Geek Squad Caught Stealing Porn

It's just porn... lol.... all of you thinking this is so wrong say it..... it is just porn.... All of the what if's don't apply. The article doesn't say they are taking anything else, so save your preaching and morals.

It's probably where the virus came from (most people probably take their pc's to best buy for virus's etc.)
The point is that you're completely missing the point. The issue isn't even whether you care if someone looks at your shit. After all, in this case, the consumerist computer didn't lose anything, nothing was stolen. The question is whether someone doing such a thing is wrong when you take a computer, a car, a toaster, or whatever it is to a professional company to have something done to it. All of the people saying that's cool, then fine, it's also cool when its not just porn.

It's still a crime whether its porn, whether the consumer didn't encrypt their files, and most important:

The public has a right to know that apparently all you jackass computer techs think its ok to peruse all of their personal information.
No, I got your point. Its the principle of the thing. Stealing is stealing even if it is relatively unimportant.

I never said I didn't think stealing was wrong.
Anyone who wasn't raised by wolves knows that. Some people just have a more "relative" way of looking at it, therefore they steal if they need it, think its no big deal, or they just do it for the thrill, etc. Either way, stealing is still immoral and illegal.
Anyone who isn't naive or didn't grow up in some fenced in Utopia knows there is always a chance that someone will take advantage of you.

I would be pissed if someone looked through my personal info on my computer. But if I was naive enough to think that someone wouldn't try, then its my fault as well.

If all that was stolen off my computer was porn or music, I would atleast be grateful something more important were stolen.;)
At the same time I would be mad at myself for not taking preventative measures to keep it from being stolen.
If they had stolen something in a password protected file or encrypted file, I would be calling my lawyer.
If I didn't find out about what was stolen until later, I guess I would have to deal with those consequences. c'est la vie:rolleyes: There's a risk in doing anything. That's life.
It's just porn... lol.... all of you thinking this is so wrong say it..... it is just porn.... All of the what if's don't apply. The article doesn't say they are taking anything else, so save your preaching and morals.

It's probably where the virus came from (most people probably take their pc's to best buy for virus's etc.)

I guess it's just the idea of somebody rifling through all my stuff looking for dirty pics that creeps me out. After reading this I am very unlikely to ever take my PC to any tech without removing the hard drive first. I am certainly glad that I know how to install my own programs and pretty much keep away from places that could infect me with viruses and trojans.
Its not a matter of profession, its not a matter of the specific privacy invasion at question, its just showing human nature.
I bet if the plummer would be 100% confident he/she could get away by looking through other people's drawers, he/she would look at it.
Similarly, I can bet a lot of computer repairs people are going to stop doing this, or at least check for sceen recording programs before snooping around.
Not always are people trying to harm anyone by going through their stuff, they just are bored and want to look around. I bet if I was copying a big file, I'd be bored and do something non-destructive like look around as well.

There was a candid camera T.V. show I saw where a cardboard image of a buffed up man with an external Hawaii skirt was in. Every woman that came in, got curious and wanted to look. Clearly it was unnecessary and unrelated, but people are curious. Without curiosity there would be no progression ;) (this also happened with the men and a hot woman).

Regarding this situation though. As a customer I wouldn't want people to go look through my stuff, despite their mostly harmless nature. As long as we keep busting and firing them, that should create enough fear for them to think twice before putting their job on the line :D

I'm sure we all once in the past downloaded some illegal music even though we knew it was like stealing. Now we have stopped cause of getting busted. Expect the same trend to happen with the Geek Squads :)
Personally, this whole deal pisses me off like none other. Of course, the day I take my computer to a tech is the day I shoot myself. :rolleyes:

1) Rooting through people's shit is wrong. Hard, cold, fact.
2) It's still gonna happen, cause people are assholes (as this thread has clearly shown).
3) No law enforcement agency is gonna care if stuff gets copied or stolen from your machine.


Either make friends with a geek who can do it all for you, who you KNOW you can trust, or learn about it yourself, cause you'll pay 4x the cost of the tech in backing up and protecting yourself from the dirty dealers.
When I worked for the Geek Squad I caught some agents stealing music from customer's
computers and after I informed our Precinct Chief he made sure it would never happen again. And
as far as I know, it never did.

