Gears of War 2


Jan 18, 2006
Anybody ready for GOW2? I know I am after playing it for a weekend I have to say that game is very solid game and better than the first one. Feels like GOW meets COD4/Halo but in a good way. Has that epic feeling now. If you have any questions about the game feel free to ask but don't ask me about the single player as I have not played it only played multiplayer waiting to buy the game before I play anything else.
I'm excited for it, although with Fallout and LBP hitting in the last 7 days I'm not as excited as I was 3 weeks ago when nothing new was out. If they were to delay it, it wouldn't bother me :)
Me and my GF just started it up again last night. She has never played it but I beat it when it first came out and can't wait till GoW 2.
I'm excited for it, although with Fallout and LBP hitting in the last 7 days I'm not as excited as I was 3 weeks ago when nothing new was out. If they were to delay it, it wouldn't bother me :)

Well you got your RPG and your Platformer now you just need your 3rd person shooter game :p
Anybody ready for GOW2? I know I am after playing it for a weekend I have to say that game is very solid game and better than the first one. Feels like GOW meets COD4/Halo but in a good way. Has that epic feeling now. If you have any questions about the game feel free to ask but don't ask me about the single player as I have not played it only played multiplayer waiting to buy the game before I play anything else.

Are you in a beta for it? How do you have access to MP so far?
Are you in a beta for it? How do you have access to MP so far?

No. Guy in my apartment complex has a modded 360 with the game. He let me play his 360 for a weekend to try the game out.
I'll be getting the game, but I'm not sure if I'll get it on launch day. I might wait until the weekend, depending on how things are going with my current crop of games, that I haven't finished yet (Fable 2 being one of them).
I'll be getting the game, but I'm not sure if I'll get it on launch day. I might wait until the weekend, depending on how things are going with my current crop of games, that I haven't finished yet (Fable 2 being one of them).

Ditto... just replace Fable 2 with Far Cry 2.
I'll be getting the game, but I'm not sure if I'll get it on launch day. I might wait until the weekend, depending on how things are going with my current crop of games, that I haven't finished yet (Fable 2 being one of them).

Yeah I am also still playing Fable 2 which i hope to have beat before GOW2. I will be picking up Far Cry 2 around Christmas time same as Little Big Planet (go to show the PS3 some love).
Day one, I like the small scale but "bigger" multiplayer, and the game mechanics of execution style games, and the feeling of weight the game has.
Day one, I like the small scale but "bigger" multiplayer, and the game mechanics of execution style games, and the feeling of weight the game has.

guessing you have played it. Submission is the best new mode. So fun trying to capture the civilian the same time the other team is trying to capture him and to top it off the civilian is also shooting at you with his shot gun. Also Day One is a good balanced map.
heh, I haven't played it, I just meant that I'll buy it on the first day it's out "day one". Is there a map called day one?
I was ready LAST YEAR! November 7th doesn't come soon enough.

Cant want to play some coop with my brother. I love smashing his face in. :p
heh, I haven't played it, I just meant that I'll buy it on the first day it's out "day one". Is there a map called day one?

There is actually a map called "taking off from work and destroying my social life" though.
No. Guy in my apartment complex has a modded 360 with the game. He let me play his 360 for a weekend to try the game out.

Be careful with modded systems and playing on Xbox Live. Really easy to get your account perma-banned.

Having played through it entirely, I can say that this game is epic. You spend a lot less time throwing grenades into locust holes and a lot more time in well-crafted scripted encounters. I can't wait to fire up the MP on live!
I'm so sucked in to Fallout 3, I think i'm going to wait until i'm tired of it before I pick up Gears. Otherwise it will just be sitting on my shelf. With F03, GOW2, and COD:WAW, within the same month, thats some serious gameplay.

Sounds like they didn't mess anything up, so I'll be buying it day one. Kinda sucks that the last act is a letdown, because I thought the same about the first game... but I wasn't buying this for the story anyway.
Sounds like they didn't mess anything up, so I'll be buying it day one. Kinda sucks that the last act is a letdown, because I thought the same about the first game... but I wasn't buying this for the story anyway.

I actually really liked the last act in terms of action and gameplay.
Dammit, I just finshed Mass Effect and started up Lost Odyssey too. :(

I just finished Mass Effect too. Great ending. I cant wait for a sequel. :)

Gears 2 reviews look good, but from what have seen and heard the game deserves it.
Looking forward to it but same goes, gears 2, resistance 2, motorstorm 2, lbp in the same week, im not gonna sleep this weekend! (prepares to fester and have red eye!)
Gamespot has their review up as well. I added it to my list of current scores (see above). I'm sure by now there's still more I'm missing.
On my must have list, however is getting pushed back to my Christmas list. I just finished Fable 2, and have both Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts (and Banjo 1 XBLA) and Left 4 Dead pre ordered so I wont have time.

Gears 2 for Christmas, then swap Fable 2 with roommate for Fallout 3, then fire up my gamefly account again and clear the backlog.
why dont you just get all the scores from metacritic...duh

Because I threw those couple up, when they came out, just by visiting their sites. The ones I listed are simply the ones I check from time to time (some more often then others), so they were what I know (minus some of the blog sites I visit much more)... and quite frankly I don't feel like going to metacritic and posting every score. Not to mention I was just doing it while taking a quick break from work, and didn't have the time. If you want to, feel free. I won't stop you. :p
Too many games to play this holiday season. Can't keep up

Yeah, I'm only level 6 in Fallout 3 and I have a LONG ways to go. Fable 2 is almost done and I'm about halfway in Saints Row 2. Farcry 2 was put on the backburner for the time being though. That game... yeah. I'll get back to it.

I liked the first Gears a lot but I got owned hard in MP. I'll probably snag Gears 2 used to save some cash.
Too many games to play this holiday season. Can't keep up

Ditto. Gears 2, fable 2, fallout 3, and fighting with the wife and kids for tv time while they play LBP and animal 5-6 other games i'd like to play.
Ditto. Gears 2, fable 2, fallout 3, and fighting with the wife and kids for tv time while they play LBP and animal 5-6 other games i'd like to play.

hook the 360 to another TV or into your PC monitor :)

When my wife starts bitching at me about wanting to use our 51" I just take the 360 into my office and hook it into my 24" BenQ and my Logitech 5.1 system and close the door :D
hook the 360 to another TV or into your PC monitor :)

When my wife starts bitching at me about wanting to use our 51" I just take the 360 into my office and hook it into my 24" BenQ and my Logitech 5.1 system and close the door :D

Well, before I had the wii on the 32 incher, and they never wanted to touch my 360 or ps3. Now lbp has them coming into my den to take over. I hate moving my systems around. Animal crossing needs to come out sooner so I can have my ps3 back.
Anyone going to a launch event?

I'm going to the Bellevue, WA one tonight. Some friends and I are going to try and beat the game in 4 player co-op tonight. We're taking Friday off.
Anyone going to a launch event?

I'm going to the Bellevue, WA one tonight. Some friends and I are going to try and beat the game in 4 player co-op tonight. We're taking Friday off.

There is no 4 player campaign coop