Gamer Stabbed in Head For Using Wallhack

im split in two about this...

one the one hand i believe cheaters whether it be exams/games/life deserve everything they get, so the stabbing is justified.

however on the other hand it was just a game and they shouldnt take it so seriously, btw CS:S is one of my all time favourite games.
Not only wall hacking but god mode? Eh? Eh? :p

(I hope no one else already pulled this one, but to lazy to read the entire thread)
I've had people cheat at lans, but this is like way over the line, typically we just ask them to leave, but we have broken mice and keyboards, once over a guys head, amazingly the cops were never called.:confused:
I'm pretty sure the same thing happened before in Vancouver, Canada. Only the guy was stabbed in the back not in the head (omg...).
Isn't there ...something better now than Counter Strike to play though? I mean, I know some people are pretty die-hard about old games from their childhood, etc but still... There must have been at least 40+ games that have come up in the fps genre since Counter-strike's release. With strategy games like Starcraft, at least you could use the excuse that there have been probably less than a dozen triple a strategy game releases and some of those might be less action-orientated/more city-building based.

I think one of the main reasons is it runs on just about any computer. In poorer countries, a new low-end video card might be an entire month's wages, not to mention the cost of the game (assuming they don't pirate it). Even in relatively "rich" countries a lot of people have integrated graphics.

Most FPSs are pretty similar anyway, you run around (or drive/fly sometimes) and shoot stuff. The developers don't even pretend they are different and make a new version of the same game every year and charge $50 for slightly updated graphics and a couple new guns.
Stupid CSS reg.
That was clearly a headshot and still nothing...

/asshole moment of the day ;)
I think one of the main reasons is it runs on just about any computer. In poorer countries, a new low-end video card might be an entire month's wages, not to mention the cost of the game (assuming they don't pirate it). Even in relatively "rich" countries a lot of people have integrated graphics.

Most FPSs are pretty similar anyway, you run around (or drive/fly sometimes) and shoot stuff. The developers don't even pretend they are different and make a new version of the same game every year and charge $50 for slightly updated graphics and a couple new guns.

Additionally there actually aren't any other games out that are built for Arena style competitive play. CS/CSS aren't any different than a paintball match. For all it's faults CS is still the most balanced MFPS. With every new MFPS that's come out each developer and publisher has tried to put their own spin on it or lock it down. From the get go CS/CSS have been Open Source allowing development to to balance out the game based on the gamers wants rather than the Dev/Pub wants.

Battlefield isn't bad but it's not arena style so competitive play is difficult to support. That said it stands next to CS as it's big brother for large group competitive play.

Call of Duty is not Open Sourced as far as I know and MW2 has no Dedicated servers so competitive play is dead

Aliens vs predators which was supposed to bring back competitive play is not Open Sourced and the Dedicated Servers are still broken last I checked.

So you pretty much have CS/CSS/DoD/DoDS/TF/TF2 all open sourced with Dedicated servers. Why Devs can't get it through their thick ***** skulls what it takes to keep a game on the world stage is beyond me.
Should stabbed him in the back not the side of the head. Always takes take two hits from the front or side...
Oh, frack me!

Well, he has a good band name if he's a musician. Steely Head.
The victim should make that picture his avatar. "Rawr, fear me!!"
The assumption here is that the victim was stabbed because of alleged cheating but in reality his alleged cheating caused an altercation outside the cafe which then lead to the stabbing. He might have stated that assailants mother wore army boots during the altercation which caused the assailant to fly into uncontrollable rage and then stab the victim.
Excessive and gruesome, but I can't say I haven't been tempted to cause some sort of physical harm to someone who's cheating and being an ahole in a game or forum. I mean some of the things people do while online is retarded. If they did those things in RL, where people know who they are, they'd catch a beating.
As sad and sick as it sounds, as a 10-year Counter-Striker who watched cheaters destroy the game, I say, "Bravo, sir!"

I hope someone names an anti-cheat program after the guy who stabbed him. It doesn't ban you; it merely records your physical address and sends it along with a paypal payment for a plane ticket to him.
I am stunned that guy is alive, that is amazing. But yea, cheaters suck. Oh and, knife kill fail. lol ;)

Although I gotta say, I think it would have been funnier if the attacker had responded to the aledged hacking by using a hatchet.
lol at the comments:

like: "Any counterstrike player knows it takes more than 1 stab for a kill, headshots don't register with knives either."
I can't believe anyone would actually believe that a 17-year old kid deserves this because he cheated at a video game. What the hell is wrong with some of you people?
Hm, perhaps China ISN'T quite ready for uncensored and unfettered access to western modernities yet :p .

I'd ask where Jack Thompson is when you actually need him but I'm betting he doesn't care about non-american video game incidencies....
I can't believe anyone would actually believe that a 17-year old kid deserves this because he cheated at a video game. What the hell is wrong with some of you people?

We have a sense of humor...which is apparently a lost art in these forums. Also, I think your sarcasm meter needs new batteries or something. ;) Obviously none of us think the kid deserved a 12" knife in the head.
Man! The whole time I would be thinking, "Fuck, fuck! I have a fucking knife stuck in my head!". That has to be one freaky ass thing to survive, especially conscious.
Well, the guy who was stabbed might not have died. But the assailant who did the stabbing might disappear permanently.

"He graciously volunteered to become an organ donor"
We have a sense of humor...which is apparently a lost art in these forums. Also, I think your sarcasm meter needs new batteries or something. ;) Obviously none of us think the kid deserved a 12" knife in the head.

Actually, I have a good sense of humor and found some of the jokes funny. But if you can read sarcasm in posts like #81, then maybe my meter does need new batteries. :)
We have a sense of humor...which is apparently a lost art in these forums. Also, I think your sarcasm meter needs new batteries or something. ;) Obviously none of us think the kid deserved a 12" knife in the head.
Yes, I agree. The kid did not deserve a 12" knife in the head. A 6" blade would've sufficed. :D
Was he actually using a wall hack though? The article says he was "suspected" of using a wall hack. He could have been innocent of cheating. Either way, it's no reason to go stabbing people in the head. If you think someone's cheating, the mature option is to just leave the game and go on with life.
can't they just look at his screen and see if you can see through the walls or not?

I mean they were obviously in the same room if the dude stabbed him.