Games for 8800 series..

Jan 24, 2004
I only upgrade my videocard based on the release of a highly anticipated game title. It seems every videocard launch (a videocard with a new architecture) there is at least one marquee title coming out. I got a 6800GTX for both Far Cry,HL2, and Doom 3, and last year a 7900GTX for Oblivion and Company of Heroes. Sadly, titles such as the previously mentioned seem few and far between as we progress into the 'console era.' The only games I can think for the 8800 series are as follows:

Alan Wake
UT 2007

It seems these games are completely catered to take full advantage of DX10 and all the goodies the 8800 series has to offer. But man... it seems like such a small list in comparison to the awesome games of the past. What are Valve and ID Software up to?

Can anyone else list some games that would make an 8800 purchase more justifiable? I'm having a hard time searching for upcoming games (besides Crysis) that will push the envelop of PC gaming. And I'm not talking about games that are also planned for the console initially... I'm talking about games that make myself proud to be a PC gamer.
Maybe not right away but I'm pretty sure within a few months of Vista's release we'll be seeing many many new titles taking advantage of D3D10. Games take a while to develop and I'm sure the developers are having fun seeing just what can be done with D3D10. I can't justify the need for you to upgrade to an 8800 series with a list of launch titles but once we all see what can (and hopefully will) be done with our new toy I'm sure it will be more than enough convincing to make the leap.

[We'll see which of the offerings spread before us fares the best but I, personally, plan on an 8800GTX because its timing coincides nicely with my new build]

PS - Don't know exactly what Valve and iD have in store for us with graphics capability but Valve's reworking of the whole Steam engine to work to utilize multi-core CPUs is sounding nice =)
Check out Assassin's Creed - videos can be found on youtube. Seems along the lines of Oblivion meets Hitman.
Yeah... I checked out Assassin's Creed... but that game is slated also for a PS3 release. I wanna see some games where console gamers look at PC gaming in awe. The same effect that Far Cry, Doom3, and HL2 had with the release of the 6800 and X800 series.
Upgrading in anticipation of a new game is a bad idea. Get the game, see if it runs well and looks nice on your system. If not, upgrade. If so, don't upgrade.
I'm upgrading for my current games that play slow on 1600x1200.
This is the same thing that happened with the 9700 Pro - there weren't any DirectX 9 games for the first year, and DX9 wasn't even available until 6 months after the card was released.

Given the high price of entry (high-end only cards, Vista required), I expect the selection of DX10 titles to remain sparse. I'm amazed we have any at all for 2007.
defaultluser said:
This is the same thing that happened with the 9700 Pro - there weren't any DirectX 9 games for the first year, and DX9 wasn't even available until 6 months after the card was released.

Given the high price of entry (high-end only cards, Vista required), I expect the selection of DX10 titles to remain sparse. I'm amazed we have any at all for 2007.

I remember that. And shortly after that, the 9800Pro/XT were supposed to be THE cards for HL2, only to undergo an HL2 delay. Then when HL2 comes out... the X800 comes out as well.

AT LEAST during the release of the 9700 Pro... we knew games like Doom3 and HL2 were coming within the next few years. But it seems like there is very little to look forward to... and no rumors of anything nearly as exciting. (Unless Blizzard leaks any Starcraft 2 info.. and even then... that won't come out until 2099).
arthur_tuxedo said:
Upgrading in anticipation of a new game is a bad idea. Get the game, see if it runs well and looks nice on your system. If not, upgrade. If so, don't upgrade.

Printed and taped all over my mirrors. :D
Yeah, don't get a video card in anticipation of a game. I purchased a 9800pro anticipating HL2. It came out WAY after, and didn't even run that great on the card
See my post about tom clancy vegas in

While this game is not as anticipated, and there isn't much hype about the technology, but the screenshots look nice from gamespot atleast. Vegas...done by Clancy...

This is one of the better screenshots....
Its a new game atleast :/

Min req's are pretty beefy,

1024mb RAM
3ghz P4 or equiv
Video Card:128MB, Shader Model 3 and DirectX 9c compatible (see supported list*)
Sound Card directX 9c compatible
I'm sure ID and VALVE have stuff in the works, just not announced yet. I guarantee that!
Sparrow_69 said:
Yeah, don't get a video card in anticipation of a game. I purchased a 9800pro anticipating HL2. It came out WAY after, and didn't even run that great on the card

yikes, musta jumped the gun by a couple years too early :eek:
About one year. If you recall, HL2 was supposed to be released in Sep. '03, and they really played up the HL2 + 9800 Pro angle. In fact, anyone who bought a 9800 Pro or XT within a certain range of dates was entitled to a free copy of the game. Well, the 9800 series was released on schedule, while HL2 slipped more than a year, by which time a 9800 XT was only a mid-range card, and the X800 XT and 6800 Ultra were the new kings.
Hmm... I think that Hellgate London was supposed to support DX10... that game's almost guaranteed to be amazing too.
I assume one reason they're releasing this card is to give something developers to use. Honestly since no games other than Oblivion need more than an x1900XT, there's really no reason to buy the 8800GTX unless you've got money to burn and want bragging rights.
Varmint said:
I assume one reason they're releasing this card is to give something developers to use. Honestly since no games other than Oblivion need more than an x1900XT, there's really no reason to buy the 8800GTX unless you've got money to burn and want bragging rights.

Right, the more power, the worse. :rolleyes:

Can we please stop this "But it's too powerful!" campaign. You know, there are people who expect their card to last them atleast a few years, with decent settings and good performance. And what about someone looking to upgrade from, let's say, a 6600GT. Should they buy the x1900XT too, over the 8800GTX?

Again, :rolleyes:
I think what he meant was that if you have a top end card, there are precious few reasons to go get a G80-based card RIGHT AWAY... With DX9L shipping with Vista as a fall-back for anyone who doesn't have a DX10 card, and with DX9L supposedadly being a more effecient version of DX9 that looks at least as good if not better, any decent DX9 card has life left in it still. Sure, I didn't need 7900GTX SLI, but when games start pushing (DX9L games) I'll be glad I have it. I run all current gen games at 1280x1024 with 8xSAA and 16xAF now, but when the going gets rough I can easily back those settings down.
Varmint said:
I assume one reason they're releasing this card is to give something developers to use. Honestly since no games other than Oblivion need more than an x1900XT, there's really no reason to buy the 8800GTX unless you've got money to burn and want bragging rights.

Hey dude...


Some of us have to feed higher resolution panels than 1280x1024. I'll bring an x1900XT to it's knees in a heartbeat.

Enough with the too much power crap!
Agreed! At 1920x1200 my 7950GT is just enough to play current games at fairly high graphics settings. It's NOT enough to play, say, Oblivion maxed. Not even close.

Bring on the 8800.
Brahmzy said:
Hey dude...


Some of us have to feed higher resolution panels than 1280x1024. I'll bring an x1900XT to it's knees in a heartbeat.

Enough with the too much power crap!
yup. 1600x1200 is pretty common and ALOT of fucking pixels, and I run 1680x1050. Widescreen monitors really tax a card; although my 6800GT is still hanging in there.
HighwayAssassins said:
yup. 1600x1200 is pretty common and ALOT of fucking pixels, and I run 1680x1050. Widescreen monitors really tax a card; although my 6800GT is still hanging in there.

Yea, that's the same resolution I plan on getting. And Company of Heroes, Gothic 3, Supreme Commander, UT2007, and Medieval Total War @ max settings would need a G80. And all of those games should be out relativly soon (the next few months).
Kliter said:
Yea, that's the same resolution I plan on getting. And Company of Heroes, Gothic 3, Supreme Commander, UT2007, and Medieval Total War @ max settings would need a G80. And all of those games should be out relativly soon (the next few months).

UT2007 in the next few months?
Yeah but I'm not looking as much to play DX 10 games, as I am looking forward to play games that I have missed out cuz of this pos 5600 xt 128 mbs. Like being able to play Rome Total War again, Call of Juarez, NVW, ut2004, ect. And Medievel 2 total war looks like supreme pwnage!
^^ The problem? Do most of these games even have a confirmed launch date? Hell, one of them doesn't even have a title!

Right now, it's a waste of money. If you already have something close to high-end (>= 7800 or >= x1800), stick with it, at least until the next refresh. It happens with all new card generations: first cards are expensive, have a (relatively) high power consumption, and have NOTHING to show for it, except for a few more FPS in games that are already out (meaning nothing new takes advantage of it). It's always the later cards that are cheaper, use uess power, and have plenty of cool titles. Plus, those ones are even FASTER than the first ones.
Don't ever buy a piece of hardware in anticipation for a game. Launch dates change. Remeber the 9800XT/HL2 thing? Buy when your current hardware is on its knees (or when, in my case, you get a shitload of random money and are told "You can buy a computer with it, but you have to buy it now")
Why is this so hard to hammer into people's skulls? It's usable now. Why would you go out and buy a 7950GX2 or SLI a couple of high-end cards when you can get that performance or better in one core for the same or less money? That's what we're looking at with the 8800GTS or GTX. Why would you NOT do this? The SLI solutions have issues. They're hot, they raise my electric bill by 75-150 watts, and they make my office too hot live in.