I was my precinct's data backup guy because I was trustworthy enough to go searching through
hard drives for things that people want to save. I saw porn files, but I never opened them. It was
none of my business. I did have to call a few people to ask if they wanted porn filled folders saved
and most of them said yes.
wasn't geeksquad the folks that were caught peeping with a setup webcam at this one woman a while back? There were called the peep-squad for a while.

The geeksquad is disturbing me more and more.
Its not a matter of profession, its not a matter of the
...Every woman that came in, got curious and wanted to look. Clearly it was unnecessary and unrelated...

Whoops, it should read:

...Every woman that came in, got curious and wanted to look [underneath the skir ;)]. Clearly it was unnecessary and unrelated...

I'm new to the forum and couldn't find an edit option.
As an amendment to my reaction to all of this, I just wanted to say it's just the attitude of people saying it's something that shouldn't be worried about, and it should be accepted that got me going into a spasm churning out a few large walls of text. If somebody doesn't give a crap whether the techs do it or not with their machine, hey thats fine. I just want to reserve the right to punch the tech's lights out if I find myself in a situation with them doing that to my computer! :D

So they should be mindful that there are people out there that won't really take it too well if they found out about this kind of thing happening to them. Perhaps they should at least ask "hey if I find porn on your computer, can I make a copy for myself?" :D
Beside the fact that what these people were doing was illegal,if they lacked the morality to know it was wrong,then it's very possible,likely even,that some of them didn't stop at stealing porn.These are supposed to be professionals,they should act like it.People have a certain level of trust,wisely or not,in services like this.When that trust is violated,it can put a cloud of suspicion over others in the business.
Yeah....this sounds like some of the stupid shit I'd end up getting caught doing. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I think that a lot of the people in this thread are simply taking this way too personally. It's my belief that if you feel the need to hide something and aren't comfortable with other people knowing about it, then that isn't something you should be doing in the first place. When it comes to sensitive information like bank account numbers, passwords, credit card information, anything that provides you with income, etc, then it's your responsibility to make sure that information is secure.

Everyone with even the slightest bit of common sense should know that it's foolish to keep sensitive data on a computer if you aren't prepared to ensure the safety of that data. Not only do you risk allowing the high school drop out in the geek squad (whom for some reason people think are "professionals") getting their hands on it when your computer breaks, but you also risk losing it to hardware failures, viruses, internet based attacks, identity theft when you improperly dispose of a hard drive, and a myriad of other things as well. If you absolutely have to keep important data on your computer, at least try to have sufficient backups and encryption protection. Even that isn't foolproof, but it's a start.

People also want to bring up examples that they think are analogous, but the same principles apply there as well. I don't know about you guys, but I actually clean my car out before I take it to a shop. I'm not stupid enough to leave something important to me in the trunk or sitting on the passenger seat. I've worked as a mechanic for a few years, and there were hundreds of times when I had a legitimate reason for digging through their car looking for something. A good example is when I would have to remove the wheel to change the cars shocks. You'd be surprised at how many people out there don't even realize they have locking lug nuts, so I'm left with no choice but having to get into their glove box, center console, trunk, etc in order to find the lug nut key. I don't enjoy it and I've never stolen anything or interested myself in their personal belongings, but others do.

I'm not condoning people going through your personal belongings when they're supposed to be working, but it does happen and you should be prepared for it instead of shocked and appalled. The bottom line is that as a rule you should avoid keeping embarrassing or confidential material in both your car, and your computer. If for some reason you absolutely feel the need to do so, then for gods sake, at least take some steps to protect that data. Clean your car out when you go to the mechanic, and do the same to your computer when you take it to the "professionals" at Best Buy. :rolleyes:
Whoops, it should read:

...Every woman that came in, got curious and wanted to look [underneath the skir ;)]. Clearly it was unnecessary and unrelated...

I'm new to the forum and couldn't find an edit option.

The comments forum doesn't have an edit option. Make a mistake here, its permanent! :eek:

The other sections, however, the edit function is right next to the quote option.
It's my belief that if you feel the need to hide something and aren't comfortable with other people knowing about it, then that isn't something you should be doing in the first place.

