Gears of Lore discussion --- Massive gow2 spoilers


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 21, 2006
So... lots of unresolved questions if you've played the gears2 campaign

How old are the locusts? - the early setup with the research facility makes you think there's going to be some kind of "humans created them in this lab and they've turned on us" until you see and hear how ancient the underground locust cities are.

What does the research facility mean? - the locust sires (sires indicates offspring) seem to imply that some kind of breeding has been going on.

What involvement does Adam fenix have? (marcus' father) in gears one he has the maps of the underground cave system, in 2, he is involved in the research facility, and known personally by the locust queen.

My theories:
The locusts have existed forever,. The pendulum wars over immulsion and the human exploitation of the resources have caused immulsion pollution and contamination. The humans during those wars also experimented on the locusts, who were previously not hostile to the humans and weren't interested in the surface.

So...humans cause huge immulsion flood pollution during their exploitation of the resource and wars over it, also experiment on the locusts with their research lab. As the locust queen's narrative says, emergence day was forced because the locusts are desperate to take over the surface, given the lambent corruption civil war that's happening. The locusts, who have been militarized or enhanced by the experiments done by the cogs at the research lab have learned to fight.

Obviously those huge lakes of immulsion are a new thing to the locust cities, otherwise why would there be lambent problems (and rust lung problems) among them and the humans all of a sudden?

So, short version: ancient locusts pissed that humans on the surface are fucking with them by 1. experiments, and 2. causing the exxon valdez spill of immulsion in their cities = war.

Adam fenix probably knew that humans were to blame and had divided loyalties to his species, but also to doing the right thing, and realizing the real threat is the lambent locust horde.

Gears 3 = delta and some other faction among the cogs realizing this, and possible team up between the unpolluted locusts, and the gears, vs the lambent infection faction (possibly to include lambent humans from "rust lung"?

I don't think the humans had anything to do with militarising the locust... and I actually think we may have created the lambent version as a sort of genetic weapon. If not the lambent version, certainly some sort of hybrid to screw with the locust.

I do think the rust lung is actually some sort of biological weapon though, and I think it links back to the research facility (read the notes you can pick up, they specifically mention similar symptoms in the patients, and that they were expected).

May post back later but that will do for now. :)
I don't think the humans had anything to do with militarising the locust... and I actually think we may have created the lambent version as a sort of genetic weapon. If not the lambent version, certainly some sort of hybrid to screw with the locust.

I do think the rust lung is actually some sort of biological weapon though, and I think it links back to the research facility (read the notes you can pick up, they specifically mention similar symptoms in the patients, and that they were expected).

May post back later but that will do for now. :)

I haven't read many pickup notes, good stuff.
I thought Gears of War 2 sucked big balls. It added nothing to the story except what the queen looks like, a top secret government project, and that the Fenix's dad switched sides. I thought the biggest progression of the story was the last 10 seconds after the credits with the dad..... Can we say filler game?

Most likely in 3, Fenix will find out his dad is alive and we have to go rescue/save him. Once we meet up, we learn the story behind the locust, the top secret research faculity, and his relations to the queen. Hopefully then we will kill the queen.....
Not going to lie, I laughed.
But, seriously, that's fucking gross... Oh, wait
I see what you did there;)
lol nice...she did look like a human for the most part.....maybe she is one?

That's a lore question I had too. It's probably just an aesthetic choice...make her mostly human with delicate human features, hotness, and a few tentacles so she's not *exactly* human.
Ya, I had many of the same questions and I had similar thoughts. Hard to say which diection the plot will take exactly though. I does seem evident at this point that the war is a cause of the humans poluting the Locust underground. How the research facility and Marcus' father play into this I am unsure.

I was also wondering about the human prisoners the Locust were taking in those pods. They looked similar to the research facility pods. What what effect do they have on humans? Or Locust for that matter? Why did Tai shoot himself; pure torture effect or is there more to it?
fenix's dad is actually the brumak that went lambent at the end. he bones the queen. you get to ride your dad around and kill things. its cool.
Gears 2 is another typical "middle part" of a trilogy that you KNOW will never give you anything more than some sort of revelation that won't be fully resolved until the 3rd game/movie/book.
It's why I hate knowing something is a trilogy beforehand. You might as well just rule out the second part because it's just going to leave you with more questions.
It's all about a single sequel or a series with no finite story.

With that much said, at least the game is good. Still, you pretty much got nothing story-wise from it.