Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

Playing FEAR for the first time on this monitor, and noticed that when looking straight on at the monitor, it is darker in the middle, losing detail, while it improves as your look away from the middle. Sucks.

Then, I just tilted the monitor slightly down and now everything looks great. Just a slight tweak made a huge difference. FEAR looks awesome.

Now, I just need a better card to drive it. The 6800GT requires too many adjustments to details. I want everything on (except soft shadows, I can live without them...)

As far as this forum, I agree that you need a more of an angle to see the grey evenly, but who really cares about this unless your job is to read these forums. Very few websites or applications use this black/grey scheme anyway. I wouldn't replace a monitor because of this, but that's just me.
Belzebutt said:
Same here, I turned it up just one notch (1.16) and now NFS:MW looks ok to me.

I must have a crappy monitor cause stuff looks beyond dark unless I hike the crap out of gamma in the ATI panel...

Reznick said:
Then, I just tilted the monitor slightly down and now everything looks great. Just a slight tweak made a huge difference. FEAR looks awesome.

Now, I just need a better card to drive it. The 6800GT requires too many adjustments to details. I want everything on (except soft shadows, I can live without them...)

As far as this forum, I agree that you need a more of an angle to see the grey evenly, but who really cares about this unless your job is to read these forums.

1. Tried that. I'm beginning to think I must of gotten a crappy mon. I'll get around to replacing it today.

2. The 7800GTX could do a fairly good job @ 1280x1024 and 2xAA. With two, I could do 1600x1200 and 2xAA. Now with a single X1900XT, I can hit 1600x1200 and 2xAA and it's smoother. Pretty sure ewiz still has them for $480.

3. Yeah, but it's not just the grey, it's the text and everything else. It gives me a headache after looking at it for awhile. But I really need to replace that sucka as I'm sure you're all tired of me bitching, lol!
Pretty much a repost from ocforums...


I took my butt back to CC and they had one more in stock. This one was in a different box altogether with different foam and everything! It gave me ****in hope!

The guy at CC let me pull it out and hook up to another pc there. Can you believe only 1 pc had DVI?! It was funny cause he was like, "It's really weird, these pc's all have high end video cards too." Upon closer inspection, I could see Nvidia 6100 and ATI x200. :p Ok, so I took it out and connected the DVI-D Dual Link cable from PC Club to this x600 at CC. We booted the machine and as luck would have it, it had internet! So I went to grab those pics of the P180 and arranged them the same as in the previous photo. Same damn thing. Light in the lower left, dark in the upper right. Then it was off to the [H]ardforum to check the text and gray to black to gray thing. Yup, still annoying. Still unacceptable. I'm glad I got a chance to open it up there cause I packed it right back up and returned the monitor for my cashola.

Now the only thing I didn't try was forcing the refresh to 75. But with ATI, this just doesn't happen. The only thing that ever let me change it was the Omega drivers and even then it didn't make a difference. I don't think it actually worked tho as the mon still said 60. Now I had a Samsung 712n that had a screen door effect from hell @ 60. Moving to 75 cleared it right up. That was on VGA, BTW.

Ok, so after giving up on the Gateway I decided to go to Costco and see what they had. Picked up a Viewsonic VA2012wb. It's peeerrrrrttttyyyy darn good!


Now that's the same light/dark differential as my Samsung. Also, the forum backgrounds and text are even and no WASHY! BUT, it has one dead pixel right in the middle of the freakin' screen...grRRRRrrrr.

At least with Costco I can take it back for that reason, hehe. I've got dead pixel buddy workin' it, but it's not lookin' good.
Hey guys, need some info about dead or stuck pixels. I exchanged my old Gateway (was a Week 43 2005) with a new one (the old one kept freezing on me). Now, this new one (says Week 1 2006), still has the buzzing (which im ok with) but in addition to that, has a black pixel right in the middle of the screen.

Now, I have read that that a DEAD pixel is one that is black and a STUCK pixel is one that is one of the other colors and that stuck pixels can be fixed. However, my pixel is not really dead in that the pixel does change to blue if I have a pure blue background. So is this pixel a dead one or a stuck one?

I have tried using UDPixel to flash different colors to no avail.

What do you guys think?

I am hoping to fix this pixel as I do not think I will be able to return it for that reason.

I've been playing around with the Gateway that I received in the mail today, and it's absolutely fantastic. I don't hear the buzzing noise unless it's very quiet and my ear's right up to it, there's very minor, if any, backlight bleeding on the top two corners, I don't notice any real color washing/banding, and the USB ports work on the monitor.

The only problem I have with the monitor is the unfortunately dark component input. Even then, the only real game with issues is Project Gotham Racing 3 on the Xbox 360, which has some known issues, as it isn't actually rendered at 720p or something.

I have my PC hooked up through the VGA (getting a DVI cable in the mail soon), the 360 through component, and the PS2 through S-Video, and I'm very satisfied with the image quality. I highly recommend those shopping around for 19"-21" widescreen monitors to give the Gateway a look.
Has anybody tried ordering the 3 year warranty from Gateway on this LCD?

I tried with no luck, just glad I bought it from Costco.
the warranty you can get from gateway only adds 2 years to the default one, if purchased from gateway it adds 29.99 to the total or less if you get a discount from them, only reason I purchased it direct from them as it was the cheapest place for me with the discount I get from them.
I received this monitor today and I'm unsure if I will be exchanging it. I have some pretty bad backlight bleeding when on a blank black screen, however when there is a full image there is no sign of the backlight bleed (even on this forum you can't tell). The monitor did not have any dead pixels and it looks awesome, I'm just not sure if the backlight bleed will worsen and paying over $500 I want it to be perfect. What would you do, I'm assuming there is no fix for backlight bleed?

Here is an image of the backlight bleed (taken with my phone so sorry for the crappy image):

Here is a regular pic of my desktop (taken with a crappy digital camera):
mine has very similar backlight problems. But they are only noticeable when the screen is perfectly black and the lights in the room are off. The problem with exchanging is that you might get dead pixels and/or same backlight problems...
Micchek18 said:
I received this monitor today and I'm unsure if I will be exchanging it. I have some pretty bad backlight bleeding when on a blank black screen, however when there is a full image there is no sign of the backlight bleed (even on this forum you can't tell). The monitor did not have any dead pixels and it looks awesome, I'm just not sure if the backlight bleed will worsen and paying over $500 I want it to be perfect. What would you do, I'm assuming there is no fix for backlight bleed?

Here is an image of the backlight bleed (taken with my phone so sorry for the crappy image):

Here is a regular pic of my desktop (taken with a crappy digital camera):

I dunno, that looks like an aweful lot of BB leak, but on the other hand you didn't buy the monitor to start at a black screen. If it doesn't bother you when you are actually using it then eh.

Personally, I don't think half of us would even noticed things like this is we didn't come here and learn about them lol. I read about ghosting and now, all of a sudden, all I see is ghosting lol.
I think I may go over to Costco today and pick up another one to see if I have better luck and return the one I received from staples. I also have the buzzing sound bad, I hear people say it is faint but the buzz is loud if I go anywhere under 90% brightness. I'm thinking I received somebody's returned monitor :rolleyes: .
Firewall said:
I dunno, that looks like an aweful lot of BB leak, but on the other hand you didn't buy the monitor to start at a black screen. If it doesn't bother you when you are actually using it then eh.

Personally, I don't think half of us would even noticed things like this is we didn't come here and learn about them lol. I read about ghosting and now, all of a sudden, all I see is ghosting lol.

Yeah I try not to sit around staring at black screens looking for flaws...I actually USE my display for things like games, browsing, video editing, etc. :p
I'm with ya Rapture, I never heard of backlight bleed til I read it here, didn't give a rat's arse about viewing angle, can't here a buzz above my 120's blowing on my radiator.
All I cared about was how the monitor was badass in games and love to have 2 web pages open side by side.I guess one mans ceiling is another mans floor. Pooldoc
WOW! That looks like a picture of four spotlights in the a spotlight screensaver or something!! The Gateway I had was nowhere near as bad. Got it from CC.

It's not gonna be a big deal in browsing or even games, but that's a whole other story. You get 2 black bars and any bleed can be seen very easily.

Regarding returns:
Folks, if you're not happy with your $500+ purchase, take it back. Argue with the manager. Do whatever it takes, but imo, anything that pricey needs to satisfy you completely. 1 dead/stuck pixel, minor backlight bleed, whatever. If it's enough to bug you, return.
I just picked this monitor up and all I can say is WOW. No bleeding, no screendoor effect, no ghosting in any FPS.
If you want one badarse LCD, look no further!
My less than 2 month old fpd2185w monitor is now no longer recognizing DVI input from my 6800GT AGP card

I am at a loss as to what the hell happened. Same video drivers, no recent hardware/software upgrades, or anything. When powering on from a cold start (the monitor) shows the funky gateway screensaver. The computer "sees" the monitor by continuing the boot process, and sometimes after windows loads I can get the monitor to show the video.

Once I can get the monitor to display, its fine. But this behavior just sounds oh so wrong.

Any one else run into this?
I had a similar problem with this monitor. I just went and exchanged it from Best Buy as I had bought their warranty. However, my new monitor has a dead pixel right inthe middle of the screen. :(

Would love to exchange this one as well but do not think they would let me for just one dead pixel.
I really want to get this monitor because of the HDCP, and the inputs so I can hook up the xbox 360 to it but I'm sort of scared now. Did anyone actually get a good one?
Firewall said:
I really want to get this monitor because of the HDCP, and the inputs so I can hook up the xbox 360 to it but I'm sort of scared now. Did anyone actually get a good one?

I've only had mine for 3 days now, but it's pretty much perfect from what I can tell. There's minimal blacklight bleeding that only shows when the screen's completely black, and even then I'm not bothered by it, no dead pixels, and no color wash/gradient banding stuff that others are getting. I'm very, very satisfied with this monitor and the number of inputs it has.

I actually have my X360 hooked up via component, and it looks great (except for PGR3, which is unfortunately darker than it should be). I just got my DVI cable in the mail today, so I'm going to switch over the 360 to VGA and see if that fixes the PGR3 problem. Otherwise, it's a fundamentally perfect display for me.

I do have a question about the monitor. I heard that you can force a refresh rate of 75Hz when using DVI-D. I have it hooked up through DVI now, and the ATI Catalyst Control Center and Multires are reporting that it's doing 75Hz at 1680x1050, but the OSD on the monitor still shows a refresh rate of 59.8Hz. Is there a remedy for this, or is the monitor only 60Hz for the desktop and 75Hz for games?

Also, there's the slight annoyance of having to switch my audio cable around when I want to go from the PC to the XBOX 360 to the PS2. Is there some kind of audio splitter I can use to be able to have all my systems hooked up to one 2.1 PC speaker system?
You can get splitters, but the more you have, the more the worse the sound quality gets. As far as the refresh rate, I thought the settings for your vid card override everything else though that may just be in video games.

I thought the component were suppose to be better than the VGA hookup? PGR was the only game that was dark? I just played King Kong and I didn't even finish it. It was so dark it got to annoying to finish. Condemed wasnt that dark...
Firewall said:
I really want to get this monitor because of the HDCP, and the inputs so I can hook up the xbox 360 to it but I'm sort of scared now. Did anyone actually get a good one?
Don't be scared cause people are more often to complain in a forum then tell you something good. No worries get one. :)
Buy local.
coffee33 said:
Don't be scared cause people are more often to complain in a forum then tell you something good. No worries get one. :)
Buy local.

I think I will. It'll be a couple of months before I do so hopefully some bugs may get worked out. I wish I could get it sooner though...this 30 is killing my eyes...bad.
Firewall said:
You can get splitters, but the more you have, the more the worse the sound quality gets. As far as the refresh rate, I thought the settings for your vid card override everything else though that may just be in video games.

I thought the component were suppose to be better than the VGA hookup? PGR was the only game that was dark? I just played King Kong and I didn't even finish it. It was so dark it got to annoying to finish. Condemed wasnt that dark...

Hmm, I guess I can just get a bunch of audio splitters and see how that works out.

As for component being better than VGA, I've heard varying things on the matter, so I wanted to try both out and see how it worked. I don't have the official VGA cables though - just the VD-Z3 VGA transcoder by Vdigi. I just tried it out, and the screen was really green - I'll have to look into that after I get through with my exams tomorrow.

