Good time to upgrade?

Dec 30, 2005
I'm getting the itch to upgrade my Q6600 & IP35 Pro set up but have been a little out of touch with the latest tech and things in the pipeline. I believe the i5-2500K and Z68 is the current prosumer choice.

Q - Is it a good time to upgrade right now or is there something just around the corner I should hold out for?

Intel's coming out with Ivy Bridge in a few months, AMD is scheduled to release the 7xxx GPUs next month, but it all depends on what your specific needs are. Still, might be good to wait for those to release so current parts go on sale.
Yeah I should probably wait till after Xmas in the hope things go on sale.

It's for gaming (BF3), photo editing (Photoshop), watching 1080p MKVs and web design.
In that case you'd be fine with the current Gen of hardware (Asus P8Z68-V, i5-2400/2500k, ati 6970/ nvidia 560-580)
In terms of CPUs, Intel's Ivy Bridge is supposedly due out in either aerly Q1 2012 or early Q2 2012.

As for video cards, considering that you're using Photoshop, you're better off with a Nvidia card as Adobe Photoshop does take advantage of Nvidia's CUDA tech. Now would be a good time to get a Nvidia card as Nvidia's new Kepler GPUs aren't due for awhile.
Thanks. Actually I already upgraded to Nvidia 560Ti a bit back so it's really just CPU, MB and RAM holding me back. See my sig.

Will read more about Ivy Bridge to see whether it's worth the wait.
Honestly, if you can get a good deal on a 2500k/2600k and mobo I'd say go for it. The IB stuff will be more expensive when it comes out and from early details doesn't bump up performance all that much. Then again, if you're the type who likes to hold out for as long as possible, what's waiting a couple more months going to do? :)