Gateway FPD2485W - 24" HD LCD

Well, I am highly considering pulling the trigger on one of these when I go to buy my new refrigerator in a couple of weeks.

I'm reading a lot about inverted ghosting, which I'm getting ready to read about on google, if I can find it, and about how some folks are extremely bothered by it, and some don't seem to notice it at all (or very little)

Can anybody tell me in their words what exactly inverted ghosting is?

All told are we mostly pleased by this unit?

I'm considering it because it has two Component's, VGA, DVI w/HDCP, and runs 1920x1080. Before it I was considering two 22"'s side by side, but between being the same price or more expensive, and losing feature, i think I'd prefer one huge monitor.

Thoughts? Has anyone gone with the Dell 24" over this monitor, or viceversa? I'm just looking for some (more, more recent) opinions.
Ok, I'm now on my second monitor (which I'm about to return). First was a Jan 07 and had a back light bleed in the lower left corner and the inverted ghosting. Second one (Feb 07) doesn't recognize 1920x1080 (which the Jan 07 did) over the VGA port. I had my 360 hooked up via the VGA and set to 1920x1080 (1:1) and my PC on the DVI connection. If I set the VGA to 1920x1080 on VGA on the Feb 07 monitor it kept recognizing it as 1280x1024 and cutting off half the image. Hopefully the third will work better. Also, how is everyone getting their 360s to run 1080p? Mine won't work over the component connection.
Is your monitor a MXH72 and does it have inverted ghosting?

Ok, I'm now on my second monitor (which I'm about to return). First was a Jan 07 and had a back light bleed in the lower left corner and the inverted ghosting. Second one (Feb 07) doesn't recognize 1920x1080 (which the Jan 07 did) over the VGA port. I had my 360 hooked up via the VGA and set to 1920x1080 (1:1) and my PC on the DVI connection. If I set the VGA to 1920x1080 on VGA on the Feb 07 monitor it kept recognizing it as 1280x1024 and cutting off half the image. Hopefully the third will work better. Also, how is everyone getting their 360s to run 1080p? Mine won't work over the component connection.
Is your monitor a MXH72 and does it have inverted ghosting?

Third monitor now has the same issue as the second. 1920x1080 over the VGA is recognized as 1280x1024. The first two have inverted ghosting as well. Haven't tested the new one
Is your monitor a MXH72 and does it have inverted ghosting?

Ok tested, yes it has the inverted ghosting, not as bad as the others however as I stated earlier, it doesn't recognize 1920x1080 over VGA properly. And yes this is the MXH72 version. Feb 07 date.

Also, how are people getting the 360 to use 1080p on this monitor?
I am using VGA to get 1080p with 360 and it works fine.

By that do you mean you are using the Xbox 360 VGA cable and setting the resolution to 1920x1080?

After using this latest monitor I've notice that the left side of the monitor is a bit lighter than the right. If I set the monitor to just have a black background it almost looks as if there is a light reflecting off of the upper and lower left corners. That will drive me nuts. I think I may take another trip to Best Buy.
Again, considering the range of results with this display, I think that ALOT of results are based on USER differences. Sure, there are going to be some bad displays, as with every unit, but it appears that a large percentage of the january or later models are pretty good.

I love having the wide range of options on this display. I have my main rig hooked to the HD cable box hooks via the component input...a second computer connects via the VGA, and I still have another set of components to hook my Xbox360 too and not to mention having a built in USB 2.0 I have a pretty decent picture on mine. Getting glasses helped my LCD look even better, but I digress since I am 36yrs old and finally admitted I have a weak/out of focus left eye :)
Okay, I've been reading this thread for awile and purchased this monitor about a month or two ago.

I have a December model and so far I've been satisfied with it. It has some problems but it also has alot of plusses too.

When I first got it I didn't notice any inverted ghosting, normal ghosting, or backlight bleeding and it had no dead/stuck pixels. It did exhibit a problem I've seen mentioned a few times in this thread. It would take forever to turn on and would have the gateway logo stuck on the screen for a long time before giving me access to the menu or giving me a display.

I discovered sooon after why it was doing this. When I first got it I plugged it in and turned it on before I plugged the cable into my video card. The gateway came up with the language selectection but shut off before I chose (since I was behind my pc plugging it into the video card). After I unplugged the power cable to the monitor, re-plugged the monitor to the video card (with the pc on), put the power cable back in, turned it on, and chose English when the language selection came up I never had the above problem again. It turns on and off quickly and never hangs or freezes with the Gateway logo.

After about a couple weeks I noticed a slight backlight bleed in the upper right corner but it's only noticable if the screen is completely black and the lights are off in my room. It hasn't worsened at all since so it's ignorable.

