Gaming mATX board FINALLY!

it is very strange. everytime i will to install windows xp (oced 3.0ghz) and used intergerated video card. it is automatic reboot.

does anyone know why it is doing that?

If it's not acting stable while overclocked, then you need to back it down. I'd say: run it stock, install Windows, then see what your limits are. Most likely you'll be able to run it at or better than 3 Ghz, but be careful with using onboard video it could be the weak spot of this board.
I don't knwo what's going on. I can do many things like OCCT, SuperPi, a Defrag (to test if it was related to disk access) etc.

As soon as I started CoreTemp, reboot. 3 times in a row! Then the 4th times I started SuperPi before and lauched CoreTemp no problem. I also got a reboot when installing Google Toolbar.

I'm lost. I installed all driver, SouthBridge, Video, Ethernet, etc (all executable) and no problem.

Any idea?

EDIT : I just found on CoreTemp forum that I'm not alone having the problem! A soon as you lauch CoreTemp computer reboot! So maybe the problem is not in my setup. Only things weird was the reboot when installing Google Toolbar but maybe CoreTemp was running, I don't know.

I would like a few of you trying CoreTemp v0.95 and let me know if you get the reboot thing. I posted on CoreTem forum a link pointing this this message so it would be nice to get more results from now on.

Any other suggestion for a program that will monitor core temps meanwhile?
Hello people!
Now I am very much a newbie when it comes to building computers and would like some help please!
Just put together a f190-hd with 2 SATA hard drives and Vista but it is only recognising one of the hard drives in vista but both in bios. Are there any SATA drivers that I need to download as the ones that came on the cd seem to only work for xp! Anybody got the RAID working in vista?

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
i have the modded bios files. how do i flash it ? can anyone please give me the link for the utitly file?

please give me the link.
I don't knwo what's going on. I can do many things like OCCT, SuperPi, a Defrag (to test if it was related to disk access) etc.

As soon as I started CoreTemp, reboot. 3 times in a row! Then the 4th times I started SuperPi before and lauched CoreTemp no problem. I also got a reboot when installing Google Toolbar.

I'm lost. I installed all driver, SouthBridge, Video, Ethernet, etc (all executable) and no problem.

Any idea?

EDIT : I just found on CoreTemp forum that I'm not alone having the problem! A soon as you lauch CoreTemp computer reboot! So maybe the problem is not in my setup. Only things weird was the reboot when installing Google Toolbar but maybe CoreTemp was running, I don't know.

I would like a few of you trying CoreTemp v0.95 and let me know if you get the reboot thing. I posted on CoreTem forum a link pointing this this message so it would be nice to get more results from now on.

Any other suggestion for a program that will monitor core temps meanwhile?
Just use iTAT. It was developed my intel, the temps aren't going to get much more accurate. I don't know why people waste time with that program. I think it was created before iTAT was discovered. If you compare temps, they are generally within a degree of each other.

i have the modded bios files. how do i flash it ? can anyone please give me the link for the utitly file?

please give me the link.
It's already flashed. Cheers. :cool:
i am missing enable or disable bootup logo.

i want to disable it.

is there any program to accurate show the temp for the cpu.

i guess the onboard video card is not compatible with powerdvd? because when i play it, it says it is not compatible video card.
Just use iTAT. It was developed my intel, the temps aren't going to get much more accurate. I don't know why people waste time with that program.

I didn't know about iTAT, thanks. I feel better now, seems the problem was related to CoreTemp only.
After running for about a week the MB looks like it died again. The board powers on but it doesn't post. Tried clearing the CMOS, reseating the memories and going back to a single DIMM configuration.

I was doing a fairly modest OC of 320MHz FSB and was passing Super-PI easily. The night before the board died I was trying 333MHz with SetFSB and it kept on locking up so I went back to 320.

This is the most troublesome board I've used in a long while. The worst part is requiring a higher VDIMM to get Dual Channel running. My cheapy ECS P4M800PRO-M2 runs perfectly with my OCZ2P8002GK.

I'm not taking any chances and will return it while the 30 day Fry's return guarantee is valid. If the later revs of this board with new bios are better then I'll look at it again. Good luck folks. Signing out...

