Games with a great story

Torgo said:
Best story bar none was Planescape: Torment. No question. Baldur's Gate, KoTR are all great games and had engaging storylines. Nothing compares to Torment though. Nothing.

Fallout doesn't come just blows torment out of the water. Fallout and fallout 2 best story period
I think that the Rainbow Six series has had great story-lines...Raven Shield was ok, but Rougue Spear was top notch...Also think System Shock 2 was great...
I think the icewind dale and baldur's gate games have good stories.

But here is a great story:


I must've played through that game like 6 times when I was like 12 years old. I've never done that with any other game I don't think. Sure, the gameplay was simple, but the story and the cinematics were awesome at the time. Lucasarts makes awesome adventure games.
I think Half Life had a good storyline.
I will never forget when I saw "Forget about Freeman" spray painted on the wall near the end of the game, heh.
Also I see that no one mentioned Red Faction. I loved that game, still play it on occasion.
> Gabriel Knight games

They're good, but I think they went from excellent to good to bland over the series. Actually, the third game pissed me off with all the dead ends and pointless misdirection.
Marathon and its sequels had one of the best story lines I have seen in an fps. Deus Ex is also very good. As a side note, anyone who hasn't played it should get a mac emulator and give Marathon a try. You will notice that there are a lot of similarities between it and HALO.
eloj said:
> Gabriel Knight games

They're good, but I think they went from excellent to good to bland over the series. Actually, the third game pissed me off with all the dead ends and pointless misdirection.

I tend to agree, but GK3 still had a pretty interesting story.
Half-Life's story wasn't anything special, it was just told in a refreshing and immersive way. Still an awesome single-player game though.

Some games that I really liked for their stories:

Freespace 1&2
Mechwarrior series
Heavy Gear 1&2
Warcraft series
Max Payne 1&2
Serious Sam :cool:
Deus Ex. Most definitely. Max Payne 1/2 and Mafia were awesome aswell. But I still think Deus Ex rox0r3d everyone's box0rs the most :)
yeah i liked the warcraft series, and both max paynes were good but the first one was great, i hope they make a moive out of it and get the guy who did the punisher to do max payne.
Not really story driven but Call of Duty really gave me a "you are there" feeling. Almost like watching a movie as the story unfolds (but mainly it's all killing german troops). A very immersive game. Medal of Honor had close to the same effect.

Yeah Chrono Trigger. Let's hear it for emulation!
max payne
baldurs gate
far cry(imho)

legend of evermore
super mario rpg


dragon warrior
HRslammR said:
the max payne games.

only games i've ever actually felt sorry for the character
Is that because the character talks like a cheap Philip Marloe film noir wannabe? It was so over the top, it actually became comical and finally endearing to me. :p
Play Fatal Frame 1 and Fatal Frame 2 and you'll thank me later. :) If you can get past the cheesy idea of the game, it actually has an extremely interesting storyline with a lot of different character development.

It's to be made into a movie, but by the same director who made Catwoman and The Core. :(
NeoNemesis said:
Marathon and its sequels had one of the best story lines I have seen in an fps. Deus Ex is also very good. As a side note, anyone who hasn't played it should get a mac emulator and give Marathon a try. You will notice that there are a lot of similarities between it and HALO.

Probably because it's from the same company.

I had the marathon trillogy on CD for my mac. Marathon II: Durandal was teh shiz

Marathon Infinity coupled with teh Marathon Evil mod was f*cking scary!
Jason Isom said:
It's to be made into a movie, but by the same director who made Catwoman and The Core. :(

Little box office poison right there ;)

So glad to see Fallout support *woohoo!*

game with a GREAT ENDING with the story too

I think that's the big thing. I hate when the game has a decent story...and the end is "You saved the world! " *credits*

Fallout 1,2 had great endings. Final fantasy 3 (snes) was really good.
M'k, I don't understand people who are saying Max Payne or Serious sam or Halo had "great" stories. They mighta been good, but seriously.... "rebel cop vs. mafia"... "you vs. hordes of aliens?" not too original. Oh, and for all you RPG snobs out there, yeah, Half-life DID have a storyline. Just because it had aliens in it and it came out after Doom doesn't make it a Doom clone tho. I don't remember finding any damn red, yellow or blue keycards in HL. Also, HL did a good job of drawing you into the game with it's in-game cinematics, like the violent deaths of your former co-workers. Great stories draw you in and are played again and again- I've only ever played Serious Sam or Halo ONCE. That was enough for me. Oh, and FarCry's story wasn't THAT good, and the ending sucked.
Games with Good storylines:
Games with Great/original storylines:
Deus Ex (the first one, NOT the sequel)
Freedom Fighters
DF2: Jedi Knight
Inspector_Gadget said:
Oh, and for all you RPG snobs out there, yeah, Half-life DID have a storyline. Just because it had aliens in it and it came out after Doom doesn't make it a Doom clone tho. I don't remember finding any damn red, yellow or blue keycards in HL.

Key Cards = Gameplay != Story. :rolleyes:

And Max Payne had a great story. :eek:
Rebel Cop takes on lots of baddies....hmm...sounds like any b-rate Steven Segal or Chuck Norris flick. Not what I would call a great story. I liked the game, but the story was not one that made me think they were being too original. :rolleyes: