gah, how did kyle already his UT2004, anyone else?





-Dave chappel in A moment in the life of Lil John.

Stores are shipping it today. Some have started shipping it on this past Friday.
Anyone know why bestbuy has the release date of this AND Bf: v for the 18th
Also, the special edition of Ut2004 still has the whole game right? Just on a dvd? so thats why there the same price?
my eb games store always gets crap a day later. i'll be lucky to get it tomorrow.
Originally posted by Rombus
Anyone know why bestbuy has the release date of this AND Bf: v for the 18th
Also, the special edition of Ut2004 still has the whole game right? Just on a dvd? so thats why there the same price?
The publisher can make separate deals with brick and mortar stores if wanted. This allows certain stores to negotiate special terms like exclusive content or release dates.

The second question has been answered several times in these forums. SE has more content and a microphone headset. It's same price because it's on sale.
Originally posted by Menelmarar
gah, how did kyle already [receive] his UT2004, anyone else?
He ordered his from Dell. And paid $10 more for it than by waiting for Best Buy and Fry's to put it on sale.
its being shipped today, but as far as I know you cannot pay for it and pick it up until the 18th.
Gamestops in my town said it will arrive on Wednsday. Bah, i'll be busy playing BF vietnam anyway...
I just ordered teh SE version from Best Buy today for 29.99. Thats a great deal.
just checked my orders

Ebgames says I'll have it on Wednesday (and BF:V tomorrow)

I see the pirate iso of the game has been released. I live in Norway, so if i'm lucky it should be arriving around the 19th-20th.

Can't wait to get the full version :)
I called the EBgames across the street from where I work and
they said that pre-ordered customers would be able to pick up
their copy in the afternoon, just about the right time for lunch!

I rechecked the front page to see that Kyle either noticed on his own that BB had it on sale or read this thread. (He edited his post on getting UT2K4 with a link to Best Buy.)

Kyle, buddy. Check with me next time! That being said, I'll gladly lay the smackdown on ya' when I get my copy.
Originally posted by Whatsisname

What's so hard to understand? He ordered it from EB online and when he checked the status of the order, it said that his game hasn't been shipped yet.
Originally posted by S1N3R6Y
What's so hard to understand? He ordered it from EB online and when he checked the status of the order, it said that his game hasn't been shipped yet.
yea, he's got something shoved way to far up his a$$

but I think he's referring to my title where I left out the word "get"

gah, how did kyle already his UT2004, anyone else?

should read

gah, how did kyle already get his UT2004, anyone else?
Is it really worth going for the SE? When it's installed do you even use the dvd to play? How about the headphones I was hearing some people have problems, which models are they?
Well best buy is sold out of SE on their webpage, anybody know where else I can find it for close to the same price? I have no desire to swap through 6cds.
I just went to my local BestBuy and picked up a UT2004 SE Copy for $30 and there were about 6-7 of them left on the shelves.

Zip: 07733
yes. the DVD version requires the DVD in the drive to play.

Got mine in today

But of course like all games ill be making a visit to gamecopyworld and cracking it and storing the DVD in its case and box back up on my shelf.