7950GT, $270 each if you buy the cheap ones. That's $540 for SLI. There's no way the 8800GTS is going to be $540 and the GTX won't be a whole lot more than that for long.

I just don't understand the arguments. The icing on the cake is that it will support DX10 games when they come out, but I may not even still have the card by then. Who cares, the cards perform spectacularly on today's games. Why intentionally buy older hotter tech that requires SLI to match the performance? Why?
Advil said:
Why is this so hard to hammer into people's skulls? It's usable now. Why would you go out and buy a 7950GX2 or SLI a couple of high-end cards when you can get that performance or better in one core for the same or less money? That's what we're looking at with the 8800GTS or GTX. Why would you NOT do this? The SLI solutions have issues. They're hot, they raise my electric bill by 75-150 watts, and they make my office too hot live in.

7950GT, $270 each if you buy the cheap ones. That's $540 for SLI. There's no way the 8800GTS is going to be $540 and the GTX won't be a whole lot more than that for long.

I just don't understand the arguments. The icing on the cake is that it will support DX10 games when they come out, but I may not even still have the card by then. Who cares, the cards perform spectacularly on today's games. Why intentionally buy older hotter tech that requires SLI to match the performance? Why?

Ding ding! EXACTLY. I need a card now. My OC'd 7900GT couldn't hang at all @ 1600x1200. What am I going to do? I'm going to buy the fastest single card out available. That happens to be the 8800GTX. Oh, it happens to play DX10 as well? Cool, by the time DX10 is out, I'll probably need a faster card anyway. Oh well, gaming is expensive.

Why would I not buy an 8800GTX? Sheesh folks - it ain't rocket science.
People seem to be having different conversations with each other. One side is pointing out that it would be foolish to buy a top-end current gen card right now. The other is pointing out that it would be foolish to upgrade for someone who already has a current gen top-end card. These two points are not in disagreement with each other.
Good point - hopefully future posters will be kind enough to make those disinctions. Or just quit posting that crap - we all get the point. At least I hope we do.
arthur_tuxedo said:
People seem to be having different conversations with each other. One side is pointing out that it would be foolish to buy a top-end current gen card right now. The other is pointing out that it would be foolish to upgrade for someone who already has a current gen top-end card. These two points are not in disagreement with each other.

Exactly. If I hadn't upgraded from 6800GT to an X1900XT I would buy one of these in a heartbeat. As it is I'm still a ways off having my rig slow me down, and will upgrade when that time hits.
Well I just caved. $25 under MSRP from can I refuse? :p Come to me Oblivion...come to me.
Jodiuh said:
Well I just caved. $25 under MSRP from can I refuse? :p Come to me Oblivion...come to me.
Dang man congrats - I'm so tempted. When do you think they're shipping these?
I can't play FEAR at full settings at my native res of 1680 x 1050. And I have $650 to blow.

So why the heck not? Why, every single day, do 50 people on this forum have to question my sanity, question my choices in life, question my background, etc.

I want it, therefore I will buy it. Not happy? I'm sorry..
Astrogiblet said:
Why, every single day, do 50 people on this forum have to question my sanity, question my choices in life, question my background, etc.

I want it, therefore I will buy it. Not happy? I'm sorry..

It's a forum, thats what happens. If you don't like it, don't post. Simple.

Edit: Not having a go btw.
ManicOne said:
It's a forum, thats what happens. If you don't like it, don't post. Simple.

Edit: Not having a go btw.

Yea, I know. :(

It was ok when people first questioned those of us buying the G80's. Then the second wave came through, were linked to the first waves discussions. Then the third wave came through, and the flaming started.

Now we are on to about the 10th wave of people finally reading and hearing about the G80s, and they are coming on to flame us. I guess it just gets old. :D

But yea, its a forum. And a fantastic one overall.
I never meant this thread as a flame at all. In fact, I am planning to get one myself. The card looks to be amazing... I was just worried because this time around there aren't any groundbreaking games to be associated with the release.

I just wish there was like a Half-Life 3 or Starcraft 3 on the horizon.