geforce ultra 512mb @ monarch

i built my entire rig (see sig) for that price. i would never in my life pay 900 for a VGA.

a bump for you thou.
if you ran 2 256mb 6800ultras in sli it would cost more. Not a bad price for 512.

512 = 900 monarc

2 * 256 = 1070 newegg
what if u SLI two of the 512 card, HAHAHA. you will be set for ever. with both games and debt
D4RK1C3 said:
if you ran 2 256mb 6800ultras in sli it would cost more. Not a bad price for 512.

512 = 900 monarc

2 * 256 = 1070 newegg
sli would be faster though, you're not just using sli for the extra memory, you get a second processor to load balance
D4RK1C3 said:
im just saying that its not as horrable price as the op made it out to be.
actually, it kind of is... that extra ram really wouldn't add much at all in terms of performance to today's games. 2 GTs would cost less and totally rape the 512mb ultra.

you can get a 256 megabyte 6600vanilla for 130 dollars, or a 128 megabyte one for less. the both suck performance-wise. if nVidia were to create a 512 meg 6600 vanilla, it would still suck (heh, a 512 meg budget card, weird idea). Extra ram isn't the be all to end all.
Holy shit, that's crazy! :eek:

Just wait a couple generations of cards later, they will all cost that.

Remember when the TNT2's came out and you could buy the best gaming card on Earth for $200?
Oh, the good'ol days.
Well, heck, for those of us with K8WEs we could conceivably use it in an SLI setup once we win the lottery.

Until then, one more thing that monarch doesn't want you to know about (and didn't let me use with 2 separate orders, so I'm posting this everywhere I can)...

The jerks just changed it from 10% off $800 or more.
old64mb said:
Well, heck, for those of us with K8WEs we could conceivably use it in an SLI setup once we win the lottery.

Until then, one more thing that monarch doesn't want you to know about (and didn't let me use with 2 separate orders, so I'm posting this everywhere I can)...

The jerks just changed it from 10% off $800 or more.

chronic9 said:
what if u SLI two of the 512 card, HAHAHA. you will be set for ever. with both games and debt
The people of 3 years later are laughing at you.
If i remember correctly, using SLI for doom 3 is not gonna work for the ultra grf settings or whatever its called. The ultra quality settings for doom were aimed at 512mb cards. In the case of using two 256 megs in SLI, the same textures get loaded into each card.

This is the only upside i could think of ...however small
debaser_ said:
If i remember correctly, using SLI for doom 3 is not gonna work for the ultra grf settings or whatever its called. The ultra quality settings for doom were aimed at 512mb cards. In the case of using two 256 megs in SLI, the same textures get loaded into each card.

This is the only upside i could think of ...however small
Yeah even on ultra settings, I don't think the texture difference is very good. And the performance hit of doing the uncompressed textures is pretty severe.

And as for the extra RAM being the end-all be-all, I bought a GF2 MX 64MB way back in the day. The only problem was, the core was so slow the added 32MB RAM gave me 5fps increase, at most (except in just the right situation). Also, there was a 128MB Radeon 8500, and 256MB GeforceFX 5200. The fact is, only in memory-limited situations will these "large" amounts of RAM actually help. Often, since it's a current-gen card with next-gen memory levels, I bet the X850 core will be the limiting factor in most situations, so much of the extra RAM would go unused.
Ive got an even better deal ;) here at Zip-Zoom-Fly. on a 6800 Ultra with 512mb of ram. $1200 bucks worth!! :eek: :mad: Anyone who orders this card needs a shrink.

How many of these do ya' want?? Two for SLI @ $2400!! :rolleyes:
This card is worth it for the ppl running the 2560x1600 and 3840x2400 resolutions on the 30" Apple and IBM displays.
soekev said:
This card is worth it for the ppl running the 2560x1600 and 3840x2400 resolutions on the 30" Apple and IBM displays.
No thanks. Even if I had a 30" display, I believe I could live with 2048x1536 for the price difference.
I was wondering when non-commercial video cards with 512MB
of memory were gonna start showing up.

I've seen professional level cards with 512 and even 768MB of ram,
but not gamer cards.