Ugh. That's just one of those statements that I feel are the bane of a free society. So many oppressive regimes have been based on that belief. :(

I think a lot of people say that, though, without actually realising all of the the implications of it. It's something my mom used to tell me, but doesn't dare say around me anymore. :D
Ugh. That's just one of those statements that I feel are the bane of a free society. So many oppressive regimes have been based on that belief. :(

I think a lot of people say that, though, without actually realising all of the the implications of it. It's something my mom used to tell me, but doesn't dare say around me anymore. :D

I agree. That quote is just asinine. I enjoy takking a good dump, but I don't do it with the stall door open.
I agree. That quote is just asinine. I enjoy takking a good dump, but I don't do it with the stall door open.

I'm not sure it was ever intended to be a mandated law, just a guide for moral situations. Like, "if you couldn't tell your grandma what you do, don't do it". Whatever, everyone's gotta have their own standards, and of course they're all right. :rolleyes:
I'm not sure it was ever intended to be a mandated law, just a guide for moral situations. Like, "if you couldn't tell your grandma what you do, don't do it". Whatever, everyone's gotta have their own standards, and of course they're all right. :rolleyes:

Not talking about the context of law, only the quote that "if you are ashamed of someone seeing something, you shouldn't be doing it".
Ugh. That's just one of those statements that I feel are the bane of a free society. So many oppressive regimes have been based on that belief. :(

I think a lot of people say that, though, without actually realising all of the the implications of it. It's something my mom used to tell me, but doesn't dare say around me anymore. :D

Oh, I'm quite aware of all the implications my statements. I'm all about personal freedoms and whatnot, but I'm also an avid supporter of taking responsibility for ones own actions. You need to realize that freedom isn't about living in a perfect world where nothing bad ever happens.

You're entirely free to be a complete moron and not exert responsibility for your supposed cherished possessions, just don't cry about it when someone else uses their freedom to take advantage of it.
Oh, I'm quite aware of all the implications my statements. I'm all about personal freedoms and whatnot, but I'm also an avid supporter of taking responsibility for ones own actions. You need to realize that freedom isn't about living in a perfect world where nothing bad ever happens.

You're entirely free to be a complete moron and not exert responsibility for your supposed cherished possessions, just don't cry about it when someone else uses their freedom to take advantage of it.

You don't cry, you take the appropriate remedial action. Lawsuit, boycott, criminal prosecution, ass beating, etc.
I agree. That quote is just asinine. I enjoy takking a good dump, but I don't do it with the stall door open.

Haha, don't even get me started on you bud. If anything in this thread is asinine, it's you. Expressing your opinion on a topic is one thing, but when it's taken to the level you have where you act like a wounded animal at every turn, it leads me to believe that you're just one of the fattys with kiddie porn out there. The thought of some geek at best buy catching you with your pants down must leave you with cold sweats at night. :rolleyes:
Haha, don't even get me started on you bud. If anything in this thread is asinine, it's you. Expressing your opinion on a topic is one thing, but when it's taken to the level you have where you act like a wounded animal at every turn, it leads me to believe that you're just one of the fattys with kiddie porn out there. The thought of some geek at best buy catching you with your pants down must leave you with cold sweats at night. :rolleyes:

Since I would never take my PC into such a place, you'd be wrong. I find privacy rights to be an interesting topic, and I find the moronic teenage macho dumbass answers in this thread, like the ones you're spouting, to be a fascinating commentary on the sad state of the public's understanding of these issues.

If you have a problem with me commenting, start your own forum and reject my application for posting privileges.
Haha, don't even get me started on you bud. If anything in this thread is asinine, it's you. Expressing your opinion on a topic is one thing, but when it's taken to the level you have where you act like a wounded animal at every turn, it leads me to believe that you're just one of the fattys with kiddie porn out there. The thought of some geek at best buy catching you with your pants down must leave you with cold sweats at night. :rolleyes:

See that's why that statement is so scary. Because it leads to these kinds of accusations, which then leads to the belief "if you don't want to be searched, you must be guilty" kind of thing. I think nothing would please some law enforcement agencies more than to be able to use that as a tactic to get around warrants. Tell somebody to submit to a search or be determined to be summarily guilty of the crime, and if that can't be done, just be publicly ridiculed. Sounds more like the Gestapo or KGB to me.

Damn, man, it just seems like you are trying to whip up a frenzy that will wind up with getting the entire discussion locked.
Since I would never take my PC into such a place, you'd be wrong. I find privacy rights to be an interesting topic, and I find the moronic teenage macho dumbass answers in this thread, like the ones you're spouting, to be a fascinating commentary on the sad state of the public's understanding of these issues.

