Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

Update folks I tested it out and it seems the Westy should indeed be set to Full Range
Here is how I found out, credit goes to andrewfee over at NeoGaf.
andrewfee said:
Here's a test for people to see whether or not their display supports the new full range option or not.

First, save this image, and put it on a memory card or something so that you can view it on the PS3:

With the option set to limited, adjust the brightness control on your TV until you can see most/all of the boxes. There are 12 boxes there, but you might not be able to see them all. You should hopefully be able to see at least 9/10 of them.

Now switch it over to Full range. Can you still see all the boxes? It's very likely that you will only see a full black screen now if you're using a HDTV rather than a DVI monitor.

If you can turn up the brightness control and see the same number of boxes again, then it seems your display does support the full range. If it stays black, or you can't see as many boxes as before, your TV does not support the full range option and you should be using limited.

Most HDTVs should have it set to limited.

Guys I'm not kidding, if you use a PS3 for gaming and or Bluray watching change the setting, it will breath new life into your Westy.

Also note that it seems to reset itself when you turn the PS3 off or when you boot into a PS2 game, so when you turn it on always go to the display setting sand switch it back. (it will still be listed as being selected but it won't actually be on, turn it off and on again to get it working) This looks like a small glitch that will probably be ironed out silently by the next patch.
Guys I'm not kidding, if you use a PS3 for gaming and or Bluray watching change the setting, it will breath new life into your Westy.

Yes it does and thanks mickey...I love the colors now...

Also note that it seems to reset itself when you turn the PS3 off or when you boot into a PS2 game, so when you turn it on always go to the display setting sand switch it back. (it will still be listed as being selected but it won't actually be on, turn it off and on again to get it working) This looks like a small glitch that will probably be ironed out silently by the next patch.

This kind of sucks...but guess I don't really turn my ps3 off so that it can it wont bother me much..Just hope they release a small patch maybe 1.81 soon to fix this.

Actually I just found out that when I go into watch a DVD it reverts back to limited...If I got back into the menu after going to a DVD the colors are all back to the grey color...The menu still shows it as Full Range, but I actually have to switch it back to limited, and then back to Full Range to get it to go back...Does this happen to you also? (When you first start the movie, you can see the screen flick from its Full Range black to the Limited Range black/grey, at least I can)

If I Play a game it will stay at Full Range, which is great...but it changes it in DVD mode.
Nooo. PcNation raised their prices on the Westy 37" AGAIN. Yeah, this just made me turn away from them, and back to Newegg. I'll wait for them to get it back in stock. Smart move PcNation.
thanks guys for the update on the just need someone to put a decent price out there to get this thing.:eek:
I've checked if the second monitor is working and this is what I 've found:




BF2 :D on two displays - superb experience.

It is so real...
and the 1:1 size of weapons or driving the hammer :D

I noticed that it is much easier to pilot the planes and helicopters on the larger displays, is it the resolution?

btw the res is set up to 3840:1080

The only iritating thing is the space between the monitors, are there any possibilities to cut some part of the res. to have the frame cover the view instead of separating it?
The only iritating thing is the space between the monitors, are there any possibilities to cut some part of the res. to have the frame cover the view instead of separating it?

I don't know of anything like that, but if you tape a strip of flat black material (has to show no detail) over the touching sides of the monitors, you won't notice the gap as much. I think it is something about the lack of detail from the black material causing you to focus on the bright images. Something to try, worked with my old dual screen setup.
air-max: that's f00kin crazy d00d. :)

in other news... I finally bought Planet Earth (the BBC series) on HD DVD and drooled over it on my Westy last night.. OMFG.. that's some serious jaw dropping goodness..
air-max, if you covered up the middle section, wouldn't that be directly where the aiming cursor goes?
air-max, if you covered up the middle section, wouldn't that be directly where the aiming cursor goes?

Yeah, you need to get a 3rd westy. Can't have a seam in the middle, dude. If I had the money, I'd build a 10'X10'X10' cube out of these monitors and live inside. :p
air-max, if you find that you want to sell one of those westys...shoot me an PM...for serious.
Yeah, you need to get a 3rd westy. Can't have a seam in the middle, dude. If I had the money, I'd build a 10'X10'X10' cube out of these monitors and live inside. :p
Please do that. And before you fry to dead from heat, let me get your address so I can go and grab a pair of westys for myself. :D
Hey, I own this monitor. I'm disappointed in the VGA quality over the XBox 360. How is the Elite over HDMI? I'm sure it is nice because my PS3 is really nice. I didn't notice any improvement at all with the Extended setting over VGA with my 360.

After installing the 1.8 update for the PS3, I still getting a popping noise but the constant flicking on and off has stopped thank god. I think the popping has something to do with the fact that I'm running audio to external speakers.
can somebody recomend me a hd dvd player with built in tv tuner!!! :confused:
if there arent any what are u guys using for a tv tuner..besides a cable box u get from a cable company?
Yeah, you need to get a 3rd westy. Can't have a seam in the middle, dude. If I had the money, I'd build a 10'X10'X10' cube out of these monitors and live inside. :p

Might want to reconsider. Check out and go to the surround gaming section of the forums. But i will give you the low down on why 3 1080p monitors probably won't be to your liking. Currently the best way to attempt 3 monitor gaming is using matrox's triplehead to go. When this device is in use it splits the dvi/vga single into 3. Currently there is only a few select WS modes available (1080 isn't one) but the most common is 3,840 x 1020 (1280 *3). When trying to display a non WS image on a WS screen makes it streched and ugly imho and still the fact of trying to push a non WS resolution onto WS monitors. The only other option would be softh (again in the said website i listed). This use's software to take the images to mulitple monitors. But at a price in performance the frames are stored in system memory till displayed and you cannot use SLI/Crossfire but with Tripleheadtogo you can. FYI
I wanted to post my calibration settings. I used a 3M Vikuiti LCD Setup DVD. Saturation (60), Hue (0), and Sharpness (0) were not changed. I prefer the Cool Color Temp and a Backlight of 0.

