Gaming Gear/Clothes

TVersetti said:
where can I get the iron-ons then
Walmart...there in the paper/office supplies section. Just make sure you get the right kind (for either light clothing or dark clothing). I love making my own shirts.
I am right when I say that I enjoy video games. I don't wear clothes to please myself or to be clever. I get dressed because I want to look good to the opposite sex so its designer jeans, ralph lauren polo shirts and a blazer.

Fact is fact, video games don't relate to a positive image in society. I wouldn't enjoy wearing shirts about binary or programming because it doesn't reflect the person I embody. If it is right for you thats great but you just need to see that it is not a black and white issue.
at least people that make their own shirts aren't unknowingly wearing company propaganda. its definately better than kids that go out and get the gangster swag because they want to emulate a degenerate.

btw minus000, your jeans are 4 lapdances more expensive than mine.
joethemole said:
who the fuc* cares if ur right or not

ps: next time you try to flame me, do it like an f'n man and say it in the topic itself. don't waste my pm space and then go all out with all your pretty little swear words and put downs. it truly shows exactly how much intelligence you got, when all you do is swear when you try to diss other people.

Coming from the one who says all girl gamers are "ugly and bad in bed." Riiiiiight.
joethemole said:
i don't see whats so funny about that. the only type of person who would wear that shirt is:

1. nerdy

2. want to show off the nerdiness

3. don't know jacksh** but still want to look smart.

Hi. Would you like me to explain Schrödinger's theory to you? I'm sure I can do it much better than you can.

And just an FYI - the back shows this:


So the shirt actually IS accurate, because the front says dead, the back says not dead.

I'll be VERY glad to write up a nice little paragraph or two explaining how the experiment works, and the theory behind it.

Also - I'm not "nerdy" and I don't want to 'show off my nerdiness'. I think the shirts funny, and I get lots of attention in the social circles I travel, because a good handful of people get a kick out of some of the shirts I wear. Just because I'm comfortable with who I am and you aren't gives you no right to flame me.
MrSlacker said:
what makes you a dork is not wearing geeky shirts, but hiding and denying ur geeky side. when som1 calls me a geek i just say yeah i am a geek and a very proud 1.

Ditto. I am quite proud of being a geek, and say it proudly. I don't care what others think of me, I have plenty of friends, and if you are gonna laugh at me and be like "ha ha I'm immature and like to make fun of people because it makes me feel better about myself", then I don't want you as my friend anyway.
Minus000 said:
I am right when I say that I enjoy video games. I don't wear clothes to please myself or to be clever. I get dressed because I want to look good to the opposite sex so its designer jeans, ralph lauren polo shirts and a blazer.

Fact is fact, video games don't relate to a positive image in society. I wouldn't enjoy wearing shirts about binary or programming because it doesn't reflect the person I embody. If it is right for you thats great but you just need to see that it is not a black and white issue.
My man! I'm a nerd, I play video games for extended periods of time. But, I enjoy trying to make myself look good, and that's something you can't pull off in a t-shirt. Unless you look like the Rock.
^^ I feel the same way. It seams most ladies dont respond to well to the nerdy t-shirts.
I am a geek, and I dont hide this fact .... but I also dont advertise it.
LOL, this is a super funny thread. I think I could sport some of the gaming shirts...but those other obscure computer shirts are out of my league.

On a side note: My Dad loves to sport his Linux user group's shirt and he gave a few to some of my friends, who wear them just to dumb-asses.
Minus000 said:
I am right when I say that I enjoy video games. I don't wear clothes to please myself or to be clever. I get dressed because I want to look good to the opposite sex so its designer jeans, ralph lauren polo shirts and a blazer.

Fact is fact, video games don't relate to a positive image in society. I wouldn't enjoy wearing shirts about binary or programming because it doesn't reflect the person I embody. If it is right for you thats great but you just need to see that it is not a black and white issue.


Except....Sean Jean, Polo, Nautica, Timberland, Nike, A/X, Lucky etc...

I leave my nerdiness at the computer. It has no application elsewhere. Real life demands other things from us.
Minus000 said:
I am right when I say that I enjoy video games. I don't wear clothes to please myself or to be clever. I get dressed because I want to look good to the opposite sex so its designer jeans, ralph lauren polo shirts and a blazer.
Those companies aren't paying you enough to advertise for them. YOU'RE PAYING THEM so that you can wear their logos. That's fucked. Any girl that is attracted to someone because they wear designer clothes is a goddamn waste of time if you ask me.
slowbiz said:
Those companies aren't paying you enough to advertise for them. YOU'RE PAYING THEM so that you can wear their logos. That's fucked. Any girl that is attracted to someone because they wear designer clothes is a goddamn waste of time if you ask me.

The proper fit of the clothes is why I am willing to pay more money. A woman is not attracted to designer clothes on average their are two key factors, your ability to make her feel something (anything except boredom) and your ablity to show independance. I am not intrested in dating an ugly woman or even an average woman, I want someone with a great personality and beauty and won't settle for less. I guess I see it as equal respect, if I demand her to look great for me it would be unrealistic if I couldn't do the same.
I've found this today browsing deviantart: , great idea, and nice execution.
Propably first proffesional clothing brand for gamers... im waiting for something more from this guys :)