Gauntlet 4.99

Fantastic deal on the game, and it's great fun. I bought it soon after it came out last year and love it. Not many of my friends play though, so mostly just solo'd everything. Was working through Unfair difficulty with the Valkyrie last I played.
Great game, let me know when you guys pick it up, and I'll jump back on for some coop.
Who is buying the 4-pack? I will if no one else wants to...
I got 1 more copy of this on Steam to gift. If you're interested hit me up.

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oooooo i remember playing the arcade version so many quarters...
I played the NES version so much when I was a kid, and believe it was the Dreamcast followup I played after that.I am in for a copy.
Been playing solo as the Valkyrie character on every difficulty. Just beat the Sun King boss (finally) last night on Unfair. Man that was tough...
Friend of mine bought the 4 pack so I get one, my nephew got 1, cousin got 1 and he grabbed his. Not bad, we played for about 2 hours last night, was very fun.
uhhh, played the crap out of gauntlet legends in the arcades, sort of want to get this, but... doubt i'd play it...
there you go, freaky can take the place of the transvestite!

If you mean the Valk, I always play the Valk, lol

Used to play with a clan and we had Fruity Tuesday's. Yeah, that was an interesting time to game. Poor people with mics in MW2, lol.
No telling how many quarters I put into this arcade game.... Then it became available for my uber Commodore 64!! Good times.
