Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

Awesome update for me! My Westy from newegg went kaput within two weeks. After chatting with them (at least 30 min), speaking with a manager and the manager talking to uppers, I got an email back from the manager saying that they will make an exception and will let me RMA through newegg.
Nice... yeah, now see.. they are human after all. not totally soulless money grubbing e-tailors. ;)
How do you guys clean your monitors? I tried a damp towel and it left streaks.

I use Monster Screen Clean which you can find in many places online or at B&M CC or BB. It comes with a cloth and has no amonia or alcohol. Its great and I use it on all my screens from CRT's to LCD's to the big sony widescreen projection TV.

It does a great job and each bottle will last ya a long time.
Looking to grab this beast of a monitor, but gunshy of dead pixels, I decided to see what the locals at an unnamed major retailer (with a blue and yellow logo) would do for me.

They had a 37w2 playing on the wall of HDTV, so I asked the blue-shirted drone if they could get the w3 for in-store pickup. He looks it up, and we're staring at $1500 and a wad 'o change. I ask him if he can price match, he said "Sure!'. So, I point him at the 'Eggs current page and he stares at the $999 plus shipping of $70 for three-day. He fumbles around on the (Local Pricing) website, starts clicking away on the Egg, and arrived at a conclusion.

I looked at him, looked at the screen, looked back and asked him did he understand the concept of "A cold day in Hell before I ever shop here again" and "Have a Nice Day!" to the manager as I left. Nearly 5 grand of HD and game gadgets from that place over the past two years, and they try to shaft me like this:

The 37w3 at NewEgg $999 plus FedEx Standard Overnight Shipping of $495 is what he thought of as a "reasonable" price match. I could have sworn I saw $495 on there for shipping, I can't bring it up now on Newegg's order pages, but the sheer arrogance topped off another wonderful shopping experience at a brick 'n mortar.

I still can't bring myself to punch "Confirm" at the Egg despite the generally positive reviews and what I've gleaned wading through 184(!) pages of this thread. Our friend's experience in the Bahamas has given me a touch of cold feet.

Still, the promise of 1920x1200 billboard-sized gaming goodness barely four feet in front of my myopic face is sooooooooo damned tempting! :D

ha should have told him you will buy it now and pick it up in a week. for the cheaper price.
Hello. I was wondering if any of you guys plays "Lineage 2". And in the case that you do, can you post pictures of it. I would love to see Lineage 2 at 1920x1080, since this games allows pretty much any resolution by editing the "option.ini" file in the "system" folder. Well, the ones that play this game know what I'm referring to.

Thanks in Advance
Anyone got a pic of this monitor with a vertical 2405/7? I'm considering that setup for my new pc.

I have a 2407 lying around that im not using, so I propped it up for a quick photo shoot with the big bro. I've been meaning to ebay the 2407, just havent gotten around to it. Sorry for my crappy pics, but hopefully it gives you an idea of what it would look like.




Nice picks but I had one question how did you get to display side by side web pages in firefox. Please send extension link, I have been wanting that for a while now.
Now I have a special request of my own to make. If anyone gets an Xbox 360 Elite, PLEASE post about it. There are two things that bother me with the Westy as a 360 display.

1)Ghosting. Not with motion, but when ever there is a light over dark, I can see a slight ghost of the light object. This mostly applies to text, game menus, HUDs, and things with sharp lines. Most peeps probably don't even notice, but im anal about this sort of thing. It bothers me.

2)Auto Adjusting. For those of us with Firmware version 1.0, every time you switch over to VGA, it auto adjusts colors and gamma, and it can be annoying if the image on your 360 at the time happens to be very dark, or very light, or all one color. I want to know if HDMI auto adjusts as well.

And in general, how does it look compared to VGA? Is it noticeable sharper or clearer? If noone responds, I may just go buy one myself and test, but I would rather not drop the cash if it doesnt fix my problems.
Nice picks but I had one question how did you get to display side by side web pages in firefox. Please send extension link, I have been wanting that for a while now.

The add-on every Westy owner should have:

Split Browser

There are a few different plugins that will split the browser, but this is the best one I have used. Thanks for asking.
The add-on every Westy owner should have:

Split Browser

There are a few different plugins that will split the browser, but this is the best one I have used. Thanks for asking.

Thank you so much, you saved me countless more hours looking for it. Have been looking for a while. Have a quick question, how do you get rid of the stupid buttons from being on top of the window? you know the back forward stop reload buttons.
Never mind I guess it was a problem with the them that I was using. Seemed to go away after I changed the them.

The page dosent compare the westy vs the dell, so go away. Anyone with say an xbox 360, is there a difference in pic quality between VGA and component at the same resolution? I expect the component to look not as good, i just want to know by how much.
CHRIST :mad:

The saga continues. My freight forwarder on another island just informed me that he cannot take the TV back to the US with him. United States Customs no longer allows him to do that. So now instead of nice inexpenssive UPS Ground I have to get a quote on shipping it from The Bahamas. Here is an example. I shipped a roughly 1 cubic foot box that *might* have weighed 3 or 4 pounds to somewhere on the East coast. Just shy of $39.

I am scared to think what the Westy will cost to ship. Looks like I might cancel the RMA and just shoot the son of a bitch full of holes with my Benelli.

The wife has already told me to order another one, she liked the picture that much. She told me if she hadn't seen the picture before it died she wouldnt care but she really liked it.

Edit: Mind you I don't fault Westinghouse. Just one of the reason living in The Bahamas sucks ass. 9 times out of 10 just forget th warranty, if the item dies it's a loss.
I am scared to think what the Westy will cost to ship. Looks like I might cancel the RMA and just shoot the son of a bitch full of holes with my Benelli.

The wife has already told me to order another one, she liked the picture that much. She told me if she hadn't seen the picture before it died she wouldnt care but she really liked it.

Edit: Mind you I don't fault Westinghouse. Just one of the reason living in The Bahamas sucks ass. 9 times out of 10 just forget th warranty, if the item dies it's a loss.

Why would you buy another one for $1000...when you could send it in to get fixed for even $250(just a high guess on shipping)?

But, hey if you don't want to...I will pay for shipping and you can ship to me and I will just RMA it :D So I got DIBS!!! :p Please? I have been trying to buy another one for my mother as she really wants one... :D
the Westy came today from UPS. The man tried to leave it and run when he heard the dog barking but I went outside and flagged him down. Told him I wanted to inspect it or I wanted him to take it back. They always run when they hear the dog (big german shep) ;)

So it looked fine, took it inside and have it connected to the PC now via VGA. I have to wait till my new DVI cable gets here via UPS. Doesn't matter yet anyhow as I haven't yet built the system this baby will be running on. I am still waiting for my 8800GTX to get here via UPS. Right now its on native resolutuin with a Radeon 9700pro. I didn't think it could run native on that but its doing fine. I won't even bother to get my hands dirty calibration-wize till I have it set up on the new system but even out of box all I have had to do is turn off fill and lower the backlight and it looks awesome. Firmware is version 1.80.

Very bright, no dead pixels after running some apps to search for them and moving an open dos window around the screen. So far its great. Its going to take some getting used to with this size. I have it at 2 1/2 feet from eyelevel at present. I may need to go another 6 inches back. Going from a 21 inch CRT to a 24 inch widesceen LCD did not feel that much of an upgrade size-wize but this! Its awesome :)

$974 shipped from ValueChief and it came in 2 days too. Very happy camper right now.
Hello. I was wondering if any of you guys plays "Lineage 2". And in the case that you do, can you post pictures of it. I would love to see Lineage 2 at 1920x1080, since this games allows pretty much any resolution by editing the "option.ini" file in the "system" folder. Well, the ones that play this game know what I'm referring to.

Thanks in Advance

You dont need to edit the system file to get 1920x1080, it will show you every resolution that your vcard will allow in windows, i had it at 1920x1200, very nice =)
Why would you buy another one for $1000...when you could send it in to get fixed for even $250(just a high guess on shipping)?

But, hey if you don't want to...I will pay for shipping and you can ship to me and I will just RMA it :D So I got DIBS!!! :p Please? I have been trying to buy another one for my mother as she really wants one... :D

My wife said order another one and if this one doesn't cost too much then send it anyway. Then I get the RMA'd one for a monitor when it comes back.

One thing I left out...I am going to pay 42% import duty on it. So if it costs me $250 to ship out that's $420 on the initial purchase, plus $250 to ship it out, $670, approaching the cost of a new one. I might be simpler to bite the loss and give the monitor to Customs and tell them to sieze it as I won't pay the duty. But it's moot point the wife wants one and doesn't feel like waiting for the RMA. I'm not sure if this is good or bad. I sense a "Honey can I get...." shortly after I order the second one. :p

But as it is it looks like I will have a new one in 2 weeks and my RMA in about 7 or 8 which will be my new monitor.

So...I'm not sure if I should still be pissed or not. I mean costs a fuck-ton...but new monitor. :cool:
Well, I'm not going to read through another 95+ pages to see if settings are up.

I have the LVM-37W3.