I also have recently noticed the inverted ghosting, I suspect it just got worse after some time because I know it wasn't there, or it was very minimal, when I first got it. I have also noticed, like others, that it does the inverted ghosting more when it's hot; but I haven't tried putting a fan back there yet. I somewhat doubt the heat is a major cause though. I hope Gateway fixes it in a future revision.

Except for a little quirks like that I've been very happy with my purchase. It does everything I need to. I watch HD TV and movies on it, gaming and pc use on it is beautifull (when the inverted ghosting isn't there), and console gaming is great. If Gateway gets these little problems fixed I think it can be even better for the price you pay.
By that do you mean you are using the Xbox 360 VGA cable and setting the resolution to 1920x1080?

After using this latest monitor I've notice that the left side of the monitor is a bit lighter than the right. If I set the monitor to just have a black background it almost looks as if there is a light reflecting off of the upper and lower left corners. That will drive me nuts. I think I may take another trip to Best Buy.

Yeah using the VGA cable I get 1080p with proper scaling and it looks amazing. The screen should not be brighter on one side btw.
Yeah using the VGA cable I get 1080p with proper scaling and it looks amazing. The screen should not be brighter on one side btw.

Yeah, and as I stated in an earlier post, the Feb 07 monitor doesn't recognize 1920x1080 using VGA. That's my biggest beef right now.
Just for fun, here's some pics of my monitor being stupid.

Here it is outputting 1360x768. Works fine and scales properly:

Here it is outputting 1920x1080:

Note that the OSD says that it's got a 1280x1024 signal while the 360 says it's outputting 1920x1080. Just to make sure that it was the monitor and not the 360. I set my computer's resolution to 1920x1080 over the DVI and it worked fine. Then I switched my computer to the VGA port and the monitor detects my computer as running 1280x1024.

This is kind of a big showstopper for me as it is one of the main reasons I bought this monitor. The Jan 07 didn't do this, but I've tried to Feb 07 monitors and they both do this.
Have you tried VGA out from your PC?

That is really strange, though it is running a different OSD version than the Jan, I wonder if they screwed something up with 360 functionality.
Have you tried VGA out from your PC?

That is really strange, though it is running a different OSD version than the Jan, I wonder if they screwed something up with 360 functionality.

Yes, I did connect to the PC and it does the same thing over the VGA connections but not the DVI connection.
Is anyone else running this Monitor with Crossfire?

Sometime when I start games, the whole screen will just go crazy like the refresh rate is way off. To fix this, I either have to turn off Crossfire or A.I. in CCC

I am not sure if EZTune is causing it.
Tried both 1:1 and Zoom to no avail. I'm taking it back tomorrow. Looks like Gateway broke the 1920x1080 VGA as of the Feb 07 monitor with the 5.5 OSD.

Oh man, that's not cool.... One of the reasons I like this monitor is for XBox 360 gaming on it. I've got that gateway logo stuck on the screen for a few minutes after powering up the lcd problem. I was going to rma but rather have that problem then no 1080 display. :(
I'm not sure if that is the case, my friend has a Feb. model, I might bring my 360 over there to test it out. Odd that the Jan 5.0 OSD had no issue with 360 but now the Feb 5.5 does?

Try another and post your results, it would be interesting to see if that really is the case. Wouldn't make a damn bit of sense though, the scaling features shouldn't break just because of a small software revision but you never know, it doesn't take much to break a feature.

One of the greatest aspects about this display are it's awesome scaling functionality with consoles, that would be a major blow if they fucked up 360 and 1080p. I think we need at least one more Feb to fail the 360 test before coming to that conclusion.
I'm not sure if that is the case, my friend has a Feb. model, I might bring my 360 over there to test it out. Odd that the Jan 5.0 OSD had no issue with 360 but now the Feb 5.5 does?

Try another and post your results, it would be interesting to see if that really is the case. Wouldn't make a damn bit of sense though, the scaling features shouldn't break just because of a small software revision but you never know, it doesn't take much to break a feature.

One of the greatest aspects about this display are it's awesome scaling functionality with consoles, that would be a major blow if they fucked up 360 and 1080p. I think we need at least one more Feb to fail the 360 test before coming to that conclusion.

Well it's done it on two Feb 07's so far. I'll be returning this one tomorrow and if I don't get positive results I may just do a straight return and then pick a different monitor altogether.
Oh man, that's not cool.... One of the reasons I like this monitor is for XBox 360 gaming on it. I've got that gateway logo stuck on the screen for a few minutes after powering up the lcd problem. I was going to rma but rather have that problem then no 1080 display. :(


so that is an issue?

so that is an issue?