DVI-1 using a PC
Brightness: 40
Contrast: 73

VGA using an Xbox 360 with Extended setting enabled
Brightness: 40
Contrast: 85

HDMI using a PS3 with HDMI Full setting enabled.
Brightness: 36
Contrast: 93
I've checked if the second monitor is working and this is what I 've found:

BF2 :D on two displays - superb experience.

It is so real...
and the 1:1 size of weapons or driving the hammer :D

I noticed that it is much easier to pilot the planes and helicopters on the larger displays, is it the resolution?

btw the res is set up to 3840:1080

The only iritating thing is the space between the monitors, are there any possibilities to cut some part of the res. to have the frame cover the view instead of separating it?

Wow....that's friggin'
hey guys has this monitor for 910 shipped if you have a membership..just picked me up one.:cool:
Got one from costco this morning too :)

It says it has an HDTV tuner, but that must be a misprint.
OMG...I'm having like a hard attack of happiness here. :D
I do have a membership at Costco. Well, my mom.
But how is that thing with $999 - $200 with coupon?
When I go into checkout it asks me for email and password. Where do I get this? Do I create an account, or when you have a membership they provide you with this info?
Once my mom gets here, I'll order this baby.

OMG. I can't take out the smile off my face.:D
OMG...I'm having like a hard attack of happiness here. :D
I do have a membership at Costco. Well, my mom.
But how is that thing with $999 - $200 with coupon?
When I go into checkout it asks me for email and password. Where do I get this? Do I create an account, or when you have a membership they provide you with this info?
Once my mom gets here, I'll order this baby.

OMG. I can't take out the smile off my face.:D

You have to make an account and they ask u for ur membership card. Once u do all that add the monitor to ur cart and its an instant 200 off so its 800 + shipping and tax.

I just got one from costco too. Awesome deal.
if you dont have an membership you can still get it with a 5% fee which makes it to 40 bux more. Still comes out less then 1000 for those waiting on a deal.
No way.:)
Guys, you have just made my day. For real, this smile is not coming off my face.
I'll order this tonight for sure, or once my mom gets home, since she is the one with the Costco card.
Yeah, you need to get a 3rd westy. Can't have a seam in the middle, dude. If I had the money, I'd build a 10'X10'X10' cube out of these monitors and live inside. :p

Imagine the loading strip surrounding you ,,,

Thanks for the Costco info.....937.85 including tax, shipping, and a non-member surcharge...I was afraid I wouldn't get my membership number before it was sold out.....still one heck of a deal expecially with the return policy and double the manufacturer warranty.

Thanks again...I'll be posting up some pics when she arrives....
Can you still get this deal for an in-store pickup? and is there any sweet deals like this for the 42" model?
Oh god, these next few weeks are going to suck!! If it comes right before my finals, its game over. Too psyched.
a few UPS hitches later I got mine today. it was the last open box listing that went up on Newegg. 950$ shipped, doesn't beat the new Costco deal though :( but seriously, it has 0 dead pixels, its exterior is flawless and even all the accessories came! the third pic is of mine and Glyphic's from the forums over here lanning :D (glyphic = left, me = right)

pics: (click to go to original)

With no dead pixels I wouldn't be upset at all if I did pay a bit more and the difference is minimal anyway....I almost jumped on the deal you got but I missed it due to my indecision though I wasn't going to miss out again wiith the Costco deal.

With no dead pixels I wouldn't be upset at all if I did pay a bit more and the difference is minimal anyway....I almost jumped on the deal you got but I missed it due to my indecision though I wasn't going to miss out again wiith the Costco deal.


agreed, I'm very very pleased with the decision :)
I love my westy, although its a bit of a pain to lan with, I can't resist being without it for the weekend and using a 19" CRT.
i just purchased one as well from costco.

came out to $895 total.

returning my dell 2407 to costco that i bought in the beginning of april this year.

895-717= ~$180 for the upgrade from 24" to 37" :)

very excited.
I just got my 37w3 and I hooked it up and it is awesome but I noticed that there seems to be quite a bit of ghosting and the picture is not as sharp as I thought it would be.

All I have done so far after hooking it up is set the resolution to 1920 x 1080. I was wondering if there was any other options that I had to set in the monitor or video card settings to get the picture looking top notch.

Also has anyone posted any good calibration specs, and maybe a how to of how to go about calibrating the monitor?
I just got my 37w3 and I hooked it up and it is awesome but I noticed that there seems to be quite a bit of ghosting and the picture is not as sharp as I thought it would be.

All I have done so far after hooking it up is set the resolution to 1920 x 1080. I was wondering if there was any other options that I had to set in the monitor or video card settings to get the picture looking top notch.

Also has anyone posted any good calibration specs, and maybe a how to of how to go about calibrating the monitor?

Nvidia settings 1080P not 1080i you will notice a world of difference.
Nvidia settings 1080P not 1080i you will notice a world of difference.

You my good sir, win.

Now you wouldn't happen to know any calibration settings would ya =D

Edit* also is there any way to have the 37w3 play my computers sound through its built in speakers? I am getting my speakers next week but until then it would be nice to use the integrated speakers on the westy.