Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

yoyosma said:
tim_ehat, jokerx225, anasazi, nekrosoft13, vaalea, flywolf and anyone else who I may have missed who is having or had problems with EzTune and the native resolution:

Has anyone found a solution other than returning the monitor? I have spent hours on the phone with gateway and many emails to EzTune with the problem. I have two default monitors showing up that I can change to plug and play, but either way my system does not recognize the monitor. EzTune turned this over to engineering and I do not know if I will ever hear back from them. Even though the monitor is under warantee Gateway claims they can't help me further. Costco has a 6 month return policy, but I really do like the system. I just want my monitor to work. If I replace it, the problem could happen again, after I'm out warantee.

I have the gateway monitor/media pc combo that costco was offering before Christmas. It was wonderful while it lasted, but I haven't been able to use EzTune, like tim_ehat's dad's system I think. tim_ehat described in post #794.

Thanks in advance for any info.

ah...why do you need EZTune? Monitor works great without it?
I need EzTune to get the correct screen resolution and auto pivot function, among other things. Worked fine with EzTune, but when EzTune stopped working the best fit resolution of 1600x1050 causes blurry text and stretched images and auto pivot stopped working.

This monitor was wonderful before, now its only so-so.
I just bought this monitor last night. Looks great but going from a CRT to this widescreen is causing me issues I'm unfamiliar with.

Right now I have the resolution at 1680x1050 and cannot start BF2, the screen goes dark the flickers then back to desktop. Tried different resolutions to no avail.

Other games work fine but I'm on a 6800GT so its struggling. Whats a good lower resolution I could use for gaming? On a CRT I'm used to 1024x768 and 1280x1024.
This problem is unsolvable with software. Call gateway tech-support, and inform them of the issue, and they will send you a new moniter with OCD 1.11 that solves the problem.

While I have spent much to long searching for an answer to this problem, I hope it has finally come. I am getting my new monitor in 3-5 days. While this problem was irritating, I must say Gateways tech-support is unmatched in short hold times and good return policy.

I hope us geeks can set our brilliant minds searching forums for the answer of the next of lifes great problems.
yoyosma said:
tim_ehat, jokerx225, anasazi, nekrosoft13, vaalea, flywolf and anyone else who I may have missed who is having or had problems with EzTune and the native resolution:

Has anyone found a solution other than returning the monitor? I have spent hours on the phone with gateway and many emails to EzTune with the problem. I have two default monitors showing up that I can change to plug and play, but either way my system does not recognize the monitor. EzTune turned this over to engineering and I do not know if I will ever hear back from them. Even though the monitor is under warantee Gateway claims they can't help me further. Costco has a 6 month return policy, but I really do like the system. I just want my monitor to work. If I replace it, the problem could happen again, after I'm out warantee.

I have the gateway monitor/media pc combo that costco was offering before Christmas. It was wonderful while it lasted, but I haven't been able to use EzTune, like tim_ehat's dad's system I think. tim_ehat described in post #794.

Thanks in advance for any info.

They turned our data over to "engineering" too... and replied "It is difficult to determine when we will have a resolve to this issue."

If we have time, we might get a local shop person to come in... I talked to them about it and they seem to think they could fix it...even though I couldn't figure out the things they said to try...... we'll see...
yoyosma said:
I need EzTune to get the correct screen resolution and auto pivot function, among other things. Worked fine with EzTune, but when EzTune stopped working the best fit resolution of 1600x1050 causes blurry text and stretched images and auto pivot stopped working.

This monitor was wonderful before, now its only so-so.


Just to confirm, you bought this monitor with the system that was available at Costco right? You said that it worked for a while, then you could not get the native resolution (1680x1050) anymore right? Did you add any 3rd party video card or update any video drivers for the Intel chipset? Do you recall anything you added / removed that resulted in the video not to scale properly any longer? Also, with your PC off, try removing the power from the monitor, connect the power, then boot your PC. Let me know if this worked.

Damn. So if I have a nForce4 mobo with a GeForce 7800 GT, I can't get this monitor? Ahh.. was looking forward to this Gateway rather than the 2005 Dell =/.
How do I found out which OCD (or OSD) is my monitor? I see the manufacture date is week 48, is that good? Also, I bought the below A&R DVI cable from Best Buy for $59. Is this a good cable, is it overkill?

A&R DVI Cable
Gaiden133 said:
Damn. So if I have a nForce4 mobo with a GeForce 7800 GT, I can't get this monitor? Ahh.. was looking forward to this Gateway rather than the 2005 Dell =/.
Why?? I have a nForce4 mobo + 7800GT and i am using this monitor. it is really great..though i have only used the VGA input for the computer (as well as component to watch tv)... Does the problem only arise when you use DVI?
If yes, then you could use DVI for normal viewing, such as when working in word and switch to VGA for games...the quality is still great...
{NcsO}ReichstaG said:
Does the problem only arise when you use DVI?
If yes, then you could use DVI for normal viewing, such as when working in word and switch to VGA for games...the quality is still great...

What problems only arise with DVI???
This appears to occur on systems running the A8N motherboard in combination with the NVIDIA 7800 graphic cards. If you have the A8N-SLI motherboard from ASUS that would explain the freeze.


nekrosoft13 said:
any one got the eztune software to work?

i have 7800GT SLI, and after installing eztune and rebooting, system freezes after the logon screen.
LCD monitors do not employ phosphors (as with CRTs) so refresh rate shouldn't be a concern on most LCD monitors. Note: Pixel Refresh Rates (response time) != Refresh Rate.

There is a good article on Refresh Rate and Response Time at:


SpecR1 said:
Hi , im using a Sapphire X800XL video card and i was wondeirng how i force the refresh rate to 75hz? i have only seen instructions for NVIDIA Cards

{NcsO}ReichstaG said:
Why?? I have a nForce4 mobo + 7800GT and i am using this monitor. it is really great..though i have only used the VGA input for the computer (as well as component to watch tv)... Does the problem only arise when you use DVI?
If yes, then you could use DVI for normal viewing, such as when working in word and switch to VGA for games...the quality is still great...

Actually I don't have the monitor, and if i do get it, i would plan to use it with DVI-D male-male cable, but from reading this thread, it sounds as if the EZTuner/software that comes with the monitor conflicts with the 7800GT/nForce4 mobo's.
Gaiden133 said:
Actually I don't have the monitor, and if i do get it, i would plan to use it with DVI-D male-male cable, but from reading this thread, it sounds as if the EZTuner/software that comes with the monitor conflicts with the 7800GT/nForce4 mobo's.
oh..i didn't read the thread (or most of it at least) but why does anyone need to install EZTune? even if you need to rotate the monitor 90 degrees, it can be manually through the Nvidia Display control... :confused:
TangledThorns said:
Ok, through the menu I found my OSD is 1.1, is that bad?
I guess it's good..but is your OSD 1.1 or 1.11?
This problem is unsolvable with software. Call gateway tech-support, and inform them of the issue, and they will send you a new moniter with OCD 1.11 that solves the problem.
I beleive 1.1 is the newer osd. I don't see much use to easytune, you can adjust the monitor to your liking thru osd or nvidia display, it can also be rotated there.
I used adobe gamma loader to adjust my monitor.
I would however like to see a driver for this monitor, perhaps that would stop the annoyance of all the default monitors showing up in device manager. Pooldoc
just got one today, I brought my Samsung 191t in for service, but at the same time i also brought my laptop back to have them send it out so i can finally get a new laptop on the no lemon guarantee. (i used to work at best buy as a tech, so i KNOW the serviceplan point)

anyway, they were ready to send both things out for service, and i get the manager over, and tell him, "look you guys have my laptop and my monitor, i've got a desktop at home but no monitor so what good is that to me, i need my computer every day. I was kind of hoping that this monitor wasnt a service item so i could just get a new monitor today." He hemmed and hawwed a bit and said yeah, well you paid $688 for your 191t, so you have that much to spend cause we cant give you cash back.

now there's two things here, a) he's a really really nice guy, b) he shouldnt have done either thing, he should have sent my screen to service, thats what should have been done according to process c) i shouldnt have gotten $688 to work with, i should have gotten enough to get a comporable 19" panel. customers always bitch about this cause it dosent sound fair but it KIND of is depending on how you think about it.

either way, i got the monitor for $599 (688-599= 89) and i needed a computer chair, so i got the nicest one they had there for $210-%30 instant rebate-$89 = $91 + tax = $98 ;)

and if it had gone badly, i would've left without a chair or a monitor or my laptop, and i'd still be getting my 19" panel back.

So anyway, i LOVE this fucking thing, its got amazing brightness and contrast in comparison to the 191t (one of eearly 19" panels) and its huge, now i want a fucking 24" :eek:

so, that was my day, i screwed myself over in one way though, i gave them my dvi cable with the 191t assuming the gateway would come with one, i handt read this thread previously, i only found out that it existed last night and realized that bby sold them. So i had to run around but i found 2 pretty nice dvi cables for clearance at 12.99 each, so i bought both, i need a dvi male-male adapter and then i can run my 30" sony crt widescreen hdtv as well, my 18' cable isnt long enough

edit: COD2 is intense on this thing!!!

its gonna take a while to get used to having to fuck with settings to make shit work a lot of the time, oh well, as far as i can tell, its still worth it at this point.
Hahah, I love reading stories with a happy ending. I'm on a 16x12 and just don't wanna lose that extra vert space, but I bet that Gate's nice on the eyes with the WS. Maybe I'll take one for a spin, heheh.
Man, I just bought this monitor from a Office Depot last weekend and its already dead. Last night the monitor wouldnt wake up from sleep mode so I rebooted the PC. I then started the SW:EaW demo and in the middle of a battle the screen flickered along with the power button. Even with the DVI disconnected and power-cycling the monitor it still flickered. In the end Gateway is RMA'ing a new one to me.

