Games for 8800 series..

oozish said:
I'm sure ID and VALVE have stuff in the works, just not announced yet. I guarantee that!

man i still remember seeing that talking sarge head tech demo for the d3 engine from what? 2000/1? man that blew me off my feet. I am looking forward to having my spleen stepped on again when i see wat carmak drags out for dx10.
No ones mentioned it yet but I am really looking forward to Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Even though it won't be a DX10 title, it still seems to look like a very graphic intensive game. And like most Quake games, you will want the highest FPS possible.
I was hoping that COD3 would be released on the PC, but EA decided not to so maybe I will just buy more games for my Xbox 360 and not bother with upgrading from my quad sli setup for a long time. Just my opinion. :mad: :confused: :mad:
nattoNrice said:
I am looking forward to having my spleen stepped on again when i see wat carmak drags out for dx10.
It should be noted that Carmack has been using OpenGL exclusively for a decade now, and I don't suspect, nor do I hope, that this will change any time soon (although console ports are obviously an exception).
phide said:
It should be noted that Carmack has been using OpenGL exclusively for a decade now, and I don't suspect, nor do I hope, that this will change any time soon (although console ports are obviously an exception).

I agree and don't see John Carmack changing to DiectX any time soon on any PC games he releases in the near future.
Yeah... Cal of Duty 3 was a big letdown for me. I can't believe there is no support for PC. One of the reasons why PC gaming is being negatively effected by the newer consoles.
I thought of another one...Quake 4. For whatever reason, the X19 likes to hit minimum frames of oh...7, 10, etc.
Jodiuh said:
I thought of another one...Quake 4. For whatever reason, the X19 likes to hit minimum frames of oh...7, 10, etc.

Really? That has never happened to me, my fps in Q4 is pretty bloody great, with no dips really noticeable. Wonder what's going on with your rig?
I'm not the only one. Mega dipping @ 1680x1050 4x QAAA, HQ AS, Ultra quality in game. It's fine if I lower some pretties, but that's not my cup of tea. :D
Me, I'm REALLY excited about Duke Nukem: Forever! I've already ordered 2 8800GTXs to run in SLI for it! Woohoo!!
But seriously, folks: I think that DX10 games are gonna be really slow comming out. Companies are deeply involved in creating titles for the PS3 and Wii, not to mention the Xbox360, and there is only so much high-end programming/artistic talent out there. The development of games for these consoles is a lot harder than the previous generation just because of their complexity.

Remember: It's all about the money. Companies will put resources into games that will make the most. Right now, that's X360/PS3/Wii. Vista won't hit until early 2007, and it will probably take at least a year before there is a significant number of people using Vista/DX10. I would not look for Crysis to come out before the 2007 holiday season. I hope I'm wrong....

And don't forget, you can (soon) get a complete PS3 for the cost of an 8800GTX, and have enough left over to buy a game or 2.....

Sparrow_69 said:
Yeah, don't get a video card in anticipation of a game. I purchased a 9800pro anticipating HL2. It came out WAY after, and didn't even run that great on the card

was hl2 the first major dx9 game? and when did it come out. just wondering.
I agree with a lot of others......if you want the 8800 get will make the games you have right now jaw dropping at very high resolutions.

Forget about what may be we all know, its done when its done.

My biggest concern with the 8800 and above is the outrageous power needs the cards have......if you SLI these things you'll need a 1KW PSU. :eek:
pixpirate said:
But seriously, folks: I think that DX10 games are gonna be really slow comming out. Companies are deeply involved in creating titles for the PS3 and Wii, not to mention the Xbox360, and there is only so much high-end programming/artistic talent out there. The development of games for these consoles is a lot harder than the previous generation just because of their complexity.

Your completely forgetting the games that are already announced. This card isnt designed for JUST dx10. This game will completely own DX9 like no other current card can even come close to.