Frosted glass spray paint - Acrylic stencil experiment


Limp Gawd
Nov 22, 2005
Well, after failing while trying to use my dremel tool I decided to go for the easier option.
Everything turned out GREAT on the practice acrylic!!

Taping down the stencil..

Peeling back the stencil after tracing design onto the painters tape.....

Results of stenciling...

Cutting the design out of the tape...

I did three wet-laid coats and allowed them to dry 10 minutes inbetween.
AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand VIOLA!!!!

The result is slightly raised off of the acrylic and is VERY durable. I tried scratching it with my fingernail and it held up great!

Friday I do the big stencil on my Lian Li case window.
Looks good, most sign shops also have a clear/frost vinyl that you could stick on just like the stencil, then be done, any reason you hadnt tried that? (just wondering)
dbwillis said:
Looks good, most sign shops also have a clear/frost vinyl that you could stick on just like the stencil, then be done, any reason you hadnt tried that? (just wondering)


Now you tell me this... :( :(
Well, Honestly I hadn't thought of that and I didn't know that sign shops could make stencils from your design.

Well, live and learn. At this point after buying a dremel with ALL the accessories, frosted spray paint, replacement acrylic and painters tape I'm going to do it the hard way and use the stuff I've spent over 50 bucks on.
pretty cool, now lets see where your putting it, ie-final product :D