Friend or Foe

As long as they have adequate cooling, running them 24/7 full blast will have no discernable affect on CPU lifetime.

I mean hell, there are servers out there that serve up databases 24/7 and are pegged like mad and there isint a huge problem with CPU's burning out.

When you are talking about the CPU itself, as long as it dosent overheat, no ammount of work is really going to degrade it, or affect it. Its a semiconductor, it moves electricity around. Yes technically if you look at it in the LONG LONG term, you may decrease the life of a cpu by a few percent, but as it has been said time and again, by the time you run into the issue of your constant use killing the CPU, it will be soo out of date as to not be funny.

On a side note just FYI, I still have a p2 266 folding 24/7/365. Yes admitadly it runs other applications, but the cpu usage on it has been pegged at 100% since I bought the thing years ago. It hasent all been folding, some of it has been looking for little green men, and some of it was crypto stuff, but none the less the CPU was bein worked.

Other than a few case fans, (moving parts do die) its still runnin like a cham after years of 100%

Mohonri said:
RE: Lifetime shorter?

While a whole lot of switching can make the ifetime shorter for a processor, it's not significant compared to heat. The lifetime will be shortened a whole lot more by heat (by orders of magnitude) than by switching. Remember--transistors are made to switch. If your boss is worried about lifetime, just make sure the HSF is adequate, and you'll be fine.

Listen to the man, he knows all about shorter lifetimes! :p :D

Death Cart
I'm definitly going with the [H]orde because this is a great community.

Great. :) I agree, this is one great group. Welcome to the [H]orde for [H]umanity!

RE killing puters

I've made threads posing this question before and in my opinion nobody has convinced me folding can't have a negative effect on a machine. Sorry, just the way facts line up in my head.

Running a box at 100% or what not makes more heat than running it at 5%- fact.

If a computer is not properly cooled (Dell piece of junk, really dusty computer), then your going to cook it. Most any modern computer (later than P2) will have thermal shutdowns on the CPU/MB ect. Loose a fan, thing turns off.

Hard drives and power supplies worry me the most. More hear has to shorten life, how much who knows.

A CPU will last 8+ years easy, maybe at 100% 24/7 6+ years. Odds are in 95% of the cases, you'd laugh at someone using a 6 year old CPU.

Hard drives/PSU's- I think the odds are they will last less than a CPU/MB. 5+ has been a pretty good bet, with some longer and some shorter for me. Some go 6+, some just over 3+.

Ok, I babbled enough. In 95% of the case, before you kill a computer folding it will be too slow to use in normal operations anyways- think 5-7 years out.

RE most important thing w/ borging

Time and time again folks start up folding, get a few labs then switch the types of WU's crunching. The bigger WU's have a points bonus, so more points for same machines. The problem is the big WU's can and do slow down machines. These folks end up with a huge burst in points, then get their plug pulled. I suggest above all else to run normal WU's on machines people use and think of the long term run.
I would make it a point to clean the bunnies out of comps at work

I do it about once a year to keep the heat under control in the dells that i fold with

We have two Teams here F@H and UD, you could spread that 300Ghz out on both. :D

Screw what these yahoo's say about why you should join this team... just do it cause we all freakin kickass. :cool:

And I agree with what Marty thinks about the heat issue. CPUs are designed to be used though and if any fail from being used they were peices of crap and shouldn't have been validated anyway. Just make sure some minon of yours has to clean out the boxen every now and then.

ethos747474nikon8989 said:
What reason do I have to support the already dominant [H]orde?

I’m open to advice

Already Dominent??????

Hold on, mate. Try placeholders or bookmarks.

Can't you hear the thunder?
ezee said:
Already Dominent??????

Hold on, mate. Try placeholders or bookmarks.

Can't you hear the thunder?

thats just your lips flappin in the breeze...

nothing to see here...
I think someone had too much fosters for breakfast ;)

Back to the topic on hand..

ethos.. if you need help setting stuff up, try mages installer, or talk to marty, for all his spelling mistakes, he knows quite a bit about this stuff :)
unhappy_mage said:
Sounds like me, alright.
The only systems you'd be likely to have problems with are mini Dell boxes, but that's because those are absolute crap. Well-ventilated, full-sized systems will have no problems with FAH.

HAHA I'm working on one of those mini Dell boxes, I have NO idea why they decided to buy these for the general population here instead of desktops that were cheaper and you could put faster cpu's into. Its going strong so far, I've got 2 of them folding QMD's 24/7. We'll see how long they last. I expect one to die by the end of the year. Maybe it will get replaced with a dual core 9xx series then in a real case! :D Heat is the real concern when folding on these mini dell cases, the cap on the end keeps the heat inside instead of letting it out.

Oh and welcome to the team man!

ethos747474nikon8989 said:
My home boxes are set to team 33 and I got 3 at work started today.

Very good to have you on board.

What name are you folding under, so us stats whores can take a peek and watch as you ramp!

AtomicMoose said:
that was me.....I farted. :eek:

At least it wasn't a full on salvo of moose-droppings too... :rolleyes:

I'm not gone or anything I'm here. My folding@home SN is Eth0s. Thats eth0 like the way linux calls my network card with an S to make a greek word. Like anyone gave a shit.

Anyway yeah I'm here I dont know what moose droppings are all about yet but I will find out.

I'm having a hard time with other apps crashing F@H. Warcraft 3 crashes it and so does coolmon system diagnotic display.
are you running console version of F@H? or the graphical?
the graphical version is known to cause issues with different games and apps.
Like 84gthatch said, the graphical client is pretty much universally recommended against unless you absolutely have to have the HUD with the protein. Most of us run a combination of the service console along with EM3 for all our protein monitoring needs.

If being able to pause the client is of importance, we've created bat files that you can use to start and stop the client should it be needed, and links to those can be found in the sticky.

Yeah, if you're using the graphical client, get rid of that shit stat. Hell, I can chalk up the graphical client as being the reason I started once and quit, thinking F@H was unstable. Once I switched to console-only, thinks went much smoother...and I recently started using EMIII to monitor my proteins, and looking at 6 at once beats the crap outta 1. ;) Just be sure to turn the annoying sounds off.


Gotta love the 48 pointer on my desktop. :rolleyes:

Full Folding Ahead!

Mattman said:
The graphical client is evil! Eeeeeevil! It's console all the way.
plus you get better memory management if you run the 5.04 beta (yeah, it is beta. been running it with timeless and the 5.02 with regular for... 5 months? something like that... with no problems)

service FTW.

the black knight always triumphs!
Mattman said:
The graphical client is evil! Eeeeeevil! It's console all the way.

This should be the first line about folding in the FAQ.
The link in the sticky point to the guides on, and they recommend the console. :D

marty9876 said:
cuz I think you using caller ID and not answering my calls... :(

You too huh? Does he always tell you he didn't hear it ring either?

Stanford should recommend the console and include the start and stop scripts on the website. There has been and will continue to be so many problems with the graphical client they should just do away with it.

-MN Scout
MN Scout said:
Stanford should recommend the console and include the start and stop scripts on the website. There has been and will continue to be so many problems with the graphical client they should just do away with it.

-MN Scout
Some people like the pretty pictures.
Pretty Pictures in folding clients = bad.

Just say no to Drugs...eer I mean Pictures yah thats the ticket!

Watch out what you do with company computers. Because if someone above you finds out or starts to question why the computers are utilizing bandwidth and CPU time during off hours as well as on hours, you can possibly lose your job. Depends on the company though.
It's happened in the past to other people.
I must admit that I have only seen the graphical client for a whole 30 seconds. Maybe. I installed it and then I clicked away and I saw a post about how the graphical is not the best and I removed it and installed the console right away. So truthfully I don't know what the "pretty pictures" look like.

I don't read so.... yeah. Actually I will be using the console version after my next WU finishes.

I won't lose my job, I try really hard to lose my job and it never seems to happen. Trust me there is nobody but me in the building that even understands what bandwidth is. On the other hand I could try harder to get fired. I only start one fire a week right now.