Galax GTX 970 OC with free SSD $329.99

$10 shipping per unit ordered, as an fyi.

Wish I could find some reviews of this one; been thinking about moving to mITX form factor GPUs for a while...
I wonder if this includes the game bundle too?

I'm gonna assume it does, but never know, without it being written in text, black and white, there is no way of knowing.
I wonder if this includes the game bundle too?

Unfortunately, no. Since the game bundles are done at the retail level and we sell direct only in North America we don't have access to any codes to give out, otherwise we most definitely would.

Still a sweet deal IMHO though; I'd take free hardware over free games any day, personally. Can't pick up an SSD 75% off in a Steam sale months down the road.
You have to register the card within 30 days for the warranty to be valid beyond that. First owner gets 3 year warranty but looks like its only for the first owner.
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You have to register the card within 30 days for the warranty to be valid beyond that. Im not sure how long the warranty is.

2 years for the standard warranty, 3 years after registration within 30 days of purchase.
Not worth it. Get the Asus Strix for $320 after rebate and sell both games for $50. You can always find a good 120GB SSD b/w 50-60.

It OC like crazy!