Ok, basically this problem is for when you leave you pc turned on and then turn off your monitor. You then turn back on monitor later on sometime.

I like to turn off my monitor while leaving my pc on when I'm away from it.

There is a Big ole Gateway logo faintly stuck in the middle of the lcd screen and you can't access the menu from the lcd for about a few minutes. After a few minutes things go back to normal, but dvi logo remains stuck on screen for a few minutes.
Ok, basically this problem is for when you powerdown you turn on pc and then turn off monitor and then turn back on monitor later on.

I like to turn off my monitor while leaving my pc on when I'm away from it.

There is a Big ole Gateway logo faintly stuck in the middle of the lcd screen and you can't access the menu from the lcd for about a few minutes. After a few minutes things go back to normal, but fvi logo remains stuck on screen for a few minutes.

I have that issue too....
I don't get that.

This applies when say you want to run your pc as a file server and access from work but you don't want to leave your monitor turned on.

You turn off your monitor via the power button but your pc is still running doing its thing. Come back home and then turn on your monitor via the power button and the stupid Gateway logo is faintly stuck in the middle of your screen. The power or menu buttons don't work either. Your screen just stays black with the faint Gateway logo in the middle.

You wait a few minutes then your monitor awakens, so that you can now use your pc but the stupid dvi logo is now stuck in the middle of the screen for a few minutes (the menu and power buttons still don't work.)

Wait a few more minutes and then dvi logo goes away and all returns to norm. Whole process takes about 5 minutes or so.

This is just so annoying as I leave pc on sometimes when I go away from desk but I manully turn off my monitor.

I've read quite a few people have this problem, but I don't want to RMA now if I get a new one which I can't properly use my XBox 360 on.
I don't get that.

Ok, try this.

1. Power on pc.
2. Leave pc running for a little bit.
3. Now while pc is on, turn off the monitor via the power button on the monitor.
4. Leave monitor off for a little bit while leaving pc running.
5. Come back and turn on monitor via the power button.

What happens to me and apparently a lto of other people is that your monitor won't awaken right away. You will see that the Gateway logo is faintly stuck in the middle of your screen. The Power button and Menu button now will not work.

You have to wait a few minutes before your monitor will awaken itself. Even then you will have the stupid dvi logo stuck in the middle for a few minutes, still can't use Menu or Power button. Wait a few more minutes and the all is normal again.

This s-cks for people running their pc as a file server and want to power off monitor while they are away.
I understand the issue, I just don't have a problem like that.

Opps... We must have posted at almost the same time. :eek:

Lucky that you don't have that problem. I didn't have that problem initially but just after about 3 weeks or so then this stupid problem reared its ugly head. :confused:

Yeah I do that all the time actually. My PC is usually running, downloading stuff, then I power off the monitor. When I return it powers back on right away. Although I am running my DVI cable into an HDMI switch box, using a DVI to HDMI cable. This allows me to use the digital port for my PS3 as well.

Yeah I do that all the time actually. My PC is usually running, downloading stuff, then I power off the monitor. When I return it powers back on right away. Although I am running my DVI cable into an HDMI switch box, using a DVI to HDMI cable. This allows me to use the digital port for my PS3 as well.

Hmmm.... interesting.. I have a dvi->hdmi cable on my monitor and a dvi->hdmi adapter on the back of my 8800gts. This way I can just pull out the cable from the back of my pc and then plug right into my PS3. I'm wondering if this might play into the problem with my monitor. have to go check later on.
I used to have that problem with my monitor. Tried resetting everything, finally just unplugged the power waited a while and then plugged the power back in. It's been a month and the problem has not returned.
So get this. I was trying my best to access the monitor's service menu to see if there's any solution to this "inverse-ghosting." With the monitor off, by pressing the touch scroll bar and the power button simultaneously, it gives you access to a new menu labeled "Innolux Factory Menu."

Unfortunately, it doesn't really solve any of the shortcomings of this monitor. The factory menu allows you to adjust only the following items:

Panel type: CMO or SAM (mine has SAM highlighted - I guess I have a Samsung panel?)
Burn In: On or Off
Default color temp adjustments for 6500k and 9300k
OSD Time Out
Reset monitor timer

Just FYI.
Damn nice find. Though I can't get it to work, where on the scroll panel do you touch?

Do you hold them both down for a length of time?
Wow, it actually works.

I pressed the scroll bar and power button at the same time. Once the monitor came on I hit the menu button, went to the main menu, and was able to scroll down to a new option called Factory Menu.

I dont understand all the options though. Maybe someone can figure something out?

