Good DVD player software for the computer


Dec 31, 2005
Hey Guys, I need some good DVD player software for my computer. Has to be something free. But sometimes when I try to play a DVD movie in my computer I get errors and it doesn't work too well. I am transcribing an interview I did and it was put on DVD is the main reason why I need a some software now, but overall it would be nice to finally have some DVD software that works almost all the time. Thanks.
Yea I got VLC but it doesn't play this burnt dvd that i have. It was converted from a mini dv camcorder. I also have some problems with clicking the menus and such with normal dvds.
Have you tried Media Player Classic? That's all I use for DVDs on the comp now.
trckn4life said:
Good job reading previous posts.

After a few seconds of Googling, I came across I've no idea how good it is, but it's free.

If it doesn't play your DVD, then you might have to blame it on the free aspect and maybe look into PowerDVD or somethin'.
I use Zoomplayer with FFDshow installed for codecs and Dscaler 5 codec for DVD playback.

I second the suggestion for Media Player Classic if you need something all in one.
Well if you are having problems with VLC and media player classic doesn't work you could always use Mplayer.
Youri Carma said:
Cyberlink Power DvD

The rest klcodec pack.

PowerDVD ain't free, and codec packs... eww.

I'd take MPC over VLC, but I also have enough oem windvd and poweddvd discs to last me a lifetime.

Getting errors in playback could be a scratched or dirty discs, take it out and give it a good wipe.
What's wrong with the codec packz? It never let me down and Alternative mediapalyer Classic and Realmedia and Quicktime included in the Big Pack. Never did me no harm.

For DvD's I experienced the best playback with Power DvD can't help it isn't free.

I hate the windowsmediaplayer newstyle I alwayz use the compact tweaked codec pack Classic style.
google: Combined Community Codec Pack
gives you codecs, zoomplayer, and media classic. it's awesome :D
omz said:
google: Combined Community Codec Pack
gives you codecs, zoomplayer, and media classic. it's awesome :D

I second that recommendation. Haven't had to look at another codec pack since I installed CCCP.
VLC is pretty sweet. just watched Ronin on it on my 46" 1080p samsung, and it looked great.

one question: i have optical running from my HTPC to my yamaha receiver. i ran it in stereo from VLC, but i want it to go bit perfect to the reciever for the DAC. when i run mono, i'm only getting mono...

anyways... /hijack
It's two versions old, but still good for $3. I'd rather use VLC for free than an outdated program that costs money.
Free is nice, but according to VLC's site, it only has partial support of DVD playback (see
So if any problems occur, the image quality isn't as sharp, or this app doesn't handle the DVD playback as well as the OP wants, then the $3 for Power DVD is a bargain compared with more time spent tweaking and troubleshooting.
Media Player Classic + FFDShow is the best player/combo out there.