Fury X Benchmarked @ 4K (via AMD)

Gee, touchy ....

sorry but in the past few days, the way people have been blasting each other, saying something like a joke, (doesn't really come across well with typing) can be taken the wrong way very easily.
Not really. I found that the most dedicated trolls are the ones that dont even own either product, but for some reason feel they have to belong to one side or another, so they spew bullshit all day. The younger the said person the trollier it gets because as you get older you just start to not give a fuck about pointless arguing with people, so little high schoolers duke it out.

+1 to this.

There are some real retards who never buy anything but jump at the chance to get others looking for advice to buy a certain brand. I don't think they are paid shills either as they are too stupid and their forum contributions too weak. Just nuts is my guess :D
I doubt the connector cost was even a consideration, since an HDMI connector was attached, and AMD splurged for a water cooler so I doubt they were pinching pennies over connectors.

Its also the licensing cost that's what I mean, the cost of the connector, I don't know if there is a difference but usually newer connectors, licensing them cost more then a well adopted one.

As Mac stated it will require rework and new ASIC, so there are considerable costs to adding 2.0.
4K GTA 5 is going to test whether 4GB HBM is really enough or whether it doesn't matter because there isn't enough GPU power at least with single GPU



R9 39X doesn't have enough GPU power for 4K GTA5 but it has almost double the minimum framerate because the 4GB cards run out of VRAM at some point while the 8GB R9 39X does not

their 980Ti benchmarks. much better minimums but have to accept ~30 FPS as the single GPU framerate or go multi GPU for higher framerate


GTA 5 and a handful other games all go over 4GB at 4k and with AA and AF on, so it is a legitimate concern for future games with Fury X, and I'm pretty sure its a valid conclusion. As much as drivers can do to help with memory allocation (they can do quite a bit when its just near the boarder) they won't be able to help too much when it goes well over the 4gb limit.

Horse power wise, yeah the cards will need fillrates, tex and pixel as you push the resolution up, as with ALU throughput, but the 4gb memory, is a hard limit, the others can vary based on settings used.
It just needs to survive a year until they can release the 8GB HBM2 cards. :rolleyes:
Then, 8 GB will be "enough".
well even at 8 GTA5 goes over that too, I don't see what they did with that game to use some much Vram.....

Its a safe bet next gen graphics cards 4gb is going to be the minimal, for low end cards, if all cards use HBM.

At this point it is necessary to increase graphic card ram.
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The benchmarks for GPUs are almost never impressive. They are always only just a little bit ahead of the game. How can people have any interest for essentially looking at a 1000x+ repost of the same bar and graph chart.

The only thing that would make it interesting if suddenly one competitor had scores and benchmarks that basically say "blow it out your ass!" To the competing GPUs
well even at 8 GTA5 goes over that too, I don't see what they did with that game to use some much Vram.....

Its a safe bet next gen graphics cards 4gb is going to be the minimal, for low end cards, if all cards use HBM.

At this point it is necessary to increase graphic card ram.

Seriously? It's the most visually impressive game I've ever seen. The character models are dated but the world is so full and detailed. Most massive draw distance I've ever seen in a game, and it uses actual high quality textures unlike Witcher 3.
Seriously? It's the most visually impressive game I've ever seen. The character models are dated but the world is so full and detailed. Most massive draw distance I've ever seen in a game, and it uses actual high quality textures unlike Witcher 3.

yeah you are right.