Genshin Impact


Fully Equipped
Mar 26, 2008
Anyone playing? Turns out the game is awesome and I'm 30ish hours in, still not finished the story and haven't felt the need to spend any money at all.

My plan was if I ever got to that point I'd ditch it but so far I'm pleasantly surprised.

Real BoTW vibes but the multi character system and the combat mechanics make it a ton more fun.

I'm not at all into anime either and so far that hasn't made much of a difference.
I'm actually surprised it took this long for somebody to create a thread considering how this game is blowing up on Twitch.

The game is a total BOTW ripoff. I say that in a good way though. It borrows the "climb literally anything" mechanic which I love. It makes the world feel so much more open and explorable when there's no invisible walls or boundaries in your way.

It's a bit pervy with jiggle physics as expected. Not that I'm complaining.

There's a lot of charm in this world. Music is great. Very enthusiastic voice acting. Art style is excellent.

On the downside, the PC port is terrible. Locked at 60 FPS, small FOV, and the vertical look sensitivity is about 1/4 of the horizontal sensitivity and cannot be adjusted.

1.1 patch is coming real soon so hopefully it addresses some of these issues, especially the look sensitivity.
Yeah, there are some hiccups for sure. The game has a massive install base and is really, really well done but I think the association with a Chinese developer and the whole "gacha" system for loot boxes really turns people off. Such a shame because you can play this game and completely ignore that aspect and still experience the full game.

The 60FPS this was annoying for the first few hours but at this point i'm over it since the game itself is so good.

I meant to look up the full 1.1 patch notes and see if there was a date.
just started, its fun, curious about the multiplayer aspect.
Its.. kinda crap. You can queue for a group to run Domains which works alright but for open world stuff, collecting things and opening chests only works for the party leader. Really awful.
Its.. kinda crap. You can queue for a group to run Domains which works alright but for open world stuff, collecting things and opening chests only works for the party leader. Really awful.

Kinda sad, but given the game type I'm not entirely shocked. Single player is my usual bread and butter anyway outside of some Destiny.
Hmm, my daughter has done pretty much all there is to do in BOTW several times over, I’ve been looking for something to peak her interest on her gaming pc other than minecraft and roblox.

would we be able to queue in our own private party together and do things?
Dude, I could kick op's ass. I fired this up on a whim early last night...Was up late..It's pretty awesome for a F2P. You don't have to buy anything, but if you get hooked, you'll want to.
Dude, I could kick op's ass. I fired this up on a whim early last night...Was up late..It's pretty awesome for a F2P. You don't have to buy anything, but if you get hooked, you'll want to.

Haha, i still haven't felt the need to and I have about 8 characters at level 40 so far. I hear about all these epic 5-star ones that I don't have and i'm kinda jealous but i'm going to hold out!
Hmm, my daughter has done pretty much all there is to do in BOTW several times over, I’ve been looking for something to peak her interest on her gaming pc other than minecraft and roblox.

would we be able to queue in our own private party together and do things?

So, yes and no. Open world coop is a bit crap. You can run around and fight stuff, but progression, collectibles and chest loot is locked to the party leader. I hope that improves.
At Adventure Rank 27, i'm beginning to see the slow progression. I can't continue the story until AR30 and the bosses I need to kill to farm the parts I need to get everyone to ascension rank 2 are hard as hell with my crappy team lol. I did just pull Fichl last night and man, what a difference to replace Lisa.
lol, I'm only Adventure level 18 and I already think its starting to grind a bit. All my characters are level 40, but my enemies are only 15-22.

I agree Lisa sucks, followed by Amber because she can be situationally useful.
lol, I'm only Adventure level 18 and I already think its starting to grind a bit. All my characters are level 40, but my enemies are only 15-22.

I agree Lisa sucks, followed by Amber because she can be situationally useful.
Lisa is awful. When you get 5 star Keqing for electro you’ll hate Lisa even more. Qiqi is also very OP for cryo and when you string together Qiqi’s ice orb with Keqing’s electro prism everything on screen dies a glorious death.

Thoroughly enjoying this game. One of the gems of this game is exploration. I’ve never had so much fun just running around a game world and discovering secrets. I just found the highest point in the game and in order to get there it sent me on a very cool quest of climbing and gliding and rotating crane bird statues toward a mountaintop. There’s so many random things in this game that have nothing to do with quests or story.
The area where that bird puzzle is was absolutely breathtaking. Easily my favorite zone in the whole map so far and I've opened every fast travel point and statue.

I agree 100% though, just exploring and finding puzzles to solve was probably the most fun I had in the game by far.
Hit AR30 the other day and boy, the game slows down. Its a little more enjoyable if you have someone to play with so you can farm the world bosses and domains and some of the artifact sets you can farm for past AR30 are really crazy.

I'm also just one Anemoculus short and I don't know which one I missed. Collecting Geoculus I used the map and checked them off but I wasn't paying attention early game.

Still no Deluc, Venti or any other real good character so Fischl and Xingling are my superstars.

Also this is pretty useful once you get to "endgame" and want to optimize teams/builds and what artifact sets you should be farming for for each character.
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Annnd, like I thought I would, i've hit a wall without wanting to keep playing this which is fine since some other games are coming out soon.

AR36, whole map explored, all the Geoculus/Anemoculus found and 5 or so Lvl 60 characters. Basically its just farm domains and bosses to min/max artifact sets at this point and with the resin limitations, that's just not fun.

I'll wait until the new update and zone is released to jump back in since I really like exploring new areas.
Hit a wall as in you need to grind and/or pay money to progress or do you mean you just completed all of the quests?
Hit a wall as in you need to grind and/or pay money to progress or do you mean you just completed all of the quests?
Mostly completed all the quests, map fully explored and now it's just a game of grinding to level characters and get gold level artifacts.
On the downside, the PC port is terrible. Locked at 60 FPS, small FOV, and the vertical look sensitivity is about 1/4 of the horizontal sensitivity and cannot be adjusted.

1.1 patch is coming real soon so hopefully it addresses some of these issues, especially the look sensitivity.

Good joke. Took the patch a month and a half to release.

Nothing was fixed. ..Besides adding a standard PC game feature; control rebinding.

And most people don't seem to care anymore, because those of us that had problems pretty much all quit by this point.

Emulating Breath of the Wild is a better experience and I'm not even exaggerating.

Also hi I'm here from a google search trying to find a resolution to the FoV being arse so I can actually have SOME enjoyment in the game without getting so sick I can't even play for an hour. There doesn't seem to be anything besides a cheatengine table, which is bad due to the game's anti-cheat. Want to play without getting sick? Have to lose your account!
I hope by the time my new Destiny season hype dies down I'll want to jump back in. I haven't played GI in weeks. What I really want is a new area to explore.
Any of you all still playing this? I wanted to wait for a bit before me and my daughter jump in on this together. It looks like you have to be level 16 to do coop together? How long does it take to reach that level? We are more interested in just running around and exploring.
Any of you all still playing this? I wanted to wait for a bit before me and my daughter jump in on this together. It looks like you have to be level 16 to do coop together? How long does it take to reach that level? We are more interested in just running around and exploring.

Honestly, I don't recall, its been a while.

However, unless they changed something, the coop aspect was quite lacking. If you joined someone for coop, only the party leader would receive items from chests or pickup anything in the world. Essentially it was useful for running the dungeons or bosses but any freeroam stuff, you were better off doing solo.
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Any of you all still playing this? I wanted to wait for a bit before me and my daughter jump in on this together. It looks like you have to be level 16 to do coop together? How long does it take to reach that level? We are more interested in just running around and exploring.

However, unless they changed something, the coop aspect was quite lacking. If you joined someone for coop, only the party leader would receive items from chests or pickup anything in the world. Essentially it was useful for running the dungeons or bosses but any freeroam stuff, you were better off doing solo.
Pretty much this.

As far as I'm aware, co-op hasn't changed one bit since launch (besides bugfixes). The chat system was improved so there's actually the ability to talk to people in-game while not in the same co-op session, but nothing at all has improved with the experience.

As for getting to level 16, if playing casually and ignoring the main story, can take a week or two. If you rush it, you can probably get there in a day or so.

But like criccio said; it's really just for killing bosses together since everything else, even talking to NPCs, is very restricted. Was one of the biggest letdowns in the community. Heck someone even made a nice formatted list about it (outdated):

Doesn't mean you can't still have fun though.
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I finally quit this game. Honestly I should probably try to sell my account (i'm not sure what the market is for GI account since it's basically "single player") - but wow did I spend way too much money in this game over the past few months.
I finally quit this game. Honestly I should probably try to sell my account (i'm not sure what the market is for GI account since it's basically "single player") - but wow did I spend way too much money in this game over the past few months.

Would you say that you spent more than $20-30? $50-60? one time, or monthly? Even if you put aside issues with updates, quality or content as discussed above, I have nothing but contempt for " F2P / mobile style" monetization models not just for data mining and other exploitative metrics, but especially the "gatcha-style" mechanic that pretty much demands gambling mechanics and randomness plus various levels of obfuscation and complexity (you "draw" a certain amount of randomized assets, hoping for the 5-star or S-rank ones which are the most powerful and desirable but this is rare. However , you'll get a lot of junk in the process and be able to somehow convert that junk or copies thereof into various currencies, which can be combined eventually to let you "draw" again, or build towards something you do want etc) to make it all seem viable. By design it is designed to get you to spend more and there are always limited time promos where it seems "well, I may as well pay for this because I'm guaranteed to get at least one 5-star / SSS-rank card if I use the Grandiose Summon" or whatever it may be, it can get quite expensive. While it is possible to get lucky and/or sink a lot of time in to make up for lack of money to an extent, the "good stuff" is always just out of reach and there's always some new thing introduced , usually for a limited time, that you don't want to miss and/or becomes prohibitively rare or difficult to stumble upon later via 'normal, free summoning".

Genshin Impact isn't the only title that does this type of mechanic - there are a ton of other games with big properties (ie Dragon Ball , Final Fantasy, and Fire Emblem all have mobile-focused titles ) that use this type of strategy. Overall I like the idea of Genshin Impact's gameplay, inspired by Breath of The Wild, but from what others have described here as is the case with frequency in this monetization strategy, sometimes the actual game mechanics fall by the wayside or don't really change very much as they focus their content development primarily to weave into monetization (ie new events, characters, assets, cosmetics etc.. that can be put in the "pool" of stuff to encourage more package/random spending? Good. Things like story, game content, dungeons, overhauls to major mechanics etc... less so), I've found.

I'd much rather have seen Genshin Impact give up the "gatcha" and other mobile/item mall/f2p typical models and instead go a different direction. Free version (permanent free trial as it were with some limitations, since people expect free stuff especially on mobile) and then buy-to-play content blocks. You buy the full version and get full access to the game as it stands, along with likely some content patches, but you can also sell expansions/DLC updates for new content every so often. For the modern era it need not even be "retail" level purchases but more frequent mini-packs as it were ; its likely many would purchase your game , continue to keep a thriving ecosystem of players for co-op et al , buying new chapters and content as it arrives. However, as with most ethical things its never as potentially profitable as the exploitative. Metrics have shown almost every gatcha-type / F2P heavy mobile monetization type are predicated on "sneaking" users to spend far more than they would normally and often derive the majority of their income from a small player base of "whales", which means an increasing focus on those "whales" to get them to keep spending, because you drive away the casual players, which means more dependence on whales which mean policies even more offputting to casual players etc.

Even the most successful with huge amounts of revenue don't mean massive changes to making a better game, more content, or the like , but instead simply reinvesting in tweaking the psycholological tricks and tactics to optimize extraction within the same model. While it is possible to enjoy these sorts of games, keep your wits about you and a tight hold on your wallet, I do wish that Genshin Impact among all others of its type would dispense with the design and monetization decisions that lead down this path, instead focusing on making better games.
Would you say that you spent more than $20-30? $50-60? one time, or monthly? Even if you put aside issues with updates, quality or content as discussed above, I have nothing but contempt for " F2P / mobile style" monetization models not just for data mining and other exploitative metrics, but especially the "gatcha-style" mechanic that pretty much demands gambling mechanics and randomness plus various levels of obfuscation and complexity (you "draw" a certain amount of randomized assets, hoping for the 5-star or S-rank ones which are the most powerful and desirable but this is rare. However , you'll get a lot of junk in the process and be able to somehow convert that junk or copies thereof into various currencies, which can be combined eventually to let you "draw" again, or build towards something you do want etc) to make it all seem viable. By design it is designed to get you to spend more and there are always limited time promos where it seems "well, I may as well pay for this because I'm guaranteed to get at least one 5-star / SSS-rank card if I use the Grandiose Summon" or whatever it may be, it can get quite expensive. While it is possible to get lucky and/or sink a lot of time in to make up for lack of money to an extent, the "good stuff" is always just out of reach and there's always some new thing introduced , usually for a limited time, that you don't want to miss and/or becomes prohibitively rare or difficult to stumble upon later via 'normal, free summoning".

