gb WD sata drive
120gb Seagate pata drive
chef-x said:
Got quake 4 when it came out but lately im having problems. After 20min of playing, my computer rebooted on me today, and yesterday it did it after like 5min of playing. All my drivers are up to date. I havent had any problems with other games ( serous sam 2, half-life 2 dod:s cs: ) could it be my power supply (420w) isnt beefy enough?

AMD 3800+ x2
BFG oc 7800 gt
1 gig ocz gold pc 3200 ram
Audigy 2 sound card
3 optical drives
250gb WD sata drive
120gb Seagate pata drive

are you using 81.XX drivers?
chef-x said:
Got quake 4 when it came out but lately im having problems. After 20min of playing, my computer rebooted on me today, and yesterday it did it after like 5min of playing. All my drivers are up to date. I havent had any problems with other games ( serous sam 2, half-life 2 dod:s cs: ) could it be my power supply (420w) isnt beefy enough?

AMD 3800+ x2
BFG oc 7800 gt
1 gig ocz gold pc 3200 ram
Audigy 2 sound card
3 optical drives
250gb WD sata drive
120gb Seagate pata drive
A good 420W should be fine. Which one is it?
I nearly posted this exactly line for line. Well said...

Battleneter said:
Played if for about an hour and have to say many of the review sites have overcompensated the 95%+ rating they gave Doom 3 by stiffing Quake4. Many of the review sites got a roasting after rating Doom3 from the gaming community.

Quake 4 is so much better in SP, its simply more fun, there's a fucking flash light on the weapons for a start (amazing, how they thought of that). The weapons are more convincing and the AI is more fun.

As I am getting older 30+, its harder to immerse myself into games as if I am really there, which is something a lot of people have now forgotten how to do, you need to be able to do this for scripted SP games otherwise they become a snooze. There is still a certain amount of imagination required to enjoy this class of game.

Quake 4 is pretty good, not the best game of all time or anything, but definitely one of the best games of the year.
Bop said:
The significance of "the level" seems to be gone. Quake was just a series of "zones" youd expore without being too linear, just searching for a key or object and then leaving that zone and the next one would begin. Q4 just feels like your on rails going in one direction. Hard to explain but you Quake fans will understand.
AUGH! This was what I loved (and still love) about Quake 2 - there's no help for where to go next. You have vague objectives, no "nav-computer" giving you directions every step of the way, no huge scripted actions (*cough* half-life), no bots on your team, just figure out what to do next and do it!

If only there were a "half-life: source"-type thing for q4 - I'd be all *over* that. Good looks and good gameplay. User mods, pls!

unhappy_mage said:
AUGH! This was what I loved (and still love) about Quake 2 - there's no help for where to go next. You have vague objectives, no "nav-computer" giving you directions every step of the way, no huge scripted actions (*cough* half-life), no bots on your team, just figure out what to do next and do it!

If only there were a "half-life: source"-type thing for q4 - I'd be all *over* that. Good looks and good gameplay. User mods, pls!

I dont know about you, but I dont like killing everything and having no idea where to go next. As much fun as wondering around empty familar spaces for hours is, I would like something guiding me. (I vaguely remember one level in quake2 where you had to go back an entire level to the prison after getting some object from the level infront of it.)
Lord of Shadows said:
I dont know about you, but I dont like killing everything and having no idea where to go next. As much fun as wondering around empty familar spaces for hours is, I would like something guiding me. (I vaguely remember one level in quake2 where you had to go back an entire level to the prison after getting some object from the level infront of it.)
But that's exactly what I like about it ;) Real life has no script, it's not linear, you have to go back to places you've been. And it's better than the completely script-driven games that are coming out these days IMO. I'd rather see an almost Myst-like story imposed on top of the FPS that we all know and love. Quake 2 is probably in my top 3 games of all time for exactly that reason.

I just picked up Quake4 at the new Fry's in Oxnard, Ca (visiting the folks this weekend) and it's still on sale for $37.99! the DVD edition was on sale also for $44.99. The DVD comes with "The making of quake4" + quake2 and the extra missions pack for quake2. Three things I didn't need, so I just got the CD release. I am very curious to see how my rig handles it performance-wise in comparison to FEAR and Doom3... :)
Bought Q4 Last night, and I think I am already 3/4's done. Haven't played a "meaninglessly" FUN game like this in a long time. I have missed the days of pure just, run and shoot crazy games. Q4 is satisfying that urge very nicely. Next up, F.E.A.R...whenever BB decides to move my Pre-Order from Cali to me...:(
I dont like to be guided really. All i want is a kick butt soundtrack, a rusty chainsaw and blood and gore everywhere and a pointless story :cool:

Bring on the pain!!!
tillyoubreakit said:
gore everywhere
That is something Q4 has.
Heh one of the levels has you jump down on a conveyor belt to end the level. I at first thought below it was lava, then I realised it was innards. :)

I'm at the part where you have to blow up the Tetranode, Strauss is already messing with the controls and he sent me out on my own to disable the water pumps or something. After I disable them these too big spider monsters come out and I battle them, then I think *whew* I'm done. Nope! This HUUUUUUUGE BEAST comes out of the wall an PWNS me. I couldn't believe how HUGE he was! Anybody get there yet? He's Ginormous
some more screens






Am I the only one that believes this game looks better in 1024x768 than any of the higher resolutions?

I am not talking about frame rate or AA, I am talking about the overal look. I belive it ugles up the higher you go. It looks like the textures were designed for this resoulution and it looks kind "comic book" ish when you pump the resolution up.
Battleneter said:
Am I the only one that believes this game looks better in 1024x768 than any of the higher resolutions?

I am not talking about frame rate or AA, I am talking about the overal look. I belive it ugles up the higher you go. It looks like the textures were designed for this resoulution and it looks kind "comic book" ish when you pump the resolution up.

OMFG I thought I was alone on this thought.I played it on 1280 x 1024 for kicks then put it on 1024 x 768 and the game looked a hell of a lot better.
Dudes I'm still pretty early in the game. I'm with my crew and they tell me: Find a way to open this door, and they sit there. If I'm looking at the door there is like a big ass turret behind me on a higher plain. Not too much prior to this I was watching a guys back while he was laying explosives in 2 hangars. So uhm.... what the hell am I supposed to do?

Just trying to avoid that first look at a walk through. It gets more tempting after that, and I hate walking around in circles mode when I'm playing an action game. It doesn't need to be on rails, but I don't venture this is much of a puzzle.

On the res topic, I dunno.... 1920*1200 looks good to me! :)
Just got it yesterday, Installed it this morning, and have been playing for about 1 hour or so. I really like it and set everything to max without aa of course. And it doesnt seem to be chugging at all. How do I check what my framerate is, mabey Its just me thats not seeing any skipping or does this game seem more optimized for diff computers. Post your specs and framerate.
do get the console down hit ctrl alt tilda(~) and type com_showfps 1 or it may be drawfps not sure.

1024 x 768 high quality everything enabled no AA 4x AF
40-70 FPS
lt.murda said:
OMFG I thought I was alone on this thought.I played it on 1280 x 1024 for kicks then put it on 1024 x 768 and the game looked a hell of a lot better.

That's Exactly what I did started on 1280x1024, then went up. It got uglier, went up again and it looked worse. Went down to 1024x768 and it looked the best with 800x600 looking crap.

I think people are getting stuck on "higher resolution is always better" and honestly Quake 4 looks less vibrant at the higher resolutions, it does obviously look detailed but it looses its vibrancy. There are other games like this as well IMHO.

I have a 6800GT and my mate has a 7800GTX, and he agrees anything over 1024x768 simply "looks worse" in Quake 4 and is now playing in 1024x768 (its hurting him lol).
I was thinking about picking it up, but what's with the music? So you're telling me there's no industrial beats?
chef-x said:
every time it restarts my computer is when i go through a door

I believe Quake 4 to be generally stable. I suggest if you are ovelocking you Vid card or CPU, you revert them back to default and test for an hour. I believe some people are having overclocking instability issues in Q4, as I and most don't have any problems, unlike say BF2 where tons of people have had issue.
So far I'm impressed! Haven't finished it yet. Runnin game at 1280x1024 4AA/8AF all settings on high. Sound is OpenAL....SWEET! Very nice to see the D00M]l[ engine highly polished and the shader effects seem a bit more realistic. Extra DVD has some cool stuff on it.
lol, best part of game

"paging Dr. Herman. paging Paul Herman"

i almost fell out of the chair laughing so hard.
lt.murda said:
do get the console down hit ctrl alt tilda(~) and type com_showfps 1 or it may be drawfps not sure.

1024 x 768 high quality everything enabled no AA 4x AF
40-70 FPS

You don't need to press Ctrl & Alt. Just press the tilde key (~).
michealo said:
lol, best part of game

"paging Dr. Herman. paging Paul Herman"

i almost fell out of the chair laughing so hard.

