Friend or Foe

Jan 17, 2006
I’m probably going to get a ton of flack for being honest like this but oh well.

After 4 days I’m officially addicted to folding. I have my meager home computers folding already and I’m wondering about a team.

I’m also thinking about my computers at work since I’m the admin or something responsible like that.

I could join all to the [H]orde but what’s the point in joining the winning team?
I have seen the impressive statistics of the [H]orde and I see an epic stuggle possible.

So If I could bring something around 300GHZ to the [H] or start a new team in a battle I could never win which should I do?

What reason do I have to support the already dominant [H]orde?

I’m open to advice
I think this is one of those cases where you're not just jumping on the bandwagon. I suppose you need to stay here a bit more...I fold for this team because I like the forum and the entire community here. It's also where I started and where I first started folding, back when the [H]orde wasn't dominant.

Also OCAU's school folders will be starting back up soon..we're not going to be "dominating" for long..maybe just ahead. For now, we're dominanting..but ask the old guys...we'd like team 33 to dominant...

OCAU is the "Australian" team..but the US doesn't actually have one mostly unified team. So support your country!

.....hahaha :p ;D the end you're still folding for the same cause, which is the point of this project.

ethos747474nikon8989 said:
What reason do I have to support the already dominant [H]orde?

Because the Aussies are in their summer now, and we'll need the help to keep a gap once they start to cool off.

Hell... That kind of power will be welcome no matter what team you are on. We'd be more than happy if you decide to stay. ;)

As long as the boss is OK with it, full fold ahead!

cause were cool:)

as the other guys were saying basically we are "dominant" right now due to the some of their major players being dormant for a couple of months.

other suggestion you can put 300 ghz on UD which we are not dominant in that would be some serious help to that side of the team!!
As long as a write a PR peice to the local paper about how we are helping "save the world" the boss will love me for doing this. The tax payers love seeing a public school doing everything possible to get the most for their money.
oh so you don't want to join theh #1 team b/c you don't think you can swing with the heavy hitters so you want to join a lesser team to say you are number 25 on team that is 165 place

and you are affraid of lots of banter/name calling by those you might pass and some moose reach throughs and maybe a photochop or 2

whats not to like I see no reason not to sattle up with our side

but as long as you fold and have a good time who cares

ah u are new here

no i am not drunk nor stoned... and i never make and sense what so ever

u get use to it and just learn to ignore everything that comes from my keyboard in hopes i will one day stop posting and go back to lurking

Obviously I'm biased, but I think you should fold for us. :) The argument of OCAU making their comeback has already been made, but if it's competition you're after... well, you likely got a couple thousand people you need to pass, including [H]'s heavy hitters. And while I don't know if anyone has 300GHz, it may just be a matter of time...

Besides, the community here is great and all that sappy shit. :p
ethos747474nikon8989 said:
Don't lurk my friend, prominant insanity is preferable to obscure rationality.

oh don't worry

I will even post a crappy photochop every now and again to help stir things up

You should support the [H] for the people. This is one of the best online communities that I have had the pleasure of being a member. We fold to help humanity, and have a little fun while doing so. I hope that you choose to fold for team 33. It isn't all about the stats...
Basically...all the reasons to join the [H]orde have been pretty well covered. As long as you are folding, that's the biggest thing. Beyond that, we'd just be damn glad to have you, 300GHZ or not, on our side. Everyone loves big producers, we here love the small producers too (check out all the threads you can find talking about people running "crappers"). Everyone is welcome here at team 33. I hope you'll consider joining us in our quest for the cure (and total F@H and UD dominance *evil cackle*), but, if you decide not to join us with your massive computer power...please do us a favor and don't join OCAU. Hahaha. ;)
I do DC for XS, but I'd say if you are big into F@H, this team looks like it has alot of fun. I don't come in here often, but when I do, I'm always glad that I did. AtomicMoose, Marty, and a whole bunch of other guys (remember, I don't come in here much) seem to make this place as lively as they can. Plus. it's always fun being one of two or three big teams in a project fighting for first place.
^^ for the sole reason that someone from another team says you should ;)

And what everyone else says. The [H]orde has a good combination of team support for personal problems, equipment problems, general life stuff... etc.. There is a strong commitment to community, and all of us have our own reasons for running the project.
From fighting to Get/Keep/Maintain the number one spot, to folding for those that we have lost, family, friends, and loved ones, there is someone from every walk of life here. I don't think you would find a more diverse team out there. When it comes down to it, we are just plain [H]ard.
Check out this thread that I started a while back. I think this is the exact thing you are looking for. There is a sense of community here that I haven't seen anywhere else and I wanted to know how many other people thought the same. Many voted and left their thoughts in the thread.

