'Gaming Disorder' Survey


Extremely [H]
Jan 28, 2014
The WHO has put up a survey to gather data for gaming disorder diagnoses and give participants an idea of how they stand in comparison to others. The final evaluation gives a score out of 20, with anything 5 or above meaning "at risk."

I believe I answered everything as honestly as I could and it gave me a 4/20, so I guess that means I need to pump those numbers up.



Looks like their bell curve peaks between a 7 and 8.


No surprise here that gaming is primarily a recreational activity among gamers.


I'm very much an introvert, but am confident in who I am as a person and generally get along well with others in real life activities (not so much online :troll:). Not surprised to see I very much fall outside the mold in their sample. Kind of surprised by the average agreeableness and openness, though.

Interesting to say the least. I scoffed at some of the questions, especially some of the behavioral ones that didn't give a neutral or N/A option. There was a smartphone section that did the same, which I found hilarious considering I don't own a smartphone. Plenty of questions that were loaded and biased, which I took the time to think about critically and answer directly.
I took the test while eating earlier, here are the results:




Looks pretty spot on. I'm far from an introvert in online and offline, and I'm generally very easy going, but have a lot of ambition in what I do daily. I'm surprised how well rounded everything came out for chart 3, but I did also answer as truthfully as I could. I was thinking it'd lean even more towards recreation for chart 2, as those were the ones I strongly agreed with. I generally play games because A. I like to play them, and B. I like to just relax and kick back.
I was also a 4/20. I just playing to waste a tiny bit of time, but I assume the amount of time I play really skewed the results.
I put roughly 10 hours I think, but it varies week to week. Sometimes it's simply 1-2 hours a week. Often times it's late nights where I put in 2-3 after being on the computer and staring at emails and spreadsheets (too awake to fall asleep comfortably).

Make sure to check how much you play 'Semeron Online'.

Yeah, what the fuck even is that?
BiH115 - my guess it's a control question. It's a nonexistent game so if folk click that.. well.. probably get put in the 'suspect' pile.
I put roughly 10 hours I think, but it varies week to week. Sometimes it's simply 1-2 hours a week. Often times it's late nights where I put in 2-3 after being on the computer and staring at emails and spreadsheets (too awake to fall asleep comfortably).

Yeah, what the fuck even is that?

I put about 1 hour a week. And that's stretching it these days
Just for comparison's sake I said 25 hours. I figured my range was around 18-25 hours a week, so I put the high number in.
That's what I was thinking it had to be. Google turned up no results. Just a means to gauge validity.
Exactly what it is. It looks like the exact question was used in a prior, similar study.
I got a 9/20 for points and I'm Fantasy motivated this is a pretty well thought out survey the thing is most gamers don't even have the intelligence to answer something like this I mean the typical fortnite player at a younger age. I really enjoy games like Pokemon Go but guess what gives me eyestrain even though I like going different places to play it but haven't played it in over a year.