Pretty quick for a monitor do die, don't you think?
Gaiden133 said:
Damn. So if I have a nForce4 mobo with a GeForce 7800 GT, I can't get this monitor? Ahh.. was looking forward to this Gateway rather than the 2005 Dell =/.

No, we have MSI boards with the nForce chipset and they work correctly. The problem only occurs if you have the ASUS A8N motherboard in combination with the NVIDIA 7800 graphic cards.

Darv said:
No, we have MSI boards with the nForce chipset and they work correctly. The problem only occurs if you have the ASUS A8N motherboard in combination with the NVIDIA 7800 graphic cards.


What problem occurs w/ the Asus A8N motherboard w/ 7800 graphics cards?
Sydek said:
What problem occurs w/ the Asus A8N motherboard w/ 7800 graphics cards?

EzTune will hang at system startup when it is launched from the Startup folder. EzTune should be uninstalled from Windows Safe mode until the next update is released. At this time it appears this problem only occurs on this combination of hardware.

If a work around is found, I'll be sure to post it here.

wow, i was ABOUT to install eztune, but i saw that post. i've got an a8n-sli and a 7800gt, so i would have been proper fucked :p

this monitor is amazing, comparing it to an acer al1912 (cheap 19" lcd) and there is no comparison whatsoever, its like looking at the early 19" lcd's next to a trinitron tube, no comparison at all.

me likes.
Jutny said:
wow, i was ABOUT to install eztune, but i saw that post. i've got an a8n-sli and a 7800gt, so i would have been proper fucked :p

this monitor is amazing, comparing it to an acer al1912 (cheap 19" lcd) and there is no comparison whatsoever, its like looking at the early 19" lcd's next to a trinitron tube, no comparison at all.

me likes.

proper fucked?, did you get that from the movie Snatch? that is my absolute favorite movie.
I think I found out what is causing the lock-up issue for the monitors: HEAT.

My gaming system is at my friends house (56k here, dsl there..) and the ambient temperature of the room its in ranges from 20c to 35c.... :rolleyes:

Anyways, when its hot the monitor locks up if I let it shut itself off. Usually wiggling the mouse or hitting a key on the keyboard will turn it back on, I just have to wait 1-2 minutes so its not a full-out lockup.. just seems like it is.

by the way, we both have one each ;)
I am occasionally geting a frequency out of range, I am running @ native res @ 60hz. Is this a problem or just video driver related?

I can't replicate problem. I have the scaling set for my video card to handle, when I let the monitor handle it lower res games and videos would distort.

This monitor appears to only do it if an app is running out of native, and not everytime, anyone else have it experiencing the same thing?
It will also blink during low res video for instance during the opening movie for Age 3.
Is all that common or should I consider returning?
Can anyone tell me if Gateway will ship to an APO address, cant find anything regarding this on the site. I've been trying to order from dell but they will only ship complete systems so I'd like to give gateway a try.
Fistandantilis said:
proper fucked?, did you get that from the movie Snatch? that is my absolute favorite movie.

Now I gotta see that flic, lol!

Sorry for the OT, continue on your gateway. :p
Just picked mine up at BB.

No dead pixels. No noises.

Half-Life 2 is a natural on this thing :)

Now, about the "PVA" thing.

Yep. It has that slight 'glitter' to it that PVA displays have. But you know what?

I'll live with it. Everything else is so perfect :)

TechLarry said:
Just picked mine up at BB.

No dead pixels. No noises.

Excellent! I still have a few more days on my samsung. I'd love to compare a widescreen vs 4/3 side by side. I just can't help but feel the widescreen would be easier on the eyes and what not with your eyes being horizontal on the forehead...
I just edited a 9 page Word Document, 2 pages side by side.

Now THAT was cool :)


Jodiuh said:
Excellent! I still have a few more days on my samsung. I'd love to compare a widescreen vs 4/3 side by side. I just can't help but feel the widescreen would be easier on the eyes and what not with your eyes being horizontal on the forehead...
picked this monitor up at OD for $508.76 w/ tax. used the 20% off $100 to bring the price down to $469 w/o tax. so far its been great in windows and whatnot. will try fiddling around with settings more in games as the blacks are really black. but overall im happy with this monitor.
sn_85 said:
picked this monitor up at OD for $508.76 w/ tax. used the 20% off $100 to bring the price down to $469 w/o tax. so far its been great in windows and whatnot. will try fiddling around with settings more in games as the blacks are really black. but overall im happy with this monitor.

Is the 20% off special or a coupon somewhere?