Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

Latex said:
1) EzTune software simply freezes the system running on my 7800GT (non-sli). As the previous poster did, it had to be uninstalled from Safe Mode to get my comp working again.

I'm not using Windows, so could somebody explain what you need EzTune for?

2) Monitor is refusing to return from standby mode and in the event it does the "DVI Input" logo in the center of the screen will stay on sometimes up to 2 mins. This time seems to be getting progressively worse. If I press the menu button twice it will go away, I shouldn't have to.

3) If I turn the monitor on and off via the powerswitch in an attempt to get it out of standby the monitor will often simply stay at the "Gateway Logo" startup screen and not come out of it until I turn it on or off a few more times.

I had a problem similar to that to, as did two other forum members posting much earlier in the thread. The solution for us was to unplug the power cable and plug it back in. Of course, I don't know how long it'll be til the problem happens again, but I haven't seen either of them posting anything further about it.

Gateway support also offers no solutions (aside from generic reply emails that have nothing whatsoever to do with my problems).

On this point I can agree with you, Gateway's support people are idiots. When I sent in my support request via the form on their website, their reply asked me for a lot of details which couldn't possibly have any bearing on the problem, and worse, the details were actually provided by me in the appropriate spots on the form, and they quoted the form data in their reply!
no one else is having the color difference problem between the center of the screen and the sides?

in games the blacks in the center of the monitor lose all detail while the blacks on the side of the screen look just fine.

last day to return my monitor for a refund to bestbuy is next sunday, need to decide if i'm going to keep it or not before that.
anasazi said:
no one else is having the color difference problem between the center of the screen and the sides?

in games the blacks in the center of the monitor lose all detail while the blacks on the side of the screen look just fine.

last day to return my monitor for a refund to bestbuy is next sunday, need to decide if i'm going to keep it or not before that.
Yes, I had the same problem and returned it to Best Buy. The problem is real, it's not just you imagining it.
anasazi said:
no one else is having the color difference problem between the center of the screen and the sides?

in games the blacks in the center of the monitor lose all detail while the blacks on the side of the screen look just fine.

last day to return my monitor for a refund to bestbuy is next sunday, need to decide if i'm going to keep it or not before that.

I think they all have that problem. This was readily apparent in NFS:MW and really bugged me, but then I went into the nVidia control pannel and bumped up the gamma one notch. Now I can see good enough in the dark parts in the middle of the screen.
Belzebutt said:
When I plug in my monitor using the supplied VGA cable to my 6600 GT (81.89 drivers) it's detected correctly as a Gateway monitor.

Howevever, when I plug it in using a DVI-D cable, it only shows up as a "Default Monitor" and the EZTune auto-pivot feature doesn't work, and it doesn't know all the supported resolutions.

Does anyone have a problem getting the Monitor to appear as a "Gateway" when using a DVI cable? If it works for you, can you tell me what type of DVI cable you use?

By the way, this is my second monitor, I returned the first one after the DVI input seemed to have broken down. It would not work if I booted the PC with it connected. Neither monitor had dead pixels. I did also notice the "spotlight" effect at the four corners, but it seems to only happen some of the time, and it's only noticeable when the screen is entirely black. Overall, it's a beautiful monitor, awesome for games and great color reproduction.

It does not support scaling to 4:3 using the monitor, but the nVidia drivers can do that for you. The blacks are also very dark which impacts games, but after I set the gamma to 1.16 (one notch) in the nVidia drivers it looks fine.

Can anyone help me out with this? Does the monitor show up as a "Gateway" for everyone who's using a DVI cable? If so, what video card do you have and what type of DVI cable are you using?
Belzebut, I am using a 7800GTX, the NV control panels "sees" a Gateway display, while the monitor listing in device manager shows a "plug and play monitor"......I am using a generic dual link DVI-D cable.....
I asked about this earlier. EzTune worked and the monitor showed up as fpd2185w for me when I was using the 81.95 drivers.

