Galaxy 5th Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

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HL2 and CoD MW stick out in my mind. Had me glued to my seat like DooM and Duke 3D did when they came out.
The original Unreal Tournament. I used the army squirrell guy.

Oh, and Left 4 Dead. 1 and 2. I like how it forces you to cooperate with your teammates, and how it punishes anyone that runs off on their own. :D
Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 2. Just doesnt get any better than the classic BF games.
UT3 and Quake 3 Arena. Still play them. Sorry, I usually play racing games.
Serious Sam cuz it's SERIOUS!!!!!!

Counter Strike /Source because it's a game that's been around since I was in high school and still is around to this day.
Turok for the N64.

I've never had as much fun in any other game, so there isn't a number 2.
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