Some of use haven't been around much lately including myself. The majority seem to come back after a break which I plan on doing. Sometimes I just need a change but I always come back here. I may not post during these times but I keep an eye on what is going on.

I would love to see an extra 300 Ghz added to our team. Whether you join our team, someone else's team or start your own, just please start folding on those machines if you are able to.

As others have said, hang around and lurk or jump into our conversations. Any are welcome here even if you are on the team or on someone else's. Members of OCAU pop in here occasionally and post something and sometimes we go to their forums and say something. Hell, when the forums are down here for a bit, we'll go to OCAU's and hang out there. They welcome us and I think secretly enjoy us stirring things up over there in a friendly manner.

To finish, sorry if some of thise doesn't make sense or the spelling is attrocious. The medication I'm on right now really screws things up sometimes. It's somewhat like being drunk but without the buzz. Damn nerve medication. And now you know why government never seems to work right. :eek: :p

Plain and simple, if you can fold on them, fold. For whomever you'd like, it doesn't matter, but we always welcome any folder with a passion for what we're out to accomplish. :cool:
300GHz eh? Prove it.

I need someone to keep Marty busy. Besides, with that much firepower, you would be the #1 producer on the team....give the big dogs a run for their money! :D :D
Just because we are ahead right now does not mean that we will be ahead when the seasons change. Summers are the slow time for us and OCAU for a couple reasons. Hest is one and schools being closed or on summer quarter is another. It just happens to be summer down under right now.

One other thing to mention, the competition within the team is very strong. So if you are looking for a good fight, you don't have to look very far.
I agree... The community here is the reason I stay... it's the reason I'm active in the forums and it's the reason I kept folding after I started.... We're all here to help each other, whether ir be with hardware or software... or real life issues... It's what makes us a strong team, it's the reason why we're all here....

We're all here for different reasons, but in the end, we're all here for each other.

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Hahahaha, this team earns my vote simply because of the community here, the 'fun', games, contests, PRIZES, the ontopic offtopic threads and most the sheer amount of knowledge. It is without a doubt that stay long enough to find out what each 'character' on the board has done and you will be impressed!
I run a gaming community myself, and have thought about starting up a seperate folding team for them, but I don't see the point atm. Kyle hasn't pissed me off that badly, and his forums did get me started into hardware again + the folding team has helped me setup clients and get ideas to pitch borgs to they get my folding power. It's not much, but I'm starting to build a folding farm @ home and a friend of mine is doing the same for me, so does become a bit of an addiction. But it's for a really good cause, so I enjoy it. Plus, if you get bored, you can sell the folders fairly easy and get your money (well, most of it) back. :cool:

Here's to 100K!

Full Folding Ahead!

When I started this mess (took me about 2 days to get totally hooked) I thought about starting up my own team. I actually registered a new team and the whole mess.

When you look at what you can do with 300 Gzh on a team level, it's not even a drop in the bucket. I was/am/could be at the same level as you, but it's just not enough to compete from a team>team point of view in my opinion.

Instead I choose to come here and talk shit out my ass on a daily basis. Kick a Moose, bitch slap a grumpy old man every now and again.

When you look forum to forum, this forum is at least 500% more active than any other DC forum I've found. Many teams in the top 10 have forums with 1-2 posts a week. We average about 1-2 post every 10 minutes (disclaimer: Never said quality posts).

That was my personal thinking at the time I joined. Now if I could find the door out of here I'd be a happy camper.
AtomicMoose said:
I don't do anything, I am just a character :D

No no no, yer a dirty, smelly freaking Moose... and those moose dropping... eesh... ;)
marty9876 said:
<snippage of babble>

That was my personal thinking at the time I joined. Now if I could find the door out of here I'd be a happy camper.
Hotel California, ain't going anywhere.
I can't believe nobody else mentioned this yet....because we get the kewl forum badges!

I have only been with this team for 2 months now, and I love it here mostly because of the community. When we were fighting it out with the aussies to overtake 1st place just month ago, the sense of team spirit was so high here, yet the funny entertaining bickering between team mates never ceased.

I think if you want to work for an underdog, join OverClockers.Com's team.. they're in 3rd place, but could potentially be a good fight for OCAU or even us once (if) OCAU overtakes 1st come our summer time. What counts most though is that you're folding and helping advance the general knowledge of humanity!

Fold On!

Yeah...its just fun here...thats why im here....i started at the new year and i have been in this forum more than anywhere else :) and i dont know what everyone is complaining about...i liked the moose reach around :p it was soft and so gentle :p
Even for us lurkers, I think its the sense of community that is cool.

Ive lost track of the number of times I have been surfing the forums while "working"
and started busted up laughing because of some of the photochops, and
silly reachthroughs by moose.

Yah you can get alot of that if you just chill here anyway, but being a part of the group, as silly as it seems, is really cool.

roftranspo said:
i dont know what everyone is complaining about...i liked the moose reach around :p it was soft and so gentle :p

You sir, must have paid extra for the "Deluxe Reach Through" as you're the first one that I ever think has enjoyed it that much.
First of all I would like to thank all of you for being so nice even though I acted like a jerk with this whole thing.

I'm definitly going with the [H]orde because this is a great community.

My home boxes are set to team 33 and I got 3 at work started today.

I started talking to the boss about setting up the machines to do F@H and he had some questions I could't answer so I need to figgure that out first.

Could any of you tell me if running a CPU fully utilized is actually going to change the lifespan of the machine? I told the boss that I can't see how it would make a noticable difference as long as they don't overheat. I need to find some hard statisitcs or good links before I can "Set up one lab to see how it goes".

Anyway thanks for being so kind everyone.
p[H]ant0m said:
You sir, must have paid extra for the "Deluxe Reach Through" as you're the first one that I ever think has enjoyed it that much.
I must just be twisted like that :p
RE: Lifetime shorter?

While a whole lot of switching can make the ifetime shorter for a processor, it's not significant compared to heat. The lifetime will be shortened a whole lot more by heat (by orders of magnitude) than by switching. Remember--transistors are made to switch. If your boss is worried about lifetime, just make sure the HSF is adequate, and you'll be fine.

marty9876 said:
We average about 1-2 post every 10 minutes (disclaimer: Never said quality posts).
Sounds like me, alright.

Welcome to the [H]orde, ethos747474nikon8989! Good luck with the boss. As a data point, my system has been running 100% for about 2 years now, with no stability problems. The only systems you'd be likely to have problems with are mini Dell boxes, but that's because those are absolute crap. Well-ventilated, full-sized systems will have no problems with FAH.

PS: Where's that nickname from? I can't see myself typing ethos747474nikon8989 every time I wanted to log in... this from the guy whose AIM handle is 3 characters and 13 digits :rolleyes:

In addition to Mohonri's comments, if it becomes a large issue, F@H allows you to run with partial usage. If you find that heat becomes a huge issue, you can, for instance, run timeless WU's at 50% to reduce the amount of heat the CPU's produce and in turn reduce the amount of component restrain.

In most cases though, a decent OEM heatsink should do just fine as there are other guys that have PC's that they've run with full tilt folding for years and years and not experienced any issues whatsoever.

Finally, glad to have you aboard, make yourself at home, we're glad to have you! :D
I got kinda mad at hard forum when I signed up becuase of the no yahoo / hotmail rule. By the time I fixed that problem by my own methods I was sick of dealing with it and typed a bunch of numbers so hardforum wouldnt tell me that my user name was already taken. I just tell firefox to remember my password and username so It's not an issue typing it all in.