FTL: Faster Than Light

We aren't communicating very well. You think I ragequit, except I played it 6 hours and realized I've got no time for an randomly unbalanced statgrind crawl. You seem to equate engaging a randomly difficult game with having some type of skill or that by playing something with "oldschool frustrating" difficulty it makes you more elite. Please, don't let me persuade you otherwise, but do keep in mind my arguments against FTL were primarily with the nature of the gameplay, not with the difficulty. If you had read my posts you might have noticed that.
We aren't communicating very well. You think I ragequit, except I played it 6 hours and realized I've got no time for an randomly unbalanced statgrind crawl. You seem to equate engaging a randomly difficult game with having some type of skill or that by playing something with "oldschool frustrating" difficulty it makes you more elite. Please, don't let me persuade you otherwise, but do keep in mind my arguments against FTL were primarily with the nature of the gameplay, not with the difficulty. If you had read my posts you might have noticed that.

Dude, you don't like rouge-likes. Just drop it.

Your opinion isn't going to be the same a everyone. Does everyone who disagrees with you have to be "wrong". :rolleyes: Move on dude.

You went in expecting something entirely different than they were advertising from the beginning.

It seems fairly popular. It peaked at 17,652 players today on Steam.

I ended up picking the game up on Gog. :D

lol, requiem for the ragequit anyone?

I have enjoyed this game so far. After about 10 deaths on normal I switched to easy mode. A couple of resets, but finished off the final boss with great difficulty.

I will probably never finish this game but I won't resort to putting it on easy. :p
Dude, you don't like rouge-likes. Just drop it.

Your opinion isn't going to be the same a everyone. Does everyone who disagrees with you have to be "wrong". :rolleyes: Move on dude.

He doesn't seem to be declaring people are wrong, he seems to be saying he doesn't like it and why. This isn't a "FTL love, positive only posts!" thread so I'd say it is legit. You can talk about why you like it, he can talk about why he doesn't.
He doesn't seem to be declaring people are wrong, he seems to be saying he doesn't like it and why. This isn't a "FTL love, positive only posts!" thread so I'd say it is legit. You can talk about why you like it, he can talk about why he doesn't.

Yes, he doesn't like this style of game and that is fine but there isn't a need to harp on it. We've got the point. Its always the guy that isn't a fan that seems to have the most posts in a thread.
My path of upgrades: shields, engines, weapons, doors. Keep designated crewmen at only one station for the duration, they're experience will really stack up. Always use at least one missle, since they go thru shields. Take out weapons and shields asap. 2 burst-2 lasers took me thru most of the game. Most ships send thier teleport crew over immediatly, exception is the boss.

I suggest getting a transporter as well. It is surprisingly useful, especially in one of the later encounters.
Yes, he doesn't like this style of game and that is fine but there isn't a need to harp on it. We've got the point. Its always the guy that isn't a fan that seems to have the most posts in a thread.

Ok well you like this style, no need to harp on it.

See how silly that sounds?

Look the point of discussion forums is for people to discuss. Personally I have to agree with him, I think FTL is poorly done and I wouldn't recommend it to people because of the whacked difficulty curve.

If you want a place where you state your opinion and that is that, get a blog. On forums, be ready for people to want to talk back and forth. Don't try and shut down discussion with "Just drop it." It's one thing if someone is name calling or the like but he's done nothing but make reasonable points. You don't agree with them which is fine but your opinion isn't more valid or something.
My biggest complaint about this game is the lack of overall depth through out. For something being called a roguelike-like it really pales in comparison to the majority of the rest of the genre as far as being able to do what the player wants, to spite the randomness of the game it feels very linear and closed off. If he had taken the concept of ship management and just built a galaxy simulation I feel like the game would have been a lot more entertaining. The story it has right now is less than engaging and I find my self having a hard time getting attached to it. I don't feel like I can add my touch to the game while playing it and its really disappointing.
FREAKING LOVE IT. And I am not a rogue-like fan.

That said, every time I take a ship out, I am thinking ahead, planning what to do if I run into scenarios I have seen before and how to plan my resource usage.