Here are the specs:
* Abit Fatal1ty F-I90HD with stock Bios
* OEM Core2 Duo E6300
* OCZ 2GB DDR2-800 Platinum XTC (OCZ2P8002GK)
* Thermaltake TR2-M21 RX CPU Cooler
* Abit F-I90HD Fata1ity MATX motherboard
* MicroFly mATX case
* Ultra ULT-500P 500W V-Series PSU
I tried 366 once and it would not boot. Had to clear CMOS. I've pushed mine up to 345 with a screenshot after running SuperPI (below 20 secs) but it was not stable, sometimes it would reset. 333 was fine but my goal is not to push it to the max so I'll set it to 300. If one day I feel like the extra 33MHz could make a difference in a particular application then I may go 333 for it but I will always go back to 300.
I know we're all [h], but isn't there a point where you should realize that your SFF cube just doesn't need that much horsepower? :D

I don't really see the point behind the F-I90HD because.. well, what's the maximum that people have gotten up to? Around 375?

Why not just wait for a company to come out with a P965 based mATX motherboard? Wouldn't we all be happy then? Clearly, overclocking on mATX on Conroe still isn't very good yet.

I agree that this motherboard is a right step in the right direction. I'm just thinking it was too small of a step.
I know we're all [h], but isn't there a point where you should realize that your SFF cube just doesn't need that much horsepower? :D

I don't really see the point behind the F-I90HD because.. well, what's the maximum that people have gotten up to? Around 375?

Why not just wait for a company to come out with a P965 based mATX motherboard? Wouldn't we all be happy then? Clearly, overclocking on mATX on Conroe still isn't very good yet.

I agree that this motherboard is a right step in the right direction. I'm just thinking it was too small of a step.

375 on mATX is amazing (stable and useful that is). There will never been a board that makes 450 for mATX
I know we're all [h], but isn't there a point where you should realize that your SFF cube just doesn't need that much horsepower? :D

I don't really see the point behind the F-I90HD because.. well, what's the maximum that people have gotten up to? Around 375?

Why not just wait for a company to come out with a P965 based mATX motherboard? Wouldn't we all be happy then? Clearly, overclocking on mATX on Conroe still isn't very good yet.

I agree that this motherboard is a right step in the right direction. I'm just thinking it was too small of a step.

I'm an avid gamer. I have two systems I use Primarily for gaming, music, & video. I only take my primary gamer to events like Quakecon. All other lans & get toghethers among friends, I take my aspire m-ATX tagged mobile station. This box generally holds alot of music & movies in MP4 format so I can transfer back in forth on the ipod. This board has given me alot more horsepower for encoding dvd's to mp4 as well as gaming. The power of the E6600 @ 3.3ghz amazing & my cpu does this @ default volts with eist enabled. This board is awesome & the HMI output makes it an all around multimedia powerhouse in my opinion :)
Has any managed to get Vista SATA drivers for this board? Or am I just being stupid!
i want to know are both core suppose to be the same temp.because when i use itat, both core is different temp. cpu-0 is 5 degrees than cpu-1.

for example

39 cpu-0
34 cpu-1
Thats why I'm seriously considering the E6600 with my build. All I really want to make me happy is a 3.0GHz chip performance without spending a huge chunk of money on the proc. The E6600 would give that to me with this mobo with only a 25% overclock. Thats a light overclock in my eyes. Shouldnt tax the mobo too much neither. Should be pretty straight forward for a mobo that hits a wall around 360-370fsb

Those opting for the E4300 and getting 3GHz is sweet but considering the problems alot of people are having getting it to remain stable or even stay alive and working is enough to turn me away from the E4300.

I'm still holding off though till the end of next week at least. See what Steeeeve's and AT's reviews say before deciding. I might even wait longer to see if the next batch proves just how good the mobo is or isnt. There just isnt enough sampling/testing to say one way or another yet what the problems stem from.
i want to know are both core suppose to be the same temp.because when i use itat, both core is different temp. cpu-0 is 5 degrees than cpu-1.

for example

39 cpu-0
34 cpu-1

All the testing I have seen with the E6300 and up chips are usually 1C or 2C off from each other. 5C seems a bit much but it may be the program you are using thats not correct. Not sure how much variance the E4300 cores have. I would expect them be the same as the rest of the chip family though.
Has any managed to get Vista SATA drivers for this board? Or am I just being stupid!

I believe you just haven't initialized and formated the drive.

In Windows XP you go right click on My Computer > Manage then in that menu go down to Disk Management. Once in there you should see the drive you're missing and it will say unitialized, right click, initialize it and then format it and it should be a perfectly useful drive.

(Once you get to disk management if everything's in working order it should auto prompt a window and walk you through it.) Let us know how it works out.
Has any managed to get Vista SATA drivers for this board? Or am I just being stupid!

Have you initialized the hard disk?

In XP it's right-click My Computer | Manage | Disk management, then find the disk in the lower right pane, right click on it and it will give you options.
i am missing enable or disable bootup logo.

i want to disable it.

is there any program to accurate show the temp for the cpu.

i guess the onboard video card is not compatible with powerdvd? because when i play it, it says it is not compatible video card.

DeepFishDave was having issues too, here was his fix:

Update on HDMI and DVD playback. Now working perfect with sound and no jerkiness - just needed a copy of PowerDVD 7 which includes Avivo hardware support option. Lovely stuff - except that i can't overclock as much as i want when using the o/b video!
Those opting for the E4300 and getting 3GHz is sweet but considering the problems alot of people are having getting it to remain stable or even stay alive and working is enough to turn me away from the E4300.

The E4300 reach 300 easy and even without higher voltage.
I have a pickle guys. I need your advice here because this is outside of what has ever happened to me. I'm just double checking that this isnt some weird board error I have never heard of before.

Okay. I finally get around to actually updating my windows I installed (my windows version is very very old, pre SP1) and it says it cannot copy certain files from "X" Directory. First, I repair windows hoping it was a bad install. This did nothing, and it said it could not find different files from the first time.

Okay... I find another windows cd. Try to format the drive, and it sits for over 45 minutes at 1% and never moves. I cancel, try again under the "Quick" format, and it works instantly and surprisingly fast. I get back into windows, put my cd with SP2 in, and copy it to my desktop. I try to execute the file and it says that Windows cannot locate my Documents folder.

Now... This sounds like a HDD problem to me. Ive just never had a bad HDD (this one is brand new too). Is there anything specifically that could be wrong with the board thats causing this? I need to know because if I need to declare RMA's on my parts, I'm going to have to do it rather soon.

download the hitachi drive tool DFT from their website and run it. Get the bootable cd version. The using it do and advanced scan on your hdd. That will rule out if your hdd is bad or not.
Yea.. has to be it. I before I read your reply I finally managed to get the .net framwork 2.0 installed so I could run SeaTools (running a seagate drive). It failed 3 of the 4 basic tests. It has to be bad.

I'll try that program too, because I'm not entirely sure what the results of the test from this program means. ;)
Well fixed all my problems with this motherboard. Apparently my hard drive just got corrupted, and if you use the thermalright cooler for the 8800gtx it fixes the issues with the sata connectors. Still havent tried to overclock it at all.
How does the thermalright cooler fix the SATA problems?

Well I guess I will have to get my digital camera but it allows you to get at 3 of the sata ports if you own a evga 8800gtx ko acs3

Another question though. Is there anywhere in the bios to disable the onboard video? Because so far I dont see a place to do it.
quick question... ive got this board (thanks steeeeve :)) but havent built my system yet (started a new job and such its on hold a few weeks)

does the onboard HDMI carry the audio also? i know that HDMI to HDMI can carry audio on some devices
All HDMI carries audio.

HDMI = DVI with Audio.

i know HDMI carries audio... i have howerver heard of some things that are HDMI that required the use of audio as well... i dont remrmeber where i saw or heard that from though... and no im not talking about HDMI to DVI cause i know that doesnt

oh well whatever....
Another question though. Is there anywhere in the bios to disable the onboard video? Because so far I dont see a place to do it.

There is an option to set Onboard/PCI/PCIe in the BIOS. Since you're running the 8800 yours should be set to PCIe.
Thanks for that Homer! Hard drive is now formatting ready for use!
Has anyone got RAID to work in Vista using this motherboard?
I was wondering what heatsink/fans everyone is using? Are there any that won't work? I would like to use a thermalright xp120 or si120, but they look like they may hit the northbridge heatsink. thanks for the help.
First time poster here. Because of this thread I am a proud owner of this Final1ty board with an E4300. The last machine I overclocked was an 80286-16, so it has been light-years since I have had this type of fun. My problem is the system goes to POST then automatically recycles through the POST and this goes on indefinitely with all original settings and no OC (yet). I have tried two memory sticks, one memory sticks, different slots and clearing CMOS with jumper, all to no avail. A bit of background. I had the ECS/E4300 cheapie FRY combo pack running with this memory and when I OC'd that it killed the mother board. Fry's credited me for both the E4300 and ECS board and I upgraded to the Frys F-190/E4300 combo, but I am using the old memory. Wondering if I killed the memory when the ECS board died? It does see both memory sticks on POST. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

E4300 w/Intel Fan (oem)
2 Gig Corsair PCS5300 667MHz
Apevia X-Dreamer II
SATA 250 Gig Maxtor
On Board Graphics/Sound

If I can get this sorted out, I am going for 3MHz like the rest of you freaks!