I've tried four games on it so far - DOA4, PGR3, PDZ, and NBA 2K6. DOA4 and PDZ have in-game brightness adjustment (which all games should have dammit!), so any darkness issues were resolved. NBA 2K6 looks great, so no issues there. It's just PGR that is dark (excessively so in cockpit view). It's a shame too, because I've tried it on a regular SD television so I have a rough idea of how good it *should* be looking on the monitor.
Firewall said:
I really want to get this monitor because of the HDCP, and the inputs so I can hook up the xbox 360 to it but I'm sort of scared now. Did anyone actually get a good one?

Mine is fantastic.....
Mine was perfect until recently (last two days). Now, no consistant DVI. I am still searching on the web and I have been coming accross other reports of this monitor suddenly not displaying DVI.

Hopefully yours will not, but I am getting ready to re read my BB recipt to see if I can get a replacement or call Gateway.
well i went thru 3 2185's in about 5 hours.. all off them with the same freaking problem.. i purhased my first one around 14 days ago.. last night the DVI connection blew, and would get a signal thru the dvi connection only analog. well took it back, grabbed another one, went home adjusted it, and boom.. fried another connection... same thing went the 3rd one...

Im guessing theres a problem with the dvi connection on these because all of a sudden after adjusting stuff thru my nvidia control panel everything gets unuseably distorted and blurry.. same thing with the other 2...

now before i did anything i tested it on 3 different video cards in 3 different computers thinking i blew the card connection.. FX5500 no dvi signal (Xp Pro), Radeon 9800 (Win 2k) No dvi signal, and my 6600GT no dvi signal (xp pro)

i even tried it with a new dvi cable.. still no signal..

oh well.. i just traded in the last one for a new Samsung Syncmaster 204b, not anywhere near as hawt as the gateway, but it works.. not to mention a good deal.. $425 for the samsung :D
spikedzombies said:
well i went thru 3 2185's in about 5 hours.. all off them with the same freaking problem.. i purhased my first one around 14 days ago.. last night the DVI connection blew, and would get a signal thru the dvi connection only analog. well took it back, grabbed another one, went home adjusted it, and boom.. fried another connection... same thing went the 3rd one...

Im guessing theres a problem with the dvi connection on these because all of a sudden after adjusting stuff thru my nvidia control panel everything gets unuseably distorted and blurry.. same thing with the other 2...

now before i did anything i tested it on 3 different video cards in 3 different computers thinking i blew the card connection.. FX5500 no dvi signal (Xp Pro), Radeon 9800 (Win 2k) No dvi signal, and my 6600GT no dvi signal (xp pro)

i even tried it with a new dvi cable.. still no signal..

oh well.. i just traded in the last one for a new Samsung Syncmaster 204b, not anywhere near as hawt as the gateway, but it works.. not to mention a good deal.. $425 for the samsung :D

An initially awesome monitor for me turned out to be NOT so awesome at all. My 1st gateway seemed perfect, none of these backlight or buzzing noise issues. 2 weeks later, my DVI connection blew as well...couldnt even get past the gateway screen. Yes, I even unplugged and replugged the power cable for the monitor to no avail. It was only when I went into VGA mode that I was able to get to Windows.

So went back to Microcenter to exchange...the new monitor they gave me actually had the buzzing noise everyone was talking about and my chipset and case fans are pretty loud, and this new monitor actually could match the sound...bleh. So I use it for another week with the super high brightness to lower the buzzing and the same problem occured again...dvi connection!! This was 3 weeks ago and I went back to Microcenter and complained for 2 hours to management to give me a refund because at this point Im upset. I guess the manager was new because he gave me the refund against return policy, which I was fully aware of. Very disappointing and happy to get my money back...I should have kept my initial specualtion that this is STILL a GATEWAY product, where most of their products suck anyways, but I took a chance. The manufacturing of this monitor is very inconsistent, there seems to be one problem or another and im not one to look for these problems really either, they just show up. No more gateway for me.

My first monitor was great while it worked, but one thing I noticed with both of the monitors I went through, FEAR had this horrible flashing buzz that would occur at 1650 X 1080. Its similar to the buzz on a tv screen but its flashing every now and then. I was using a DVD-D, dual link no less, and both had the same problem.