And when I die, It's always, "*&^%^%$#. that was my fault. if I hadn't done XXXXX , or volunteered for YYY, I would have made it."
Ok well you like this style, no need to harp on it.

See how silly that sounds?

I haven't been. I just don't like the dude's overly aggressive posting style to begin with. The guy also has twice the posts that I do in this thread. Most of mine are replying to you for some reason.

]Look the point of discussion forums is for people to discuss. Personally I have to agree with him, I think FTL is poorly done and I wouldn't recommend it to people because of the whacked difficulty curve.

You seem to equate engaging a randomly difficult game with having some type of skill or that by playing something with "oldschool frustrating" difficulty it makes you more elite. Please, don't let me persuade you otherwise, but do keep in mind my arguments against FTL were primarily with the nature of the gameplay, not with the difficulty. If you had read my posts you might have noticed that.

You don't see how condescending shit like that is? Thats no way to have a discussion.

If you want a place where you state your opinion and that is that, get a blog. On forums, be ready for people to want to talk back and forth. Don't try and shut down discussion with "Just drop it." It's one thing if someone is name calling or the like but he's done nothing but make reasonable points. You don't agree with them which is fine but your opinion isn't more valid or something.

I could say the same about the both of you guys. I don't know why the people who dislike a game seem to be the most vocal. Its not like you took a big chance. You can make an opinion and move on.

I think FTL is poorly done and I wouldn't recommend it to people because of the whacked difficulty curve.

Have you ever played a rouge-like? It might not be a type of game that you like. Its not the end of the world.
See the problem is you seem to be defining "Having a discussion," as "not disagreeing with you." Not really how it works. You seem to think that if we don't like it that means we should have to sit down and shut up.

Yes, I've played Rougelikes before, Dungeons of Dreadmor in particular, and I enjoyed it. My problem isn't with the kind of game, it is with this specific implementation. That's the reason I talk about it. If I just didn't like the kind of game, you wouldn't hear me on it because I wouldn't own it.

You are, of course, welcome to not respond to me, however I'm not going to stop posting simply because you don't like what I have to say.
I don't have a problem with you or your posts. You don't see a difference between your posts and the guy that you keep defending? There are ways of saying things or having a discussion in general.

Either way we have dragged this off topic enough.
to spite the randomness of the game it feels very linear and closed off.

That would be my biggest complaint. The running away, and fairly straight line big map, doesn't give the feeling of exploring like most space games. One big map instead of a bunch of small ones, and letting players challenge the boss at their own pace would probably make it more enjoyable.
See the problem is you seem to be defining "Having a discussion," as "not disagreeing with you." Not really how it works. You seem to think that if we don't like it that means we should have to sit down and shut up.

Yes, I've played Rougelikes before, Dungeons of Dreadmor in particular, and I enjoyed it. My problem isn't with the kind of game, it is with this specific implementation. That's the reason I talk about it. If I just didn't like the kind of game, you wouldn't hear me on it because I wouldn't own it.

You are, of course, welcome to not respond to me, however I'm not going to stop posting simply because you don't like what I have to say.

Thank you for defending a common sense discussion. I agree with the points you made in your other posts as well. I can't read today's entire argument because I've had Baba on ignore for eons, but from your responses I can see I didn't miss anything.

I've got a strong suspicion that the general view of FTL will change as people play it a bit more. The furor over no save and silly difficulty is overshadowing what is actually a shallow and very limited game.
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dammit to hell i had the best run going i ever did, all my systems where maxed other then cloaking and drones, and i had a a very good boarding crew 2 rocks man and 2 the bug guys, i would send the rocks in first then the bugs, well i was boarding and the wife came over to me so i paused it and when i unpaused the game i forgot to turn off my beam gun and blew up the ship whit all my men on it:(

on the flip side i found out fire bombs+ rock men rape for boarding
why do people keep linking to this spam wiki site... basically all they do is "create their own" wiki to every popular thing that already has an established wiki, and try to game traffic from them. maybe I'm not looking hard enough but I see zero useful information here?