Genshin Impact isn't the only title that does this type of mechanic - there are a ton of other games with big properties (ie Dragon Ball , Final Fantasy, and Fire Emblem all have mobile-focused titles ) that use this type of strategy. Overall I like the idea of Genshin Impact's gameplay, inspired by Breath of The Wild, but from what others have described here as is the case with frequency in this monetization strategy, sometimes the actual game mechanics fall by the wayside or don't really change very much as they focus their content development primarily to weave into monetization (ie new events, characters, assets, cosmetics etc.. that can be put in the "pool" of stuff to encourage more package/random spending? Good. Things like story, game content, dungeons, overhauls to major mechanics etc... less so), I've found.

I'd much rather have seen Genshin Impact give up the "gatcha" and other mobile/item mall/f2p typical models and instead go a different direction. Free version (permanent free trial as it were with some limitations, since people expect free stuff especially on mobile) and then buy-to-play content blocks. You buy the full version and get full access to the game as it stands, along with likely some content patches, but you can also sell expansions/DLC updates for new content every so often. For the modern era it need not even be "retail" level purchases but more frequent mini-packs as it were ; its likely many would purchase your game , continue to keep a thriving ecosystem of players for co-op et al , buying new chapters and content as it arrives. However, as with most ethical things its never as potentially profitable as the exploitative. Metrics have shown almost every gatcha-type / F2P heavy mobile monetization type are predicated on "sneaking" users to spend far more than they would normally and often derive the majority of their income from a small player base of "whales", which means an increasing focus on those "whales" to get them to keep spending, because you drive away the casual players, which means more dependence on whales which mean policies even more offputting to casual players etc.

Even the most successful with huge amounts of revenue don't mean massive changes to making a better game, more content, or the like , but instead simply reinvesting in tweaking the psycholological tricks and tactics to optimize extraction within the same model. While it is possible to enjoy these sorts of games, keep your wits about you and a tight hold on your wallet, I do wish that Genshin Impact among all others of its type would dispense with the design and monetization decisions that lead down this path, instead focusing on making better games.

Not going to lie - I probably dropped close to 3-4 grand since the game launched, having played daily until about a week ago when I quit. I'll never play another gacha in my life. I've never even gambled at a casino, but those 5* limited time characters and the sub-Reddit had me hooked.

The game will never go in another direction, which is sad - it has the makings of a full fledged game, but it won't flesh out. It's a mobile game first and will remain that way despite the large PC user base.
Not going to lie - I probably dropped close to 3-4 grand since the game launched, having played daily until about a week ago when I quit. I'll never play another gacha in my life. I've never even gambled at a casino, but those 5* limited time characters and the sub-Reddit had me hooked.

The game will never go in another direction, which is sad - it has the makings of a full fledged game, but it won't flesh out. It's a mobile game first and will remain that way despite the large PC user base.

I don't understand how people can drop that kind of money on such a turd of a game.
I don't either but when I was playing it, it absolutely wasn't a turd. BotW level of world detail with significantly more engaging combat.
I don't either but when I was playing it, it absolutely wasn't a turd. BotW level of world detail with significantly more engaging combat.
It might of been fine at first but it was clearly designed to suck money out of you the longer you play. Also I am not going to comment on BoTW. My opinions have been made clear on that game on other threads.
A new promotional video posted on their channel:

Not sure how this stuff got 150K likes in 12 hours though.
Is Genshin Impact fun to play even if I were to avoid the whole Gacha pay system?
Can I prevent my kids from spending real money on the game if I install it on their computer? (i.e., doesn't force you to input CC info?)