Has anyone found or had an ISF tech come and setup their TV? I want to know some settings to make my TV better but I'm not about paying 600$
Well, I'm not going to read through another 95+ pages to see if settings are up.

I have the LVM-37W3.

Has anyone found or had an ISF tech come and setup their TV? I want to know some settings to make my TV better but I'm not about paying 600$

Several DVDs released over the last two years have a setup chapter much like the ISF calibration procedure. The Incredibles is one of them; go to the THX Optimizer, off the Setup menu selection on the title. The only thing missing from the equation is the blue viewing filter glasses for one particular portion of the tests, otherwise you can make a fair approximation of an ISF calibration.

Still fence sitting... :rolleyes:
Well, I'm not going to read through another 95+ pages to see if settings are up.

I have the LVM-37W3.

Has anyone found or had an ISF tech come and setup their TV? I want to know some settings to make my TV better but I'm not about paying 600$

I think this is the thread you are looking for: It has good info on calibration.

BTW: Anybody know a good desk to go with this now that the Jerker is discontinued? My friend now also wants this setup and he will need a good desk. I called all the local Ikeas and they are all gone. (2 in NJ, 1 in CT, and 1 NY) We will need to be on the lookout for a good replacement and the one that Ikea is marketing as the replacement STINKS. Its called the "Frederick" or something and its $120 and much smaller in width then the Jerker. The total width of the desk is 37 3/4 inches. I can't get over why they would discontinue something so good and replace it with something thats smaller and more expensive :(
I think this is the thread you are looking for: It has good info on calibration.

BTW: Anybody know a good desk to go with this now that the Jerker is discontinued? My friend now also wants this setup and he will need a good desk. I called all the local Ikeas and they are all gone. (2 in NJ, 1 in CT, and 1 NY) We will need to be on the lookout for a good replacement and the one that Ikea is marketing as the replacement STINKS. Its called the "Frederick" or something and its $120 and much smaller in width then the Jerker. The total width of the desk is 37 3/4 inches. I can't get over why they would discontinue something so good and replace it with something thats smaller and more expensive :(

It's the "Fredrik", and it is definitely unworthy of the Jerker heritage. It's not only narrower, but it is lacking about 6-8" in depth compared to the Big J. The day I picked up my "as-is" Jerker at the White Marsh Ikea, they had about seven boxed units (pretty banged up packaging) that were being picked thru. When I came back in for another part, the boxed units were gone. Two weeks later, even the shelf additions were nowhere to be found.

I didn't see anything else, other than the Galant desks, that could be used with something the size of the 37w3, and the Galants are defnitely not a cheap solution.

The Jerker reminds me a lot of my workbench in our server room. Give me a day or two to look up the specs for it, might be close enough to build out a Big J lookalike. It definitely will not be the same price; I remember spec'ing out the bench to my satisfaction, and blanching when the total was announced. :eek:

<edit> Eek, indeed! The product line is the Maytrix LAN racking system from Mayline. The configuration I have from them is 48" wide, standing height with 30" deep tabletop (ESD approved), and invoiced at $3725. Waaaaay out of range!
<edit> Eek, indeed! The product line is the Maytrix LAN racking system from Mayline. The configuration I have from them is 48" wide, standing height with 30" deep tabletop (ESD approved), and invoiced at $3725. Waaaaay out of range!

Ouch! Thats slightly beyond the price i'm looking to pay, just $5 or $10 out of my range

OK, back on thread... :)

Pulled the trigger on NewEgg for the 37w3 and a few cables. Order says the monster is coming out of New Jersey. Can you say, "Tuesday?".

Now that I did it, it's the opposite of "Buyer's regret". I WANT this beast...

And now I save coins for the bigger power supply to juice a more powerful GPU, 'cause a 7800GT might have some ass, but it ain't going to do it *right*, and this train just don't stop, does it? :D
Now that I did it, it's the opposite of "Buyer's regret". I WANT this beast...

I know what you mean, I just ordered mine this week too, but will be delivered on Monday. A whole weekend without it argh! I went ahead and got a wall-mount and new cables while I was at it. Designing a new desk/work-area for it also, current setup just can not fit such a huge display, coming from a 19" CRT.... Hopefully getting that done and built over the weekend will keep me busy enough to not think about the wait :p

I have been reading this thread for quite some time, and the information from it has been beyond helpful, and really has been the push on me to get one. So thanks to all here with the great pictures, info and help!

If I did have regret it would be not getting this display sooner! Better late then never though. Better get back to working on the desk, hehe.
What backlight settings is everyone using? I've had my westy for a while now, and couldn't be happier.
If anyone wanted to know, The 360 Elite does not have "handshaking issues" like the PS3 on HDMI.