Gamer Stabbed in Head For Using Wallhack


I'd be scared to death for any future girl of the attacker that cheats on him. Let this be a warning.
this just goes to show that the guy who got pissed off really does suck at Counter-Strike. Everyone knows you stab TWICE to kill in CS.

I'm going to hell. lol

Seriously though, that's ridiculous. But based on my own experiences some people do take their games that seriously even here. One guy I remember was smack-talking as I was joining the game on a Chicago pub for CS. Didn't matter who, he was picking fights with everyone there. Then I went to the opposite team and started owning him. Wasn't my intention to at first but I coulda cared less. Next map I'm on his team (I auto assign) and he's demanding directions to my house so he can come kick my ass for real for all the times I took him down the previous round. I just muted him and kept playing. I didn't even bother to warrant a response.
Sometimes you don't know if someone is joking...or actually typing it out because they want it but merely passing it off as a joke. jking.

Well, it's a fail headshot/kill since the guy is alive. He clearly bought kevlar and helmet.

right... it's like was down at 1 health and fell on a med kit.
Holy crap. Maybe his motor skills are still working, but surely not everything in that brain is working anymore...
C'mon guys, I'm sure much darker thoughts come to mind over cheating, especially in multiplayer games that you have to invest serious time not to mention cash just to be competent.

Of course most of us wouldn't ACT on those thoughts, most of us that is...

Sadly, I think this may become a more common thing. It's amazing how much we can invest in
"just a game." So much of our everyday lives including recreation revolve around using some kind of
electronic device. So no big surprise that real world consequences can happen from cheating in the virtual.

I'm sure there were more than a few opponents who ended up with a spear through their skulls when OG the caveman discovered that OOF was using a non-regulation rock in the prehistoric shot put competition.

Well, stabbing is excessive, but the moron kid should've at least realized, hacking/taunting players is asking for shit to go down.

Who would've thought excessively angering someone into an extreme rage, would result with them responding with physical violence.

Hope he learns his lesson, don't do things to make people want to stab you. Hacking included.
As much as I believe cheaters should die and go to hell, getting stabbed in the head was taking the thought to far. Would have been better to have kicked his ass out of the establishment. Now the attacker is going up for attempted murder. Rage control, anyone? :rolleyes:
The perp violated a tenet of the Assassin's Creed, never harm the innocent.

He's not an assassin!
People think they can do anything 'cause they're anonymous on the Internet. Goes to show you how wrong he was. Shouldn't have cheated.
i wish some one would do that to all the mw2 hackers out there!!!
they are killing that game.
What are the odds he wasn't cheating, but the other guy just got his ass kicked

We all know how it goes down, god forbid, anyone who is better then you, HAS to be cheating! there is NO way anyone can beat you, cause your always top 5 or some crap.
Well, stabbing is excessive, but the moron kid should've at least realized, hacking/taunting players is asking for shit to go down.

Who would've thought excessively angering someone into an extreme rage, would result with them responding with physical violence.

Yep. It's not about whether it's a game or not, it's about being a dick to the extreme, pushing peoples buttons and expecting no harm will come to you. Sometimes you'll draw the short straw and push the wrong person.
Survived and just missed the Circle of William but he now has fucking brain damage. Great, he still has motor function but jacks-off, drools and pisses himself all day and is a burdon to his parents for life. He's got a souless body that can sit in front of a wall staring at shadows for life. Achivement Unlocked!
I think the knife attacker solitare for life or worse.
FPS Doug said:
My hearts beatin, My hearts beatin, my hands are shakin, my hands are shakin. BUT IM STILL SHOOTING!! AND IM STILL GETTING HEAD SHOTS...

Everyone knows you run faster with a knife!
Wow they nerfed the knife.


But the guy that stabbed him should be put to death.
Things like this make me glad games aren't as serious here as in China or Korea.
Hahahaha, sweet, sweet justice! Lady Liberty is blind and somehow, now, so is this guy I bet! Thanks [H] you made my day... Perhaps I don't have to drink tonight after all!
Clearly he didn't have godmode on, as he was injured. I do believe he had buddha mode on though and scraped by because of that.

Really amazing on all counts though. That someone would stab someone else in the head like that and that he survived and was conscious through the ordeal.
Anyone else wondering why the kid had a knife that size on him in the first place?
Ouch... He is under observation to make sure that none of the rust from the rusty blade had flaked off inside his brain.....

Double OUCH!!