So I got the new Samsung 204b 20.1" LCD with 5ms response and Iswear the picture, contrast, and colors was just so much better for me. It is a TN panel compared to gateways S-PVA, meaning a lot less ghosting at the expense of nice viewing angles and less contrast quality, but hell it still looks better than the gateway to me. Im not one to look at my monitor from the top down or at ridiculous angles either, so that doesnt even matter to me. Plus, that flashing buzz in FEAR did not occur at 1600 x 1200. The gamma adjustments are worlds better as well. The response is much faster, although I doubt its 5ms, who knows what manufacturers mean when they list the response, but Ive been happy with this for the past 3 weeks, not a single problem and it was significantly cheaper $450.

The only drawback is that its not widescreen and it doesnt have all those fancy connections from the gateway (HDCP stuff). But Im gonna wait on Widescreen monitor technology because there arent many games ( I game a lot) that support the 1650 X 1080 resolution, and hacking the files to make it work doesnt sit well with me (ala FEAR). Its still a hack, and it may work or it may not. A few years down the road when tech gets better for the widescreen market (lcds/oleds) then Ill think about it again. For now, this Samsung 1600 x 1200 is awesome. Im glad a lot of you got a Gateway monitor that suits your preference because they seem to be a needle in a haystack. For me and Gateway, this is the end of the line.

And theRapture, two monitors blew on me, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with my hardware, it was running perfectly on this lcd for hours a day until the connection blew. This may becomne a common problem, who knows, dont care anymore, no more gateway for me. Enjoy your monitor, hope it stays the way it is right now.
I bought a RGB cable adaptar from best buy for my ps2. I am now able to play my ps2 on the component input of this monitor, but I couldn't figure out how to connect the two sound plugs(red and white) into my 5.1 surround sound motherboard and have them work. Please help me on this. soul calibur 2 with no sound is no fun!
dragoonmanx said:
And theRapture, two monitors blew on me, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with my hardware, it was running perfectly on this lcd for hours a day until the connection blew. This may becomne a common problem, who knows, dont care anymore, no more gateway for me. Enjoy your monitor, hope it stays the way it is right now.

Sorry to hear about your misfortunes. I have had my Gateway since November 2005. I have no issues, manufacture date 2005 week 41.

Brightness: 20
Contrast: 50 (default)
User Color:
Red - 80
Green - 80
Blue - 80

Hope you enjoy your new Samsung.
Well since 2 of you have now traded in your Gateway's for the Samsung 204b, I figure I'll chime in again. I upgraded to the Gateway from this Samsung model and ended up going right back. Tho I was still bummed about losing the WS format. So off to Costco I went and found a Viewsonic VA2012wb for 400 bucks. It's not perfect, but it's close to par with the Samsung in IQ and it's WS. Now if Dell would just hurry up with the 2007, so I can exchange this one...
So I got the new Samsung 204b 20.1" LCD with 5ms response and Iswear the picture said:
Where did you find this Samsung 204B for 450? Im looking at this monitor as a possible choice.
Firecrotch said:
Where did you find this Samsung 204B for 450? Im looking at this monitor as a possible choice.

Haha, well I have friends that work at Fry's Electronics who happen to be managers, so I got their employee discount, which was 10%. The monitor was already on sale so to speak, 529.99 with a $30 MIR...the extra 10%...well you get the picture. I think that rebate is still on right now if you happen to have a fry's nearby. I've noticed its overpriced got it at 549.99 + $15.00 shipping :eek: By the way, they've sold out of both the black and silver models, hot sellers right now. This is one of the very few cases where the monitor is actually being sold at the retail store cheaper than it is online, but I havent done much research online to find it cheaper than newegg, so Im not sure. Then again, I'd still shell out that extra "reasonable" dough to get a monitor at a retail store knowing that I can return it and get another immediately if need be. Its too worrisome for me to think how my monitor would be shipped to me ordering online (ala Dell) This is probably the best TN panel on the market right now with a great response and over 20".

Please understand, I'm not telling anyone to NOT buy this Gateway monitor, but only to give my experience with it, which turned bad. It was nice when it worked, and people usually only come to these kinds of forums to post their problems about products hoping others have the same problem to come to some sort of solution. There are several owners of the monitor who have nothing but great experiences with it that don't feel the need to come to these forums to share. I just happened to fall in that unfortunate group that got the really lousy batch of monitors from Gateway. If you read through the whole thread, which is time consuming im sure, you'll see several people with one similar problem or another. So Im assuming that its a hit or miss with gateway. As for the Samsung monitor, I didnt have to adjust much of anything unlike the Gateway and Ive had absolutely no problems with it, plus its got a solid driver and nice tweaking software. AND it actually comes with its own DVI cable LOL unlike Gateway (no DVI cable at all), single link though. Im using my dual link instead.
dragoonmanx said:
Haha, well I have friends that work at Fry's Electronics who happen to be managers, so I got their employee discount, which was 10%. The monitor was already on sale so to speak, 529.99 with a $30 MIR...the extra 10%...well you get the picture. I think that rebate is still on right now if you happen to have a fry's nearby. I've noticed its overpriced got it at 549.99 + $15.00 shipping :eek: By the way, they've sold out of both the black and silver models, hot sellers right now. This is one of the very few cases where the monitor is actually being sold at the retail store cheaper than it is online, but I havent done much research online to find it cheaper than newegg, so Im not sure. Then again, I'd still shell out that extra "reasonable" dough to get a monitor at a retail store knowing that I can return it and get another immediately if need be. Its too worrisome for me to think how my monitor would be shipped to me ordering online (ala Dell) This is probably the best TN panel on the market right now with a great response and over 20".

Please understand, I'm not telling anyone to NOT buy this Gateway monitor, but only to give my experience with it, which turned bad. It was nice when it worked, and people usually only come to these kinds of forums to post their problems about products hoping others have the same problem to come to some sort of solution. There are several owners of the monitor who have nothing but great experiences with it that don't feel the need to come to these forums to share. I just happened to fall in that unfortunate group that got the really lousy batch of monitors from Gateway. If you read through the whole thread, which is time consuming im sure, you'll see several people with one similar problem or another. So Im assuming that its a hit or miss with gateway. As for the Samsung monitor, I didnt have to adjust much of anything unlike the Gateway and Ive had absolutely no problems with it, plus its got a solid driver and nice tweaking software. AND it actually comes with its own DVI cable LOL unlike Gateway (no DVI cable at all), single link though. Im using my dual link instead.

please correct if I'm wrong-

no widescreen
no components (no 360 hookup)
dragoonmanx said:
There are several owners of the monitor who have nothing but great experiences with it that don't feel the need to come to these forums to share. I just happened to fall in that unfortunate group that got the really lousy batch of monitors from Gateway.

I can certainly agree with that. There tend to be three phases for every new product.

1) Oh my God! I can't believe gateway is going to be comming out with this fantastic....speculation...speculation..yada yada

2) My first pictures of the new Gateway I got from ..... followed by..please please post some pictures of ..yada yada yada

3) The most important phase comes 3 months later when the return policy for the first batch of customers has expired and you start running into issues that any hardware will have...thats where these forums really become helpful, cause sometimes it prevents you from panicing too much. Some people like the products good featuers enough to justify putting up with issues they didn't expect. Others find something more suitable... At the end of the day the product is neither good or bad. you either like it and it works. Or you don't like it and it seems to have more problems than system.ini file for windows ME. Either way posting problems on a forum really helps everyone IMHO. As long as you don't state your problems as aboslute facts.

Note: I have had this moniter for more than 2 months now, and so far I am extremely pleased with it. Yes I do have visible backlight bleeds in the form of an X in completely black screens. And yes I do hear a buzzing sound when all my hardware is turned off. But I don't see a better deal yet. ANd I think I can live with those flaws.
Got mine a couple of days ago from staples. I'm mostly satisfied. Backlighting is ok, there is some leakage in all corners. Much better then my 2001fp. I do notice the banding others have mentioned, but my 2001fp also exhibits it and I had not noticed it until it was mentioned here. I also notice the issue with black levels at different view angles, but again I didn't notice it until mentioned on this thread and most LCD's seem to have this issue to some extent.

Only concern now is that text quality does not appear to be that great compared to my 2001fp. Not sure it's due to my DVI cable since with a VGA cable there appears to be a slight improvement.