Google Promises Its A.I. Will Not Be Used for Weapons


Aug 20, 2006
Following the backlash on Project Maven, in which numerous employees protested the use of artificial intelligence for military purposes, Google has declared it would not use A.I. for weapons or for surveillance that violates human rights. The company will continue to work with governments and the military, however.

The new rules were part of a set of principles Google unveiled relating to the use of artificial intelligence. In a company blog post, Sundar Pichai, the chief executive, laid out seven objectives for its A.I. technology, including “avoid creating or reinforcing unfair bias” and “be socially beneficial.”
Do robot gladiators fall under this umbrella? I mean it is the future of spectator sports after all. You think 30 years from now people are still willing to get their brains bashed in playing US football when they can have teams of nerds controlling 8 foot tall steel humanoids instead?

Technically this is "socially beneficial" in that it would prevent millions of head trauma incidents.
"Google has declared it would not use A.I. for weapons or for surveillance that violates human rights"

Well fuck, that's all i needed to hear, i believe em.
A.I. will becomes the biggest game changer in war, when it finally happens. The only thing that keeps man from warring, is the fear of the self inflicted losses. It's hard to get the public to justify a war when it's their family members you are sending to death.

Remove the loss of human life, and war suddenly has no downside. Some country giving you shit? What's to loose in sending in fully automated air superiority, T-800's, and Johnny 5's? Nothing. Fuck 'em. It's just money (assuming that's even an issue in this hypothetical scenario).

I'm telling you, the first country to wage war without humans being in the direct path of danger, will be a fucking force to reckon with.

EDIT: That being said.....what we have now is NOT A.I. It's programming with key words. I have not seen real A.I. demonstrated, and least not in any practical solution. Alexa doesn't know what you are saying, she just listens for keywords and matches them to routines. Wanna prove it? Turn on Alexa, Siri, whatever and say fsdjkfhsd f kjhfgfskg *weather* sklfgdfd s gfjghsd. She will probably tell you the current weather of where you are....why???
A right to privacy is explicitly stated under Article 12 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

I guess as long as there is human intelligence in the loop...
Or just some good old "non intelligent" algorithms...
The truth is, they don't have to do it themselves. All it has to do is be capable, and one of their customers will make it happen. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a "Turn on human rights violation features?" entry in the software, with the warning that it will void your warranty.
I can sum this up in a very brief and absolute statement, which has been proven to be true throughout history: If technology can be abused, then it WILL be abused.
Hubris has been and will be humanity downfall. We keep wasting time in wars, and more toys to kill each while ignoring the real challenges we will face.
Yeah let's keep fantazing about endless war, and dreaming of dominance other nothing.
I can sum this up in a very brief and absolute statement, which has been proven to be true throughout history: If technology can be abused, then it WILL be abused.
Yes, but in the end, its irrelevant. This AI stuff is a "cool"/s tool to have to keep abusing already degraded "enemies" , its irrelevant against "enemies" that can blow our satellites from the sky, and can blow our carriers before striking distance... In other words any country that has been modernizing their military .
If they changed their slogan to 'Do not do no evil', would half of America not quite get it?