FS: Tons of parts - CPUs, mobos, vid cards, AIOs, watercooling parts

Funds have been sent for the following:

(A) 3x NIB MIPS Dominator RAM blocks - $25 / piece (Two are the x6 RAM slot version, one is a x4 RAM slot version that is mirror polished and has black screws) , (B) NIB EK Dominator RAM block - $20 (x6 RAM slot version), and (C) 2x NIB custom chrome plated EK HF Supreme CPU water blocks - $50 / piece
I've update the listing again to reflect everything I have been paid for up to this point and is considered sold. Items I marked as *pending* have/had someone interested and in line, but may fall through. If it does I will contact the next person in line that was interested.

I apologize if I did not respond to all of your PMs. I think I got over 160+ PMs between last night and this morning for various items I had (not including the other forums). It felt like I was in that scene from the movie "Trading Places" when Dan Akroyd and Eddie Murphy are in the trading pit at the end being mobbed by other traders


Thank you for all of the interest so far.
Updated one last time. Some things still left. Would really like to move these GTX 680s.
He shipped yesterday, my massive box arrived today! Thanks man!
testing before putting it into my Desk/case/thingy Everything works great!
heat being left