However, I think it was after a driver upgrade to 81.98 or 83.10 that EzTune stopped working and the monitor showed up as "Digital Display." I have yet to downgrade my drivers to see if this helps, but I do think that EzTune is a great feature.
In regards to the monitor 'locking up'

I have never experienced this on my own monitor, but I was able to lock up the demo display monitor at Future Shop. I accidentely tuned it off and on real quick and it froze with the gateway logo showing. To get the monitor working again, it had to be unplugged. I wonder if Gateway is aware of this 'problem'?

Belzebutt said:
I think they all have that problem. This was readily apparent in NFS:MW and really bugged me, but then I went into the nVidia control pannel and bumped up the gamma one notch. Now I can see good enough in the dark parts in the middle of the screen.

well i guess i'm going to be returning this thing to bestbuy then. do you think they'll skip the 15% restocking fee? i guess i can explain how its defective with the color shifting and all, they don't have the restocking fee for defective products.
Lepy said:
I asked about this earlier. EzTune worked and the monitor showed up as fpd2185w for me when I was using the 81.95 drivers.

However, I think it was after a driver upgrade to 81.98 or 83.10 that EzTune stopped working and the monitor showed up as "Digital Display." I have yet to downgrade my drivers to see if this helps, but I do think that EzTune is a great feature.

mine never worked with 81.95, .98 or 82.12, haven't tried anything older then that.

it probably has something to do with that direct monitor access nvidia implemented.
TheRapture said:
Belzebut, I am using a 7800GTX, the NV control panels "sees" a Gateway display, while the monitor listing in device manager shows a "plug and play monitor"......I am using a generic dual link DVI-D cable.....

I wonder if this has anything to do with certain types of nVidia cards. When I used my brother's BFG 6800 GT I'm pretty sure it worked, but when I switched to my XFX 6600 GT it doesn't work. By the way, my 6600 GT actually has two DVI outputs, no VGA. When I connect it to the monitor using a VGA cable, I actually use a DVI-to-VGA converter that came with the card.
About the dual-link DVI cables... I'm using a single-link DVI cable and it appears to work, minus the plug n play. But both the Gateway and my video card appear to have dual-link DVI plugs. Does the monitor actually use the dual-link portion of a cable? If so, is it possible that this has an effect on the plug n play capability?

I know some people have reported better quality using a dual-link DVI cable, is this another one of those things that some people see and some people don't, or is this for sure? I really can't complain about the quality on my single-link cable, and since all the pixels are there, there's no flickering etc. what extra stuff can I expect with a dual-link cable? It's a digital signal, it either gets to the monitor or it doesn't, so I don't understand why people would see a quality difference.
TheRapture said:
Belzebut, I am using a 7800GTX, the NV control panels "sees" a Gateway display, while the monitor listing in device manager shows a "plug and play monitor"......I am using a generic dual link DVI-D cable.....

same as mine

device manager and display properties see it as plug and play monitor and nv control panel list is as gateway.

does any one have inf file for this monitor?
nekrosoft13 said:
same as mine

device manager and display properties see it as plug and play monitor and nv control panel list is as gateway.

does any one have inf file for this monitor?

Do you use a dual-link cable?
I first used the monitor with a single link cable from my old LG, in device manager it was still reported as plug and play. I don't see any difference in picture quality between the single and dual cable I'm using now. Nvidia display see's it correctly as well. I'm using 81.98 drivers.
I have been very pleased with this monitor, no dead or stuck pixels, no backlight bleeding, haven't noticed any problems with the blacks. No buzzing either. I paid 572 shipped from circuit city. Pooldoc
hello everyone
first off i would like to thank everyone for there responses to this thread. i used to have a viewsonic G90fb 19" but it was starting to get a little blurry. I saw the gateway at bestbuy and thought wow thats nice, it looked better than any of the others there and hell it was 21". I decided to come here and see what people thought of it and i have to say i was a little worried, alot of people was saying this monitor was no good, there was backwash, no good for gaming, even that the colors on the forum here would not look right, blacks not looking right and so on.....and so on. well i decided wth i can always take it back if it looks like crap, i talked to the manager in charge of the pc department and he told me yes i could return it and no there was no stocking fee. now some people said it sucked other people said it was great, there was 4 monitors there, so after a little any many miny moe please lord let me pick a good one, i chose a box, paid for it and drove home. now i didnt buy a dvi cable cause they wanted 50$ for that cable and i already gave best buy enough money for the month (bought a laptop for my wife 4 days before) so i figured i would buy the cable online and save some money.
anyway got home took my old crt off the desk and hooked the new one up, well problem right off the bat when i powered the gateway on, i got an "out of range" i had my 19" set at 1024x768 @100mhz refresh rate. so unhooked the lcd and pluged the crt back up lowered my refresh rates down to acceptable level for the lcd and pluged everything back up. gateway fired up and no problems, loaded the eztune prog up and everything was good to go.
now for gaming:
now im an avid gamer and have been playing since way back to duke nukem and doom and pong, wheres the fun in having a 21" screen if u cant play games and really enjoy it.
so first game was counter strike 1.6, had to change my sensitivity from 3.2 to 5.4 to make up for the bigger screen, game play was really nice compared to my old crt.
next game was Fear, already finished this game on my crt but couldnt wait to see this game on the lcd, i can see how some people might say it was darker, but there was no big differences to me (its a dark theme game) looked great.
tossed diablo2 in just to see some 2d colors and everything looked good there too.
fired Stubbs the zombie up and played for about an hour, at times there is some darkness but i think its more the game itself because u can actually see the differences in the colors from one part of game to say the next mission.
Doom 3 looked really nice with the lights flashing, so much crisper than my crt.

so my over all results are wonderfull, im very happy with this monitor,(letters r a little out of whack, i assume it will b better like everyone else said once i get my dvi cable) if anyone was to ask me whether i would recommend this monitor i would say hell yes, to those that bought one and it looked like shit, try a dif one, theres always gona b a bad apple in everything.
my specs
p4 3.2
gig corsair xms
6600gt pci xpress
msi mobo
I noticed that using brightness, contrast, and gamma setting bars in the nVidia control panel are far better than using the button settings on the side of the monitor, especially the gamma setting. If you guys are having troubles with the blacks and own a nVidia card with the latest drivers, use the nVidia Control Panel to adjust the settings for the looks very awesome at my settings right now. I kept the monitor's side settings 40 bright, 50 contrast, and 0 gamma, and just played the nVidia settings. Absolutely no regrets with this and I typically hate gateway products (pcs,laptops,etc)
Greetings Everyone,
For those of you who are having problems with EzTune crashing your system I spoke with the folks at portrait. No real solutions as yet, but they did offer the following information...

We had a few reports of this problem but what we know for sure is that this only occurs on systems equipped with the NVIDIA 7800 graphics adapter and on systems running the NVIDIA motherboard chipset. That is, all the systems where this has occurred are running the NForce drivers. We've purchased one of these systems and are at this time attempting to reproduce the problem but thus far have not been able to reproduce it.

They also offered me a temporary solution for rotating the display which is their Pivot program. (rotates the display using hotkeys, alternatively you could just use the nvidia interface).

So long story short. Nvidia Chipset + GeForce 7800 = EzTune crash.

Good Luck,

P.S. - Some of the preceeding text was cut from the message but this company has given me the best tech support response I have ever received from any company ever and I applaud them.
TheRapture said:
OK, pics of this...I learned some settings of speed and f-stop, as well as ISA speed, to allow me to capture a decent pic in a dark room with no flash, but I digress...

Anyway, you will have to be on a CRT, or the VGA of an LCD to discern the differences in the pics, if you are on the DVI connection, both pics appear to be the same can see, the VGA connection is much, much better at gradients on this Gateway....if I view thiese two pics under the DVI connection, they appear identical....

VGA connection on the Gateway FPD2185


DVI connection on same display


Hmmm...I'm using a Samsung 204t on the included DVI cable and can clearly see the defined edges in the second pic. I don't have a camera handy, but I can also see the edges defined on my monitor...
Jodiuh said:
Hmmm...I'm using a Samsung 204t on the included DVI cable and can clearly see the defined edges in the second pic. I don't have a camera handy, but I can also see the edges defined on my monitor...

Yes, that was the intent to begin with. That was the "problem" BEFORE I forced a 75hz refresh in the NV control panel. The second DVI pic is with it at 60hz default.....

I don't have that problem with DVI looks just as good as the VGA output and has better text to boot....
Latex said:
Greetings Everyone,
For those of you who are having problems with EzTune crashing your system I spoke with the folks at portrait. No real solutions as yet, but they did offer the following information...

They also offered me a temporary solution for rotating the display which is their Pivot program. (rotates the display using hotkeys, alternatively you could just use the nvidia interface).

So long story short. Nvidia Chipset + GeForce 7800 = EzTune crash.

Good Luck,

P.S. - Some of the preceeding text was cut from the message but this company has given me the best tech support response I have ever received from any company ever and I applaud them.


i have a 7800GT and an nForce4 mobo using the nvidia drivers and it locks up. maybe they're on to something.
anasazi said:

i have a 7800GT and an nForce4 mobo using the nvidia drivers and it locks up. maybe they're on to something.

me too

7800GT SLI on Nforce4 and it locks up

everyone with the problem should contact them, these way they might fix it faster
This explains alot, it's also possible that it doesn't support SLi as that would take some optimizing. Now that they know, when/where can we expect a fix? I am currently using a custom hotkey setup to rotate. Works well but not as uber as the automatic pivot would be.
EZTune works for me but it crashes at the end of installation or uninstall. I also have an nForce board.
TheRapture said:
Yes, that was the intent to begin with. That was the "problem" BEFORE I forced a 75hz refresh in the NV control panel. The second DVI pic is with it at 60hz default....

I had a Samsung 712n that had MUCH better appearance @ 75 than the default of 60. Unfortunately, the same doesn't hold true for my 204t. It's not as "fuzzy" as my 712n @ 60, but it still bugs me.
Some info regarding this Gateway 21".

I'm 95% sure that this is the LCD display used:

As far as I know, S-PVA displays are only made by Samsung. They are characterized by:
- Very high contrast ratio (check)
- Wiedly available in large monitor sizes only (check)
- Very high viewing angles (check)
- Very dark tones viewed head-on are hard to tell apart, but if you view them at a slight angle they look ok. This explains the effect many people see where things look too dark in the middle of the screen, but looks fine at the edges.
- Very high response time for small color variations - I can't say I notice a slow response time for this monitor, but in theory if you have dark objects moving across a dark background, you should see more ghosting.

Does anyone have a pixel response time chart for this display? For S-PVA displays, the 8 ms listed is actually supposed to be the best case figure and a bit misleading, although the specs list gray-to-gray...
Hey guys i just finished installing Eztune and when i click the Exe it directly goes to the options tap and wants me to update i click update and the site says there are no availible updates.... when i try to click into Adjust or Wizard it goes right back to Options whats going on??? is there a way to get around this? Someone told me that Adjusting the screen will make the image look clearer and the only way to do this is with Eztune.
jokerx225 said:
Hey guys i just finished installing Eztune and when i click the Exe it directly goes to the options tap and wants me to update i click update and the site says there are no availible updates.... when i try to click into Adjust or Wizard it goes right back to Options whats going on??? is there a way to get around this? Someone told me that Adjusting the screen will make the image look clearer and the only way to do this is with Eztune.
Let me guess, your monitor shows up as "Default Monitor" in Display Properties, instead of Gateway or Plug n Play Monitor?

There's only a few LCD panel makers, right? I mean, there's Samsung, who, and who?
Jodiuh said:

There's only a few LCD panel makers, right? I mean, there's Samsung, who, and who?

For S-PVA type screens like this Gateway, there's only one maker: Samsung.

Other vendors who use other types include LG, Philips, and I'm not sure who else. Probably Matsushita. Also some Chinese vendor(s).

The competing displays like the 20" Dell 2005FPW or Apple Cinema Display use a slightly different technology, S-IPS. But they're supposed to have the same characteristics.

Most smaller displays use a different technology called TN. For example, a dead pixel on a typical TN display (most 17" and probably most 19" monitors) would be bright. But I believe on IPS and PVA displays a dead pixel is supposed to be black. Maybe if someone here has a Gateway with a dead pixel they can confirm :)
Belzebutt said:
Let me guess, your monitor shows up as "Default Monitor" in Display Properties, instead of Gateway or Plug n Play Monitor?

Yup Actually it says i have 3 displays on when i go into disply properties and when i go into system properties it says i have bout 5 Default Monitors and 1 plug and play that it cant reconize wtf is gateway doing ???? The monitor is good but drivers and software suck ass how will i ever use eztune?
Hey, my dad just got a new computer which came with this monitor. After a couple of days the native resolution was no longer listed in Display Properties. I did a restore of the system to the original factory setup and it still wasn't there. Latest drivers installed and all.

One thing I noticed that I see other people mentioning here is that the monitor often is identifyed as a Plug and Play monitor or Default Monitor. This one shows up twice as "Default Monitor." I used this utility to check if the monitor was sending the plug and play data to the computer. Nothing showed up for plug and play data. I was wondering if others could report their findings.

I had also noticed that there were traces in the registry (before doing the clean install) where the montior seemingly had been detected as the actual monitor--not generic or plug and play. The EZTune software did not work for us either. (Although it did auto-rotate. In fact, it did so without the monitor being physically rotated!) This monitor also will lock up occasionally--usually while rebooting the computer inbetween the post screen and the loading windows screen. Maybe this is a result of the resolution or frequency changing between those two screens?

I contacted Intel about the problem of the native resolution not being listed. An interesting response was that the drivers for the graphics chipset will "will support just about any video modes (within reason) that the Monitor's EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) claims to support, as well as modes defined within the Video BIOS Table (VBT), plus a basic set of static modes (mostly for monitors with no EDID): 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, and 1600x1200." With the absense of the native resolution in the list of static modes, this further leads me to believe that the monitor isn't sending any EDID data. I hooked it up to my laptop and that utility I posted does not detect the data there either. (Other monitors do show their data properly on both computers.)

Maybe this could also be the problem with the EZTune software? Maybe it looks for the montior to be plugged into the system and just doesn't see it for some of us because that information is not provided.

Hopefully we can figure out what the cause for this is. Maybe some of these monitors have some sort of firmware problem or something that Gateway needs to fix. If people could try that software and report back, that'd be great. Also include how the monitor is hooked up to your computer. The one I'm having troubles with is hooked up via a VGA cable.

P.S. - I couldn't see any drivers for the monitor on Gateway's website or through a web search. If there is one I would like to get a copy of it to see if I can get the thing to run at the native resolution again.

I'm going to a class now. I'll be back in about two hours. I hope we can figure this out.
  Windows description......... Plug and Play Monitor
  Manufacturer description.... FPD2185W
  Manufacturer................ Gateway
  Plug and Play ID............ GWY088A
  Serial number............... T5B 50N 09323
  EDID data source............ I2C bus (real-time)
  Manufacture date............ 2005, ISO week 46
  EDID revision............... 1.3
  Display type and signal..... Digital
  Sync input support.......... n/a
  Screen size................. 450 x 280 mm (~22")
  Power management............ Standby, Suspend, Active off/sleep

Color characteristics
  Display gamma............... 2.20
  Red chromaticity............ Rx 0.640 - Ry 0.330
  Green chromaticity.......... Gx 0.300 - Gy 0.600
  Blue chromaticity........... Bx 0.150 - By 0.060
  White point (default)....... Wx 0.313 - Wy 0.329

Timing characteristics
  VESA GTF support............ Not supported
  Horizontal scan range....... 31-81kHz
  Vertical scan range......... 56-76Hz
  Video bandwidth............. 160MHz
  Extension blocks............ n/a
  Timing recommendation #1.... 1680x1050 at 60Hz
      Modeline................ "1680x1050" 146.370 1680 1784 1960 2240 1050 1056 1086 1089 +hsync +vsync

Standard timings supported
   640 x  480 at  60Hz - IBM VGA
   640 x  480 at  67Hz - Mac II
   640 x  480 at  72Hz - VESA
   640 x  480 at  75Hz - VESA
   720 x  400 at  70Hz - IBM VGA
   800 x  600 at  56Hz - VESA
   800 x  600 at  60Hz - VESA
   800 x  600 at  72Hz - VESA
   800 x  600 at  75Hz - VESA
   832 x  624 at  75Hz - Mac II
  1024 x  768 at  60Hz - VESA
  1024 x  768 at  70Hz - VESA
  1024 x  768 at  75Hz - VESA
  1280 x 1024 at  60Hz - VESA
  1280 x 1024 at  75Hz - VESA
  1680 x 1050 at  60Hz - Gateway
  1680 x 1680 at  60Hz - VESA

Raw EDID base
  00: 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00  1E F9 8A 08 6B 24 00 00 
  10: 2E 0F 01 03 80 2D 1C 78  EA EE 95 A3 54 4C 99 26 
  20: 0F 50 54 BF EF 00 81 80  61 40 B3 00 01 01 01 01 
  30: 01 01 01 01 01 01 2D 39  90 30 62 1A 27 40 68 B0 
  40: 6E 01 C2 18 11 00 00 1E  00 00 00 FC 00 46 50 44 
  50: 32 31 38 35 57 0A 20 20  20 20 00 00 00 FD 00 38 
  60: 4C 1F 51 10 00 0A 20 20  20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FF 
  70: 00 54 35 42 20 35 30 4E  20 30 39 33 32 33 00 74 

Display adapter
  Adapter description......... NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT
  Adapter device ID........... 0x009210DE
  Display settings............ 1680x1050, 32bpp

User/computer information
  Registered user name........ anasazi
  Registered organization..... n/a
  Network user name........... anasazi
  Network computer name....... SAZIDESKTOP
  Windows version ............ Windows XP
  Windows build .............. 5.01.2600 Service Pack 2
  Installation date .......... 1/3/2006 12:00:00 PM
jokerx225 said:
Yup Actually it says i have 3 displays on when i go into disply properties and when i go into system properties it says i have bout 5 Default Monitors and 1 plug and play that it cant reconize wtf is gateway doing ???? The monitor is good but drivers and software suck ass how will i ever use eztune?

I always have 5 Default Monitors. I can delete them all, and when I reboot they all come back. I'm not sure how this is dependent on the number of outputs your video card has, mine has 2 DVI outputs and 1 S-Video.
This is what I get with a DVI cable:

  Hardware information........ n/a
  Windows description......... Default Monitor

Display adapter
  Adapter description......... NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT
  Adapter device ID........... 0x00F110DE
  Display settings............ 1680x1050, 32bpp

User/computer information
  Registered user name........ xxx
  Registered organization..... n/a
  Network user name........... xxx
  Network computer name....... xxx
  Windows version ............ Windows XP
  Windows build .............. 5.01.2600 Service Pack 2
  Installation date .......... 2/2/2005 12:00:00 PM

I also spoke to a Gateway tech today who said I should try a different DVI cable.
Well, I take back the good things I said about Gateway's support. I'm on hold waiting for a supervisor as I type this. The rep I've been speaking to says my video card is causing the X pattern backlight bleeding. He also says it's magnetic interference and wants me to move my computer setup to the far end of the house. He said he's never heard of backlight bleeding or the buzzing sound problem with this monitor. When I offer to show him proof by directing him here, he completely ignores me. He's refusing to replace the monitor, so that's why I'm on hold.

Yay me.
I don't think the DVI cable has anything to do with it. I have been using one of the $13 RadioShack DVI cables since I bought this monitor.

EzTune (autopivot) worked for me, and my monitor was displayed as FPD2185W in the nvidia control panel; however, I believe a videocard driver update messed it up as the monitor is now recognized as a digital display.

I don't see how my DVI cable can continue to work if some part of it went bad.