Getting "atikmdag" error...Please help me out.


Limp Gawd
Jun 21, 2008
After updating my card drivers from 8.9 to 8.10 im getting this error in almost every game. This error just pop-up in my system tray saying "atikmdag crashed and recovered successfully" ...Rolled back to my old drivers 8.9 but now the problem is still there.

Please help me out, as in how to recover from this error.

For complete error message please check out the image.


Thanks in advance...
Are you overclocked? Try re-testing you overclock if you are. My suggestion would be to completely uninstall all graphics drivers, reboot into safe mode, use driver sweeper to scan and clean and left over files, then reinstall the 8.10s and see if it fixes the problem.
Did you install net 2.0? I'd repair windows first, then un-install, safe mode, driver cleaner, reinstall
Since it was a driver update that fubared you. I'd point to that being the problem.

I would uninstall your driver
Run DriverCleaner from safe mode
Reinstall 8.10
Are you overclocked? Try re-testing you overclock if you are. My suggestion would be to completely uninstall all graphics drivers, reboot into safe mode, use driver sweeper to scan and clean and left over files, then reinstall the 8.10s and see if it fixes the problem.
No Overclock here...I just flashed the Asus Bios on my 4870 card and it was running fine on 8.9 driver.
Did you install net 2.0? I'd repair windows first, then un-install, safe mode, driver cleaner, reinstall
I didn't installed the net.20...i'll try the windows repairing thing...
Since it was a driver update that fubared you. I'd point to that being the problem.

I would uninstall your driver
Run DriverCleaner from safe mode
Reinstall 8.10
Already did that...

Uninstalled the driver from Add/remove than ran the driver cleaner/ Driver cleaner Pro ( both different Applications) and than went into safe mode ran both of these driver cleaner programs and than installed the latest drivers but still same problem.

Its Late here, so i'll probably check out the windows repair thing in morning.
I'm having the same problem, I tried updating the drivers to the ones that came out last week and the problem still exists. Are you on Vista 64?

BTW I just re-installed windows vista 64 ultimae and so re-installing does not solve the problem.

I found this thread on the issue.

If it has been around for almost 2 years I doubt ATI can fix the problem anytime soon. Solution may be to buy an Nvidia Card.. :(
I'm having the same problem, I tried updating the drivers to the ones that came out last week and the problem still exists. Are you on Vista 64?

BTW I just re-installed windows vista 64 ultimae and so re-installing does not solve the problem.

I found this thread on the issue.

If it has been around for almost 2 years I doubt ATI can fix the problem anytime soon. Solution may be to buy an Nvidia Card.. :(

I've heard Nvidia having same problems

Has it happened all the time for you, or just after upgrading to 8.10
Does it only happen in windows(2d) or games?
try adding this in registry:
under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers
Create New DWORD value
Name it as TdrDelay
Modify: set value to 5 or 6
Did the windows repair + windows resotre but no luck so far...still getting the same atimdag error. I think card it self crashing, its not the driver issue...If its driver it should settle down with the old drivers but this thing is happening in every driver.

Today gonna re-install my windows plus i'll put my ram on test to narrow down my problem.

Any other suggestions are welcome, if nothing works i'm gonna rma it.
Gonna install the x64 vista now ...and see if the problem persist.

Wish me Gl.;)
i'd try what i suggested first... crossfire won't work in a windowed mode, so if it runs fine in a window and closes full screen, it means you either have a bad PLX chip, bad second core, or a poewr supply that can't cut both cores.
i'd try what i suggested first... crossfire won't work in a windowed mode, so if it runs fine in a window and closes full screen, it means you either have a bad PLX chip, bad second core, or a poewr supply that can't cut both cores.

Im not running my card in crossfire..i have only one card i.e 4870. Is it neccessary to unplug all the optical drives and hdds before i do what you have suggested...On other forum someone said its a known issue in vista and i should go back to windows xp...
I've heard Nvidia having same problems

Has it happened all the time for you, or just after upgrading to 8.10
Does it only happen in windows(2d) or games?

My Dad does not play games so it just happens while browing the internet or general PC use. it is agrivating the crap out of him and he does not like his new computer.
try adding this in registry:
under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers
Create New DWORD value
Name it as TdrDelay
Modify: set value to 5 or 6
Acording tot he other thread this will not stop the problem from occuring.