If you have a problem with me commenting, start your own forum and reject my application for posting privileges.

Please, by all means show me something I've said that qualifies as "moronic teenage macho dumbass answers", backed up by legitimate, logical reasoning.

Look, it's very simple. I don't even feel like writing another paragraph about it, so I'll summarize it for you. Maybe you'll understand it a little better that way.

  1. Stop being such a baby and take personal responsibility for your actions. That's the number one thing wrong with our society today. Instead of pointing the finger at everyone else, try to think about what you could have done differently. The only thing you have control over in life is yourself.
  2. You're right, it's wrong that people rifle through your personal belongings when they're supposed to be doing their jobs. The fact of the matter though is that it happens, pure and simple. It's up to you to take the steps to prevent that from happening rather than acting like a shocked soccer mom about it.
  3. Don't keep the really important things on your computer, in your car, on your person, or any other insecure place. It's up to you to make sure the things which are important to you are safe from prying eyes, no one else.
  4. Stop assuming that the idiots who work in Best Buy are "professionals". They're not. End of story. Most of those guys barely get paid a few bucks above minimum wage, so of course the majority of the people hired have very little experience in the field, and typically aren't the most responsible people in the world. If people who worked in tech support got paid 70K a year and were subject to strict hiring policies then things would be different. I'd say that yes they are professionals, and should hold themselves to higher standards than that.
  5. The above is not an excuse for their actions in any way, but again we're back to point 1 and you should take responsibility for your own personal possessions. If this crap is so damned important to you that you're willing to go on a public tirade about it, then take care of it a little better.
  6. Say this to yourself every night before you go to sleep: "We do no live in a perfect world. We do not live in a perfect world. We do not live in a perfect world." In all likeliness, we never will, so quell those tears and deal with it.

Really, this isn't that complicated, and doesn't deserve this much drama. If it's something that you feel is important to you, take care of it and quit crying about it.
[*]Stop assuming that the idiots who work in Best Buy are "professionals". They're not.

They work for a corporation and are paid to do a job, not paid to root around your PC. Stop repeating this idiotic argument. Just because they don't make 100k per doesn't exempt them from the standards of professional conduct that should be expected from the retail schlub making 4 dollars an hour and the highly educated person making a million a year. And knowledge of consequence doesn't excuse behavior. Just because I know that if I send my food back, it'll likely get spit in, doesn't make it ok for them to spit in it.
See that's why that statement is so scary. Because it leads to these kinds of accusations, which then leads to the belief "if you don't want to be searched, you must be guilty" kind of thing. I think nothing would please some law enforcement agencies more than to be able to use that as a tactic to get around warrants. Tell somebody to submit to a search or be determined to be summarily guilty of the crime, and if that can't be done, just be publicly ridiculed. Sounds more like the Gestapo or KGB to me.

Damn, man, it just seems like you are trying to whip up a frenzy that will wind up with getting the entire discussion locked.

No, actually the people who are trying to create a frenzy are you and Technoob. If you'd care to peruse the past few pages, the majority of the posts are from you two. Posts filled with heated passion and drama I might add.

As per my comment, the fact that people such as yourself choose to not realize the difference between a casual expression of sarcasm and the invasive intrusion and abuse of power from governing authorities is what really scares me. The fact of the matter is in my opinion it's the overreacting of the population in general that allows the government to do those kinds of things.

Stop trying to put words in other peoples mouths, because no where did I once say that I support tyrannical governmental behavior. My entire point through all of this has been simple: "Bad things happen, it's up to you to take responsibility for your own possessions". That's all, nothing more.

Take responsibility for your own actions. I fail to see how that's so scary to you.
Okay, the first two points completely contradict each other. I think that's the number one thing wrong with society today.. People are willing to tell somebody to take responsible for their own actions, but when somebody does something to them, suck it up and take it!

And professionals or not, hell when I worked as a cashier I wasn't a professional.. But that didn't mean I could take money out of the till any time I wanted, or give people free stuff. So where is their sense of taking responsibility? :)
Take responsibility for your own actions. I fail to see how that's so scary to you.

I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I have spent much of my life being told to take responsibility for my own actions by people who largely never had to take any responsibility for their own. Hence I have taken responsibility for my own actions and suffered the consequences of many other people who didn't do the same. I guess that makes me a bit cynical and misanthropic.
No, actually the people who are trying to create a frenzy are you and Technoob. If you'd care to peruse the past few pages, the majority of the posts are from you two. Posts filled with heated passion and drama I might add.

As per my comment, the fact that people such as yourself choose to not realize the difference between a casual expression of sarcasm and the invasive intrusion and abuse of power from governing authorities is what really scares me. The fact of the matter is in my opinion it's the overreacting of the population in general that allows the government to do those kinds of things.

Stop trying to put words in other peoples mouths, because no where did I once say that I support tyrannical governmental behavior. My entire point through all of this has been simple: "Bad things happen, it's up to you to take responsibility for your own possessions". That's all, nothing more.

Take responsibility for your own actions. I fail to see how that's so scary to you.

Show me where I ever said nobody has any responsibility for their things. What we've been replying to is the implication that the simple act of taking a computer to be repaired automatically absolves everyone who might come near it of any responsibility or guilt for anything they do it it or steal from it.
I'm amazed at the attitude expressed by people like mzs_biteme and Raptor_007. What if your doctor, financial advisor, insurance agent, financial advisor, or accountant had the same attitude? People who seek out professional help expect just that--professionals, who don't go snooping or copying data around.

i think what you are expecting from 20 year old tech is too much.. you are talking about professionals... which Compusa techs or geeks are not professionals... even if they call themselves that. they do not have to go to college or even have a degree...

it is like calling a plumber.... you would never leave you house for 3-5 hours with a plumber, ac repair guy or the cable guy along... but you will leave your social security number, DL number, phone number, name and all you tax stuff with a CPA

the more education and requirements there are for a job the higher the level of security and or personal information you will leave with someone..

hence why Dr.s who are in school for like 15years can touch you where only your wife or girlfiend can and you would never let you mechanic check your prostate.

getting paid $8-12 /hr is not enough incentive for people to not look though private data.

also when you sign the paper work at compusa it says that you are given the tech all rights to the information and content on the computer and that it is not their responsibility for lost items nor is it their responsibility to protect your identity.

JMO but you cannot ask the same level of professionalism from a 20year old kid with limited life experience and almost no education as an accountant or your fund manager ..... you dont do it in any other line of work
hmm cant edit ..

but i ment to say... its not right to steal the information... but we all know it happens and should not be surprise when the baby takes the candy that is right in front of him while his senile grandmother is watching him...
Okay, the first two points completely contradict each other. I think that's the number one thing wrong with society today.. People are willing to tell somebody to take responsible for their own actions, but when somebody does something to them, suck it up and take it!

And professionals or not, hell when I worked as a cashier I wasn't a professional.. But that didn't mean I could take money out of the till any time I wanted, or give people free stuff. So where is their sense of taking responsibility? :)

Again, trying to imply something which isn't there. If YOU ever have your privacy invaded and some idiot at best buy goes through your hard drive instead of doing their job feel free to report them to their supervisor and boycott the store. Not once did I say that you shouldn't take any kind of recourse to this should it actually happen to you

As far as I know though this hasn't personally happened to you, which makes all of this nothing more than pointless hypothesis and creating fabricated "what-if" scenarios. Which is nothing more than crying about something which hasn't happened to you on the internet to a bunch of people you've never even met before. :rolleyes:

When those are the variables that I'm given, then I still stand by my original statements. Quit crying about it and take responsibility for your own personal belongings. If they're important to you, then protect them and don't give other people the chance to take advantage of you.

Also, no they aren't professionals. Try to understand that the word professional has multiple meanings. If you insist on trying to force the meaning that a professional is "anyone who does a job for monetary gains" then are you also willing to label the 16 year old who works at McDonalds a professional as well? If you are, then you're either naive or just stubborn and trying to force something which isn't there.

The definition of the word "professional" which has the most application to every day life is the one which expresses that a professional is someone who is an expert in what they do. Someone who is an expert at what they do does not work for Best Buy believe it or not. Real experts are those who have either undergone extensive formal training in their chosen field, or someone who has decades of experience and who has dedicated themselves to improving their trade. In either example their pay scale will reflect this, so yes a professional generally gets paid more than someone who just started two weeks ago and is "learning as they go", like the people who work for best buy.

