Google May Be Launching Subscription Service "Play Pass" for Android Apps, Games


Aug 20, 2006
An APK teardown of the Play Store has revealed evidence that Google may be readying a subscription service allowing members to download as many paid apps and games as they want for a monthly fee. The availability of this feature, called “Play Pass,” is supported by a recent Google survey querying respondents about a subscription-based app store.

Earlier today, one of Kieron’s friends sent him a screenshot of a survey he received in Google Opinion Rewards. The question asks the user to imagine an unnamed “app store” that “has a subscription that offers hundreds of dollars worth of paid apps and games for a monthly fee.” The question then finishes by asking the user to describe how well “Pass” describes the name for such a service.
I received that survey as well, except it asked me how well "Premium" described it.
Usually it's not the initial cost of an app. It's the free/cheap to play / pay to win.
Yeah, if I wanted a pay app I'm more than happy with paying for that app, and the number of apps that I want to pay is extremely tiny. Now if this turns apps that were free, into ones with a subscription wall because hey the developers can now make money off it, then seriously fuck this.
if its more than $2.00/month and a discount if i pay for the year up front then no.

there is so little that is worth buying in that area in the first place.
Apps I've paid for = 0. Apps I'll ever pay for = 0.

This x 10

If this causes companies to move their free apps to the subscription model, I'll take my business elsewhere. (they won't even get the dumb ad revenue any more)
I'm confused by this. 95% of the apps on the playstore seem to be simply free, and littered with adds.

What is the value in a subscription service that unlocks the remaining 5%?
This is less about making money and more about convincing you to use Google Play instead of third parties. Look at what's going on in EU, Google needs to make you feel like it's painful to leave.
Well just dump the app/s and do something else with that free time now. I have 2 free mobile games i get to play to and from work. I can just as easily browse through the news if they start paywalling for pain.