All I see is COM/SAM (Sam is higlighted) like alxnet said, timings, color temp, Auto color, OSD time out, erase NVram, and two other settings called Offset2 and Gain.

When I select Panel the monitor just restarts itself. I'm a bit afraid to try changing anything else since I dont understand them.
Well I'm now on my 4th monitor. So far so good. This is a Jan 07, OSD 5.0 release and now my 360 works properly running on VGA 1920x1080, yay!. Color balance on this monitor is waaaay better than on the Feb 07s that I had. Out of the box they were both way too bright. Still have the inverse ghosting issue (that has been on all 4 monitors that I had) but that I think I can deal with it. My understanding is that all these monitors (Dell, Westy, LG, Acer, Benq) do it.

I've been curious though, my 21" gateway didn't do it (at least not that I noticed) so what's the difference? And does this problem happen on LCD TVs? Just curious.
You need to press on the four button slider section with your thumb and simultaneously press the power button (with the monitor being off). You'll know it's working if the usual gateway logo and music doesn't appear.

I'm still hopeful there's a solution to minimize this inverse ghosting. Overall I'm still very pleased with the value for the money I spent, but just reducing this one side-effect would make this an almost perfect purchase.
Here is my nightmare of an experience with this monitor.

About 3 weeks ago, after much comparison and research on all the 24" LCDs, I pulled the trigger and bought my first FPD2485W - Jan 07 MGQ71 model from Circuity City. It had significant backlight bleed on the top right corner and a dead pixel near the bottom, so I exchanged it for another one, figuring it was bad luck.

The second monitor - Feb 07 MGQ72 had a flawless panel - little bleeding, minimal ghosting, no dead pixels. But as it heated up, the monitor started locking up - the OSD control buttons would stop responding (including the standby button), and if I power cycled the monitor, the buttons would not show up at all and the monitor would not detect any inputs. The only fix was to unplug the thing for about 15 minutes, then everything returns to normal (I guess because the electronics cooled down a bit). Gateway support gave no answers (guy said he was stumped).

So I went to CC again and got a third one. This one (Feb 07 MGQ72) has backlight bleed on the four corners until it warms up: then the upper right corner's bleed gets bigger and the rest disappears. Ugh. I decided to keep this monitor for a few more days to see if the bleeding will fix itself away. It hasn't, of course.

Then today I had an idea... maybe Circuit City got a batch of lemons. So I went to a Best Buy and got another one, my 4th (Feb 07 MXH72). This one had a quarter sized dark patch on the upper left corner that was visible at all times. It's as if the panel had been subjected to high pressure or was struck on this spot. Warming up the monitor doesn't help.

So I marched back into Best Buy and asked for an exchange and demanded to examine the replacement monitor before I leave. The first box I opened had a panel with the exact same problem on the upper right corner. After I opened my second one the service reps refused to let me open any more boxes... Luckily that panel did not have any immediately visible defects anyway so I took it home. Then I found that it had the worst backlight bleeding I've ever seen out of the 6 panels that's been in my hands - both the upper and lower right corners had swaths the size of my palm and visible even with pictures on the screen. As the monitor warms up the bleeding gets worse.

Now I'm sitting here with 2 FPD2485W's, one from circuity city with some backlight bleed and a buzzing power supply, and one from best buy with severe backlight bleed.

Should I

1. Return both and wait until Gateway gets their QC under control (or another monitor with this feature set comes on the market)? - this would be the logical choice but I've invested so much on time this already, and I don't want to wait months and month for a good monitor with this feature set.
2. Return one and RMA the other one, hoping Gateway's RMA dept. send out better quality ones?
3. Return both and order one from Maybe Gateway keeps the nicer grades and sends the leftovers to retailers. The price difference is not much of an issue.
4. Go hit up more BB's and CC's?
5. Return the one with the severe bleeding and keep the other, knowing that its the best I can hope for...? Now that I know how bad the backlight bleeding can really be I'm a bit more willing to tolerate it, and the buzzing power supply gets drowned out easily by fans or speakers.
Wow, all these stories are really making me not want to buy an LCD. I can't seem to find any model currently available in a 24" that doesn't seem to have a large contingent of issues surrounding it.

Are the 22" versions of these any better?
Wow, all these stories are really making me not want to buy an LCD. I can't seem to find any model currently available in a 24" that doesn't seem to have a large contingent of issues surrounding it.

The Gateway has the worst QC of all the 24 inch manufacturers. The BenQ line-up is probably your best shot for QC, the only major known issue is that it crops a 1080p signal from the PS3, but that should be fixed soon. If you can't afford that, go for the Dell, its got a terrible scaler, but for DVI/VGA use, it should do the job.