Good gaming Motherboard

Dec 7, 2005
So I am looking into building a computer but am new to what parts are good for a gaming computer. I was wondering if someone could perhaps tell me of a good motherboard for gaming that isnt tooo expensive. Anything else you'd like to add about what to buy for a good gaming comp would be appeciated too .Thx
AMD processor and something with an nForce 4 chipset is where I'd head for a gaming rig... FX processor if you can afford it, or a cheaper dual core processor. Video card selection is arguably more important than the actual brand of motherboard for a gaming rig as well.

Based on past experience ASUS makes great boards for general use... very high quality although I have owned pretty much everything from Epox to Tyan to Abit and now DFI.

Read some of the reviews here of motherboards, or head over to for some other opinions. There aren't too many "bad" boards out there anymore.

For video cards, it's hard to beat BFG for service and support.

My $0.02.
the dfi nf4 series are good for gaming. actually they are only good for 1 game, skeet shooting. have a friend toss it up into the air and blast away at it with your shotgun.
try the epox 9npa series. they are fairly priced, stable, no bios/booting or ram compatibility issues, reliable. and if you are interested, they are great oc boards.
some of the NON-lanparty dfi boards are decent, the nf4-dagf or the nf4 ininity for instance.
cant comment on msi or gigabyte since i havent used either since s754, but then i had reliability and qc probs with both.
asus ok, also abit but abit used to be much better going downhill.
asrock(asus's low end line) has some inexpensive and very interesting boards. their dual sata board is supposed to be very nice.
the evga nf4 boards have some bios probs and ram timing probs(wont run 1t over 200mhz)

good luck with your build
I have used most of the major brands, but the ones that I have found that are the most reliable have been Asus and Biostar. Asus has always been very solid and they come with some great stuff. I have built a good amount of systems using Biostar and have had no problems. I am currently running the the Biostar N4SLI-A9 with a eVga 7800GT. It runs great without any issues. If you are not going to over clock then pick up the Biostar, rock solid and reliable. If you want to spend a bit more and have a bit of overclocking capability look at Asus, Abit, Epox, MSI.
Pretty much all NF4 based motherboards are going to perform within a few percentage points of each other. If you're looking to save money, the Chaintech VNF4/Ultra is a good board with none of the "frills" (firewire, 2nd SATA controller, 2nd GbE, etc.) and costs around $70. It OC's decently also.