When I go to Taco Bell I don't try to fool myself into believing that the idiots who work there are "professionals" just because they get paid $7.50 an hour to put the brown stuff in the oven. Because of this I actually take the time to check my order before I leave and make sure everything I paid for is there and in good condition. Guess what, because of that I also never get home and find out my tacos are actually still sitting on the counter.
The bottom line is people that don't know how to perform computer maintenance should at least make an effort to back up and remove personal information on a regular basis, since they most likely know they'll have to take it to someone (be it BB, a friend, or a mom and pop) to get it fixed. There are two wrongs here, and you can point fingers all day, but the techs shouldn't snoop and at the same time the customers should be responsible and protect their data/privacy.
You're right, the ones who don't want people stealing things, and violating privacy are the ones who need to "grow up".

Don't miss understand me, I am by no means saying that what there doing is right, or that they should be doing it.

My only point is that, there a much of under paid hormone driven young males, and you
should expect those type of people to look at any porn you may have on your computer if you
take it to them.

if you don't wish to have your porn looked at go to an actual professional, or keep it on a usb
drive. because you should not expect horny teens to be anything but horny teens.
Am I just going crazy or something? I learned not to steal or go through anybody elses stuff when I was 7. And I was a hyperactive, high functioning autistic child with severe ADHD. By the time I was 16 I took pride in any work I did, and pride in doing it properly without taking advantage of people. Are we devolving or something? I can't believe that with all the social problems I had that I learned more before 7 back then what 20 year olds don't know now. It baffles me.

I think we have severely pussified our children or something in this last generation. :eek:
Don't miss understand me, I am by no means saying that what there doing is right, or that they should be doing it.

My only point is that, there a much of under paid hormone driven young males, and you
should expect those type of people to look at any porn you may have on your computer if you
take it to them.

if you don't wish to have your porn looked at go to an actual professional, or keep it on a usb
drive. because you should not expect horny teens to be anything but horny teens.

And you're taking all responsibility from these dumbasses simply because they are "horny teens". I guess it'll be ok if they set up peepcams in the toilets at bestbuy too, and rape the hot customers in the stockroom. lol just horny teens lol.
I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I have spent much of my life being told to take responsibility for my own actions by people who largely never had to take any responsibility for their own. Hence I have taken responsibility for my own actions and suffered the consequences of many other people who didn't do the same. I guess that makes me a bit cynical and misanthropic.

That's certainly understandable. You're right in that people who aren't willing to hold themselves to the same ideals that they preach have no place giving advice to anyone else. Through all of this though I always try to uphold myself to my core ideals, even if others believe those to be misguided. The ability to persevere even when everyone around you tries to get you down is what makes you who you are. I'm not in any way trying to preach to you, or change your way of life, I simply want you to understand my point of view. Although I personally believe in what I say, and hold myself to those standards as best as I can, that doesn't mean that I expect everyone else to do the same as well.

Show me where I ever said nobody has any responsibility for their things. What we've been replying to is the implication that the simple act of taking a computer to be repaired automatically absolves everyone who might come near it of any responsibility or guilt for anything they do it it or steal from it.

Throughout this thread I have not once said anything to the contrary. Never have I stated that what the techs are accused of is acceptable behavior. All I've ever said is that it's up to you to realize that this kind of thing does indeed happen and to take precautionary steps in order to prevent it.
About 6-7 years ago, before there was Geek Squad (I think), Best Buy's employee's were already stealing porn off customer's computers. This guy I worked with at the time said a woman brought in her computer to be fixed and she had about 1gb worth of pics of HERSELF. He burned it to a CD, then later during a party popped it in the cd drive and put it on slideshow.
It's wrong, but it's also to be expected- look at the vast majority of Geek Squad employees- late teens twenty-somethings who are, in many cases, overworked and underpaid. Most are still in school/college.
It's wrong, but it's also to be expected- look at the vast majority of Geek Squad employees- late teens twenty-somethings who are, in many cases, overworked and underpaid. Most are still in school/college.

That described me at that age, and all of my friends. We never did illegal things at our jobs, ripped people off, stole things, and so on. And I'd venture to say most people don't, whether they're that age or otherwise.