Google Deep Inside You


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
You just thought Google and its tracking was all up your ass? Now Google might literally be up your ass in the future. And shocking you.

The idea behind bioelectronic implants is to modify nerve signals in ways that will fix or counteract problems in the body – a bit like heart pacemakers and defibrillator implants already do. The plan is to develop tiny implants that can connect to the nerves linked to specific organs, and for these implants to be powered wirelessly and operate automatically.
I'm sure there is a case to be made for google controlling our internal organs.
i'm all for this. As long as it's a standalone device without being connected to the internet, it'll be fine. More alternative ways of treating diseases and illnesses are better overall and if google is willing to pony up the cash to start research into it, why not?
I want that logo as a desktop, that's great.
Like this? ;)

Google Shocker Wallpaper.png
Exciting times, I really really can't wait to start hacking into this product line. The office will never be the same, I will be so popular now. :cautious: