Games your cant wait for!

Age of Conan is what I am most waiting on.
Sins of a Solar EMpire (this got a huge update re: open beta today btw - those of you following need to head to Stardocks website)

Darkfall sounds great, but its vaporware so <shrug>

Warhammer Online looks ok; if Funcom drops the ball on AoC then I will check out WAR.

Dragon Age

Not announced I know, but I can dream:
MechWarrior 5 (MechAssault does NOT count)
Total War: Napoleonic Wars
Freespace III
Freelancer II
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Team Fortress 2
Fortress Forever

Warhammer Online/The new mmo based on War40K
Huxley/Tabula Rasa
Hmm, used to look forward to Age of Conan too but the combat seems kinda sloppy..
Warhammer Online is based on regular Warhammer not WH40K (id prob go for a W40K MMO though - that could be neat).

When the games are both released we shall see; personally I think they will both cater to niche markets that will slice off small portions of the WoW playerbase. One big negative about WAR is that its run by Mythic; I dont think I could ever bring myself to be their customer again after what they did to me in DAOC (I had a Merc at launch; I quit the char before the xpacks and before the Golden Age of Mercs).
I'm jonesing for:
Dragon Age

Could Happen:

TIE Fighter II
An old school LucasArts adventure game
Age of Mythology II
X-Com: A Remake

How do I get Lucas to give me what I want, instead of digitally placing Ewoks into his old movies? :D
Super Smash Brothers Brawl will be the best Wii game to come out this year, and yes it is well deserved, also Sonic might make a special appearance as well likely newcomers are Diddy, Ridley and King DeeDeeDee, as well as the already confirmed ones are Pit, Zero-Suit Samus (Zamus), Wario, Snake and Meta Knight.

Although it's just my pure speculation, who knows what will actually happen.
Crysis... =)

Some more new mmos, although I doubt that i will have time to play anymore mmo, and then I'll eventually have no motivation to play anymore. All mmos seem to end that way.

GoW3, if they are ever going to make a third. =)
I love GoW2.
In addition to many of the games already listed...

sequel to Dreamfall: The longest Journey

Just played the backwards compatible Xbox version on my 360 AND I WANT MORE DAMMIT.:(
I'm dying for Enemy Territory. BF2142 is just not fulfilling my future war jones and I kinda regret paying full retail for it.
Really can't wait for:

Forza Motorsports 2
Gran Turismo 5
Grand Theft Auto IV
PS3 Home

Just so so:

Monster Madness


Alan Wake
Team Fortress 2
Quake Wars
UT 3

will defiantly need to upgrade to play some of those games though.

PS3 (when I get one eventually)
Devil Mar Cry 4

Xbox360 (when I get one eventually)
Halo 3
Forza 2
Colin McRae Dirt
After the trailer: Grand Theft Auto IV


The Godfather Part II
Heat (maybe even Collateral)
Titan Quest 2
Diablo 3
Team Fortress 2
White knight story. that game looks like its gonna be the ff7 of this gen

cant wait for ut3, crysis, spiderman 3, stranglehold, and a new max payne game. mp2 was the shit

mgs4, ff13, god of war 3, socom for ps3....the list goes one
Myself, I cannot wait for :

Hellgate: London
Spore and Hellgate London. Any word on either release dates? Or projected dates.
1. FORZA 2
2. FORZA 2
3. FORZA 2
4. FORZA 2
5. FORZA 2

it's killing me slowly but surely. :(
1. FORZA 2
2. FORZA 2
3. FORZA 2
4. FORZA 2
5. FORZA 2

it's killing me slowly but surely. :(

Yea I know how that feels, except with me it's Smash Brothers Brawl, it's the last game I've been super hyped up for since Oblivion.