Fot what its worth I have never had this problem with my 8800GTS, or on my laptop. Both are running vista x64. Maybe the video card is defective? I have contacted ATI and I am waiting for a response.
Installed a fresh copy of vista x86 and problem is still there...gonna install xp now and see if it works fine on xp.....or else i'm going to rma it.
i'd try what i suggested first... crossfire won't work in a windowed mode, so if it runs fine in a window and closes full screen, it means you either have a bad PLX chip, bad second core, or a poewr supply that can't cut both cores.

did what u said. and test went fine on both modes without any crash. My last resort will be windows xp. Otherwise i'm gonna rma it.
gonna reinstall my windows again but this time I won't install soccer 2009. I noticed one thing in installation of soccer,it install directx9 patches around 22 of them and I think might be those patches are causing the issue because before this game my card was working fine. This time I won't install soccer plus I'll switch back 8.9 which were stable for me.
finally installed the xp 32bit gonna install the game to test it out....I hope it works on xp man :( .....this error is driving me crazy ....
Well going back to a 32 bit OS is not a solution for me. My card still crashes at least once an hour on a fresh windows vista install. I don't even need to go into a game to create this error.

Is my only solution to buy an Nvidia card?
I get the same error, but with an nVidia card and the nvidia nv whatever file.

In my case, I found it was a combination of the Aero 3D interface and a incompatible application.
Thing is I have the same apps installed on anotehr copy of vista 64, running aero and i don't have any problems what so ever with my 8800GTS. Or my Laptop which also has the same flavor of vista....It has to be something with the ATI drivers because there is not really much else installed besides photoshop and office.

I can't live with my PC crashing every hour. I guess theres no known solutions yet then and I will need to try another brand video card (even though this one is brand new)...
Try turning off Aero just to see if that stops the crashing.

I can't recall for sure which application I had that caused this, but I think it was Pinnacle Studio 10 before I patched it up. It might have been my Pinnacle TV software as well before I patched it.

And yes, it is VERY annoying while this is happening.
I guess ATI does not even have a solution for their own drivers.

They sent me to this thread.

I guess thhe only solution is to build an entire new computer? WTF.

Removing memory - Not a practicle solution
Turning off Aero - Not a practicle solution (may as well go abck to XP)

So no solutions RMA the video card maybe...But I'd just assume buy a new one
Finally figured out the problem which was causing this issue. On vista it could take me forever to figure out the problem but when i switched back to xp it was easy to rectify it. After 3 days in which i checked each and every part of my Pc, i finally thought its the card now with no more doubts.

I went from xp to vista (x86, x64..i tried both) but no solution, no matter where i switch the damn freakin problem is stuck with my pc. Yesterday one of my friend recommended me to flash my card to the latest bios or some other bios which is compatible with your card, so i flashed my card to RV-770.rom and i was surprised to see that it was actually a bad bios which was causing the issue. played soccer/cod4/tf2/nfs pro street/ without any issue.

If you are facing similar issue i would advise you to flash your card first before you go into checking your other parts of your Pc.

And Thanks to all of them who contributed in this thread, much appreciated. :)
I was getting this same error AFTER I downloaded 8.10 on my 4870x2 by alt/tabbing out of a game.

I fixed this error by simply changing a setting in CCC.
Change to 4x AA, apply...Change to 8xAA, apply.

I've never had this problem just happen randomly, knock on wood, only when I alt/tab out of City of Heroes. It's funny but I can alt/tab out of WoW or anything else and I don't get this error, just City of Heroes.

Also, NVIDIA has the same error as what you're describing. Changing the vid card brand might help but then again so might getting another 4870.

Try accessing CCC and changing the AA and then change it back.

Either way good luck.
I think you missed my last post, what i said. I already resolved this issue.:)
How does one flash your card. Is this a safe procedure. I get the same error. I seem to be able to resolve it by turning my overclocking down on my 4850 card.
How does one flash your card. Is this a safe procedure. I get the same error. I seem to be able to resolve it by turning my overclocking down on my 4850 card.

can't be 100% safe..if problem is gone than why flash?
It's a very goofy problem, for sure, I've seen so many different solutions to it. On my new build, my solution has been fairly straightforward-- remove one of my 4870's. In COD4, my framerates remain high (my standard being 125 fps on a fairly constant basis), and I get no atikmdag errors now. I can also run Stalker without a hiccup, and have stopped getting Catalyst crashes on boot. It seems that in my case, Crossfire is much better in theory then reality.