http://ftlwiki.com, use the real one.

so, Google is NOT my friend?
(TY, btw)
Using the wiki is cheating. Roguelikes are about doing it on your own. ;)
Finally beat the game on Easy, took 38 tries but ultimately the USS Love Boat is triumphant. :)

It was the engie craft, type A. Really helped to have a full crew, had four of those engie guys covering the ship, never leaving their controls, while a party of rockman, mantis and human ran around repairing and repelling invaders and having all sorts of zany adventures.
so, Google is NOT my friend?
(TY, btw)

google is still your friend, it's just easy to fool so you can't always trust the first link. you can always tell the quality of these sites by their link structure... every page peppered with a thousand links that lead nowhere useful = SEO gamers, real sites link to actual content.
I played a good bit of FTL last week, it's a lot of fun. I just wish there was more to exploring, it really sucks that you have to constantly run from the rebel fleet because you really can't explore every single planet (though there is apparently a mod that disables the fleet advancement.) Also the stores have such a limited choice it's hardly worth checking them.
I played a good bit of FTL last week, it's a lot of fun. I just wish there was more to exploring, it really sucks that you have to constantly run from the rebel fleet because you really can't explore every single planet (though there is apparently a mod that disables the fleet advancement.) Also the stores have such a limited choice it's hardly worth checking them.

The stores are hit or miss depending on what tactics you are trying. Since they are the only regular source of crew members, if you are going boarding/bombs they are vital.
The stores are hit or miss depending on what tactics you are trying. Since they are the only regular source of crew members, if you are going boarding/bombs they are vital.

I think I've gotten most crew members from slavers.
I think I've gotten most crew members from slavers.

Yeah me too, once I unlocked the Engie ship, it's usually pretty easy to just disable their ship and suffocate the crew so you don't have to risk your own by boarding.
Wow, the game looks kind of like how it would be if you were a star trek captain or something.
It's pretty close. Closer still with this neat little mod I saw recently. Apparently the mod maker's done a Serenity (Firefly) mod as well.

Just recently beat the final boss for the first time with the Kestrel A and it was quite a ride. Looking forward to trying out the Osprey ship next.
Anyone know what the easiest ship to unlock that uses a four room teleporter?

I know the Mantis ship has it from the start, but the requirements to unlock it are kind of high. Mantis crewman, advanced teleporter, advanced medical bay, and you have to get the right encounter and capture the ship.
I've just played my best game, which also had my worst death.

I was playing the stealth ship and I almost immediately was able to buy a weapon precharger and hull laser. That made a huge difference in my strategy and I was often able to destroy most enemies without them firing a shot. However, my luck started to wear out by sector 7. I lost my boarding party and my hull was down in the red. My first-strike advantage was greatly diminished with the enemy's strong shields (especially those ships with the green shield bar).

I was still doing okay until I did something stupid: I encountered a distressed space station and decided to dock to rescue the survivors. I was thinking that I could at least get some scrap; if lucky then maybe I would get a crew member. Instead, the station blew up and took my ship with it.

I was pissed that I didn't even get to die in battle.
I encountered a distressed space station and decided to dock to rescue the survivors. I was thinking that I could at least get some scrap; if lucky then maybe I would get a crew member. Instead, the station blew up and took my ship with it.

I was pissed that I didn't even get to die in battle.

Did you only have one crew member? I've had events that lose a crew member, but nothing that destroys your ship without at least a fight.

If that's the one where it's on fire, a Rock guy is great to have in your crew.
Did you only have one crew member? I've had events that lose a crew member, but nothing that destroys your ship without at least a fight.

If that's the one where it's on fire, a Rock guy is great to have in your crew.

Some events can do hull damage though, so if your ship is already low then I believe it can blow up from it happening.
Saw this pic on Neogaf and had a chuckle,

The pic is exactly right. Every play-through I just get to the point of saying, "Heck yeah, I'm Admiral freaking Adam...., Dangit, I'm dead again".

That said, I really like this game. Despite the fact that there is very little variety in encounters, every play-through feels different. It just sucks me in despite it's little flaws.