Four Weeks of Galaxy Give-Aways!

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need a nice card to run my Linux box with and this would be perfect. and free stuff rocks :D
Galaxy rocks! I remember when I first saw their name hit the market, then I found out some of the big names they backed over the years. Ever since then, I've always wanted to own one, and now I do. 560 ti GC in my main rig, would love to replace some of the older cards with some brand new sexiness from my new favorite manufacturer.
I bought a used one from one of the other forums "For Sale/Trade" thread but I was ripped off because the item was DOA! So here I am still living life with a mob vid card! Can I have one please?
My desktop computer was stolen. I can't do anything on this terrible laptop except visit websites. I need a desktop!
I'd love to get a good video card from Galaxy so I can give it to my friend, he wants to play PC games and I have a spare PC with some decent specs, but he can't afford to buy a new copy of Windows 7 and a video card due to bills, rent, etc.

It would be awesome to get him into PC gaming though, so this would definitely be his ticket into the big leagues :rolleyes:
2 reasons:

1) I never win anything
2) I would love to be able to do some nice multimonitor applications and games.
To rule the universe, you have to do it one galaxy at a time. And with this galaxy in my grasp, I'll be on my first steps to being ultimate overlord of the universe.
Love my Galaxy GTX470's...the non-shitty cooler and custom board made Thermi bearable =)
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