got an xfi for a good deal for new computer...wont build yet. should I install on old


Dec 26, 2005
computer? I got an xfi about a month ago for a good deal anticipating building a new computer in that time. Well with the new intel chips on the horizon im holding out for a little. now i have an xfi laying around still in the box. should i just install it on my old computer for now?
I don't see a reason not to install it either.. unless you are planning to sell the X-Fi sometime soon. Even though they are new, I can't see the Intel onboard sound as being better than the X-Fi.
nah i just installed it. it sounds pretty damn good. I was saving it to put in my new build, but that might not happen for anothing month.
Is it the xtrememusic or one of the higher end models? I'm looking into one myself, so any feedback would be appreciated.
its a platinum. very nice so far, i only paid 130 for it when amazon had them on sale. i didn't install the front panel drive yet though. I have some very nice B&W speakers which sounded real good already with a very old SB live value. the xfi certainly provides a bit more ear candy. I have the XFI going into a yamaha rx-396 receiver, then to my speaks.