What's this joke referring to?
So after checking it, with 1280x1024 and max resolution no aa, I get between 40-80 fps. Very happy, as Doom 3 Ran not nearly as smooth.
Battleneter said:
Am I the only one that believes this game looks better in 1024x768 than any of the higher resolutions?

I am not talking about frame rate or AA, I am talking about the overal look. I belive it ugles up the higher you go. It looks like the textures were designed for this resoulution and it looks kind "comic book" ish when you pump the resolution up.

Im gonna have to try a lower resolution then, because I noticed that. It looks like comics, more than a FPS to me. Ultra vivid colors, and the white and whatnot are pumped up high. Hmmm.
Battleneter said:
I believe Quake 4 to be generally stable. I suggest if you are ovelocking you Vid card or CPU, you revert them back to default and test for an hour. I believe some people are having overclocking instability issues in Q4, as I and most don't have any problems, unlike say BF2 where tons of people have had issue.
well it did it again and windows finaly game a an error report after rebooting its my damn sound card
Solution found: contact Creative Technology®, Ltd. to obtain the update

Problem description

Thank you for submitting an error report. The error was likely caused by:

Creative Technologies Sound Card


Creative Technologies Sound Card was created by Creative Technology®, Ltd.. Creative Technology®, Ltd. informed Microsoft that they have a solution available for the problem you reported. To learn more about the solution, Creative Technology®, Ltd. recommends that you visit the following website:


Additional information

* Microsoft did not create, nor does it provide technical support for Creative Technologies Sound Card.
* If you have trouble installing the fix or the problem you reported persists, please contact Creative Technology®, Ltd. and alert them of the problem.

Im in the Waste Processing Faculity, and just regroup with the squad. I just got the rocket launcher upgrade, and go in the next room. Theres that guy(forgot his name already lol) that got capture and fell through that pipe looking thing in that one room at the beginnning of the level. My question is, how do I destroy him? I tried guiding the rockets behind corners, try going rambo on his ass. I keep on getting blown up, when I should be blowning him up. How did you guys beat him?

Lazy_Moron said:

Im in the Waste Processing Faculity, and just regroup with the squad. I just got the rocket launcher upgrade, and go in the next room. Theres that guy(forgot his name already lol) that got capture and fell through that pipe looking thing in that one room at the beginnning of the level. My question is, how do I destroy him? I tried guiding the rockets behind corners, try going rambo on his ass. I keep on getting blown up, when I should be blowning him up. How did you guys beat him?

There are two things to notice. 1 is the blue bar at the top, thats his shields. Second is the orange bar, thats his health. You need to nail him with whatever you have till his shields drop. Once they drop, continue pounding on him and watch his health fall. After he will run to the power supplies, and recharge his shield. During his recharge DONT fire, you will just waste your ammo. When his shield is back up, repeat the process. He runs to 3 power supply things in total. Remember to pick up the health as you go.

I don't know though, personally I found all the bosses to be Extremely Easy. All I ever did in this game during boss fights was strafe, strafe, strafe, strafe, or run in very large ass circles pounding away at them. Hell it was fun, but a little variety wouldn't have hurt. Such as, push this button to take ___ down, and then shoot him, and then hual ass to this place and push this button to do the same thing and then shoot him. O'well. Still a hell'a fun game.
oh yeay... one of the disks in my raid0 set went out, OS disk and all, baaad. After a day of recover, I am back in action... I had just installed Quake4 for the first time also. lol. Nothing is easy. At any rate, I am very happy to report that this game is very fun! more of a fun "shootem up" experience than FEAR, imo... and it runs way nicer on my pc than FEAR... but it does not have that per pixel light source shading on every pixel... oh well... FEAR's shadows do look nice, and it's audio is very nice also, but I am having more fun with Quake4 right now... they're both awesome though. whew... it's a great week to be a gamer. :)

I am able to run Quake4 @ 1600x1200 on high with 2x AA, vsync on, and all other options maxed with a 50 - 60 fps avg. Pretty much like doom3 ran... but I could have 4X AA on with Doom. Anyways, it's definitely a fun hack and slash, carve your path forward with large weapons of mass distruction game. w00t. The monsters are pretty well done. heh... but the environment is less "damageable" it seems than I thought it would be... I can't knock things over I figured I would be able to... and such.. but that's not too much of a big deal... a big thumbs up so far. :D