G92 + GPU Client?


Oct 6, 2005
I've heard there is a problem with the G92 Chip (ala the Inq, yea I know... still...)
I want to put the GPU client on my 8800GTS 512, will this kill my card?
Can't afford to replace it right now (Christmass at best)

It's a hit and miss..

Some have reported problems some havent. But the majority of people havent had problems. By the time you have problems newer and better cards would have come out.

Hmm, considering I have 17 GPUs running and have not killed a single one... I mean your main thing is to OC the shaders... the GTSs can hit 1900 on shaders and maybe even down clock the mem and gpu... my gts runs 68c... and that is folding 24/7.

Now if you are talking a laptop that is a bigger risk.

Also if you bought from a decent company that has at least a 3 year warranty, even if it does somehow die, you're covered.

I have an 8800GT and it's been running 24/7 since the GPU client for nVidia cards came out and I haven't had a single problem yet.

I seriously doubt there is anything wrong with the GPUs, especially considering how many of them are out there and there has been no widespread proof of them going bad.

Something to keep in mind that this "report" came from The Inq and they have the habit of "reporting" everything which sometimes some of it is actually true.

Rest assured, if there was something seriously wrong with the G92 parts that some of us in here would have discovered it by now. I don't think I've seen a single post in this forum about anyone having their G92 based card die and if that post would be anywhere, it would be in here.

I got my 8800GS (and I'm lookin' hard at a 9600GSO, just waitin' on my VA check :p) especially for the GPU2 folding client. I have the shaders OC'ed from 1703 to 1750 (my first OC' was the 1703 reading, I think 1300 or something is stock), the fan is set for the "fixed duty" selection at 80% and my GPU hardly ever gets above 50c or so degrees. (my temp readings are by "Riva Tuner" and my ambient is roughly 25c to 26c, I like to keep my electronics super cool, I'm temp "anal", that's why my 2x 24/7 Q6600 folders are WC'ed). I haven't had any problems at all so far, but I've only been using the card for about a month.

This is the first time I have ever read on any forum of any problems with the nVIDIA 8xxx series of GPU's and if it's a EVGA it's got a lifetime warranty anyway. :D

I think just about anything you push to the max in electronics (like 24/7 folding on a GPU card) requires special precautions (like keeping it cool or having the right power supply, etc) ;)

What this sounds like to me is an "old wives tale" to scare people out of folding with their "CUDA" capable cards. (kinda' like all the jazz about PS3's, WC'ing, etc) :rolleyes:

It's a good question and this is the place to ask that kind of question. If a question about folding can't be answered on this forum, then there isn't any answer known to mankind :p I'm gonna' keep a close watch on any answer and if any of the very knowledgeable members of the [H]orde folding team, the OC's forum folding team, the OCAU folding team, the Max PC folding team or any of the many folding teams out there says it's bad for a 88xx series card then I'm gonna' seriously reconsider getting another 88xx or 96xx series GPU card. :confused:

Edit: I'm sorry I may have "bad mouthed" the 9600GSO in a previous post, but that was before I found out for sure the 9600GSO is simply a rebadged 8800GS (with some other small improvments from what I can gather) Anyhoo, as much as I'd like to get a 8800GT w/512 DDR3 the current price of the 9600GSO just screams buy, buy, buy to my "el cheapo" addiction. I apologise Xilikon, SmokeRngs and nomad8u I know you're correct in suggesting the GT, it's just my "el cheapo" addiction is too strong :p


I've got 7 GPUs going 24/7. They are all happy.
3x 8800GS
1x 8800GTS
1x 9800GX2
1x GTX 260
I'm Folding 15 GPU's (14 8800GT & 1 8800GTX) 24/7 and have no problems but a higher electric bill. :cool: