Get Google Chrome 1.1

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
If you want to get the latest Chrome 1.1 update now, head on over to the Chrome Dev Channel and find out how you can install the Google Chrome Channel Chooser. This is one of those tools that are for the “enthusiast or truly adventurous”, everyone else is probably better off waiting for new betas to hit.

Google Chrome publishes new releases to the Dev channel frequently. The Dev channel gives the community access to upcoming features, features in development, and the latest bug fixes. We can use feedback from Dev channel users to improve and iterate on feature ideas, and make sure that the latest features work properly before we release them to a wider audience.
So, what changes are there in the new version?
Wait this is the version 1.1 beta? Where is the version 1.0?