GeForce 6600 256MB PCI-E for $29.00

gotta order 5 with overnight shipping
this deal will be dead before you get yor confirmation emails
gl everyone though
I ordered one earlier when it was first posted on FW.
I'm glad that it's not avaliable to Canadians... because I would risk it, and I don't need to spend any more money.
how does the demo work opposed to a regular one? can ya still use ti for better gaming? :confused:
Demo (generally a term for a used card) means that there was prolly very few (used to show how the card worked, prolly in a system used for testing/showing the gen public what the card can do) so I doubt there are like 100 cards - more like 10 or less...
bought cases from z-buy ages ago ( had best price on them - a server case for $50 three years ago was an excellent deal) If I remember there was a language barrier then - I bet it is still there (and haunting them on this deal..)
workingnonstop said:
damn, if it was on fat wallet first, there's no way anybody is getting anything. :(
I think i was the first to buy it after it was posted. The OP and first reply were both too skeptical to buy it.

z-buy also has the (demo) x600 Pro for $59.00.
I bit 30 shipped for me and if they back out I'll give them hell for all of us. I don't even have pci-e yet :D
umbra said:
I bit 30 shipped for me and if they back out I'll give them hell for all of us. I don't even have pci-e yet :D
heh, neither do i, and i'm in more than you... :eek:

edit: what do you guys think these would resell for? :cool:
Glow said:
who ordered 2+?

Z-buy is sketchy as hell in their labeling of the things they sell. But it might be a good deal, be careful.
hope this is here in teh morning so i can get my order in. too tired now.
"NVIDIA GF 6600 256MB PCX (Demo Only Card, Not Manual, Drive )"

Demo only. I bet if you dont return it within a few weeks they bill you $400 :p
neisius said:
"NVIDIA GF 6600 256MB PCX" Doesn't say it's PCIe. It says PCX.

PCX was nVidia's code word for PCI-E back when they made the FX5300 and the other first PCI-E cards.
robberbaron said:
PCX was nVidia's code word for PCI-E back when they made the FX5300 and the other first PCI-E cards.

Does the PCX work in standard PCI slots?
:edit: found info tha tsays it is..

if they think there charging me more later (assumign it is a demo) they have anothe rthing coming.. i chose one of my cards tha thas like 50 dollars left on it.. Good luck!
robberbaron said:
PCX was nVidia's code word for PCI-E back when they made the FX5300 and the other first PCI-E cards.
But unfortunately there's at least one 6600 manufacturer that uses PCX to refer to PCIe cards (gainward). And i'm pretty sure i've seen at least 2 smaller companies that do the same.
well damn I ordered one
and when I got my confirm code in myemail it says I ordered 2 WTF somehow I got billed for 2.........
spectrumbx said:
You guys never learn. Do ya? :rolleyes:
Learn what? That trying to buy something OOS results in a refund/expired funds hold? It doesn't hurt to try, especially from a reputable company. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
w00t i got in :p

completely off there page now.. LOL, hope this come sthrough..
Firebomb said:
well damn I ordered one
and when I got my confirm code in myemail it says I ordered 2 WTF somehow I got billed for 2.........

I as well got charged for 2. :confused: