Fools and their mindless Vista bashing (for fake reasons)

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Just installed Vista after f-ing around with ubuntu for a couple weeks.

I am very impressed. Runs great and look really nice.
I have yet to play games, but Vista rocks so far.

So I lose a few FPS on my FPS I could care less.
For folders, that stuff matters, dude. We prefer to have our system resources used for a more noble purpose than eye candy and spam. But by all means, feel free to abuse us for wanting to push a few more frames every now and again. It's not like we're trying to cure cancer or anything.

Yeah, with every post you MS toadies get increasingly obnoxious about your new, expensive, bloated operating system and how wonderful it is.

What you haven't given up is a compelling reason to switch off of our existing XP or 2K builds.

Is it faster than my 2KSP4 builds? No.
Is it more stable? No.
Is it more efficient? No.
Does it have a better file system? No.
Is it more secure? Really? Then why do I need OneCare?
Is it less friendly to open source software? Absolutely.

So why the hell should I drop $300 on an op system? Because you did? Is that why you're trying to cast the doubters as morons? Would that make you feel better about your purchase, or perhaps give you a larger e-penis?

Sorry, but I could get another dual-core Opteron for that money, and I would actually gain a measurable performance increase from it. I'd also be able to run another F@H console on the same machine.

You go ahead and enjoy that bloat you bought, then. That's what disposable income is for. :p

Uh.... nobody is forcing anyone to do anything.

Vista may or may not be for you and that is up to everyone to decide. The point of this thread is for everyone to share their views what exactly Vista's short comings are besides quotes such as it simply doesn't work.

Maybe if people say exactly what doesn't work, then that could help others who would be deciding whether to get Vista or not. ;)

Ok so let's see... my vista 64 bit ultimate experience...

1. downloading anime and ....stufff
- Utorrent works, direct download works ( although i have issues where sometimes my browser internet wouldn't work but utorrent, mirc and live messenger still work fine ... however the browser does work back eventually after 10 minutes or after a reboot. I use a router that isn't Vista certified and no support by the manufacturer anymore netgear 614 v 1 so.... )

2. Watching anime and movies on my pc.
- I'm using cccp codec latest beta with media classic player. If i play the movie too long with mcp, the player screen goes black but the audio still works.... I just close it, reopen and go to the scene i was at, or i simply use windows media player or media center if it plays the video. Besides that little quirk, the video quality looks good.

3. Gaming.
- Half Life 2, Counter Strike: Source. After the steam update it works for my rig. Other games i tried were Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Buther Bay, Company of Heroes, and World of Warcraft. According to sites benchmarks, they noted that drivers especially Nvidia's for Vista aren't as ripe as Xp. So you need to expect a few fps lesser than Xp if your on Vista. But when i play games in the real world they play fine. So it doesn't bother me if it works. The drivers will get better over time.

4. Computer general usage.
- Browsing the web and my pc and messing around with the tools/features is kewl. But keep note that the UAC pop up can annoy some people ( doesn't bother me... much since it only shows when your installing something. I find it good to know when some hidden process tries to do something without my permission. ) But if you don't like it, it can be turned off.

5. Burning and video encoding.
- I used Nero to burn, and convertxtodvd to encode. Worked fine.

6. Application quirks
- O&O defragment didn't work for me. Other were Flashget, Coreavc codec, Novabackup .... Diskeeper works fine.

Overall Vista hardware requirements are high so if you got a dinosaur pc well.... I don't recommend basic cauz your missing aero glass.... Premium, or Ultimate is the best choice. Only ultimate comes with both 32 and 64 bit dvds inside (retail).
Linux, don't get me started. The whole Free Linux, Java, MySQL stack is a joke in my opinion. There is certainly nothing interesting happening in that space. IBATIS, XML, SOA, SPRING. I’m so sick of it all, Application development is a nightmare. The quality of enterprise apps has steadily decreased since 1995 as far as I am concerned. We used to get more done faster in the 70's using line editors.

Because you are all that is the internet and software, I will listen to you. Seriously, if took forum posts, I would submit this as the most hilarious and stupid quote of 2007. And it's only February. Congrats!

To sum up my opinion, Vista is the WinMe for the 21st century. And another congrats on your purchase of Vista! May your many internet exploits be catalogged somewhere for future reference, and may all your HD content show up crappy because you lack HDMI.

Meanwhile, linux users will be happily going about their business. Good day.
Well, with all due respect

Vista is steup.exe

unix/linux is:
fuck with
I just installed Vista Ultimate 64 for the first time today and I gotta say, I'm impressed. Install was super fast and easy. I only had one driver issue that was resolved after a google search. Start up and shut down is ridiculously fast. I'm happy.
Booting up is fast. But sometimes i have issues with shutting down. Sometimes it is stuck and takes a long time anyone know how to fix that ?
I gotta chime in...

I'm running a lowly 2400+ AXP and a X1300 Pro with 768MB of system RAM... Vista runs great for me. Some stuff runs faster than XP even, I've been using it for two weeks, it has been rock solid stable. I'm impressed. It's not the 'bloated ram eater' people make it out to be either.

It's nice to see a new OS after so many years of XP.
Doh which vista you using ?

Cause from what i understand, if you get say vista ultimate and your pc is not powerful enough, it can downgrade to a premium or basic etc.

Anyway while were on topic of boot time, i noticed that minimizing and maximising counter strike source is much much faster than on Xp that like took ages and was stuck on a black screen that i was afraid to minimize and do something else while waiting for the next round to start.
I've been running Vista Ultimate from the 1st day it was out and I LOVE IT.

Boot time was cut in haf and applications such as winrar and DVD shrink are faster for me.

Things in general open faster. It seems to me that Vista likes to use Dual Cores when available. IE 7 and WMP 11 are very fast in Vista, unlike my OLD XP.

Also, I'm running a 3.8ghz overclock (E6600) and it has not crashed once. All my games from XP still work with Vista.

I also installed Vista Home Premium for my brother and his notebook (e1405) is so much faster. Again, boot time is very little and thing open lightning fast. Very pleased he is.

Great experience so far...
Maybe if people say exactly what doesn't work, then that could help others who would be deciding whether to get Vista or not. ;)


Indication needs to be given, though, where things reported as 'not working' can be made to work with alternative software programs or will work with a device driver revision.

Some more comments to add:


* I haven't yet found anything that can't be done.
* User Account Protection really ISN'T a pain in the bum the way it was for pre-release distros. It works quite well and very unobtrusively, only really showing up during the initial configuration of the system and the soiftware getting installed on it. People complaining about the feature are being petty.
* The combination of IE7, UAP and Windows Defender works quite well as a safeguard against malware. I've given it a really thorough test out which has included some intentional excursions into really seedy areas, and heeding the blocks and warnings of default settings has kept the system squeaky clean. Rather than stopping me from being able to obtain illicit or even downright nasty content, it has simply led me to a few "Stuff you, I'll get it somewhere else!" decisions.
(Note: the above activity was engaged in purely for testing purposes. I'm usually a rather innocent old codger!)


* none

Mild annoyances

* Multitasking whilst installing a program can occasionally result in a UAP dialogue 'popping under' rather than taking focus, and ending up hidden under app. windows and leaving the impression that an installation has somehow hung.


* There's an 'idiotproof safeguard' missing from the Disk Cleanup routine. People using systems which have 'Hibernate' enabled should NOT select the "Hibernation file cleaner" option in that utility. Doing so will disable Hibernate on their system, and will require a command line tweak to get it back.
Doh which vista you using ?

Cause from what i understand, if you get say vista ultimate and your pc is not powerful enough, it can downgrade to a premium or basic etc.

Anyway while were on topic of boot time, i noticed that minimizing and maximising counter strike source is much much faster than on Xp that like took ages and was stuck on a black screen that i was afraid to minimize and do something else while waiting for the next round to start.

I'm running Business with the Aero interface. No downgrading here. Works great.
Well, with all due respect

Vista is steup.exe

unix/linux is:
fuck with

Sorry but that is load of crap, do not blame your short comings on gnu/linux. Now I am gonna use ubuntu as an example, the linux distro you used, and the one I have been using for about the past two years, roughly.

After installing vista, I had to install, then install video card drivers, reboot, install nforce drivers, reboot, look through updates for nforce audio, reboot, try to install ext2/3 filesystem drivers, reboot and fail. update (could require numerous reboots)

Opposed to ubuntu, boot live disc, install reboot into ubuntu, install nvidia driver, restart gdm (not a reboot), sound, and others work out of the box. update, reboot only if a new kernel is installed. I only needed on reboot after reinstall to get my system fully working, and another if there is a kernel update. Even then I am sure the more experienced linux users here can tell you how to swap the kernel without rebooting....

While we are on adjusting, in linux its far easier to do a reformat, install, and get back to all your settings, including (themes, icons etc) then it is with windows. Hey I like vista over xp, but sorry vista still is behind linux, (ahead where it counts marketshare and games) or mac osx.
Can we PLEASE leave this as a Vista discussion rather than yet another Linux v Windows ePenis boostage?
Good God... I'm amazed.
And this, well if your just trying to start shit with me it's not going to work. I have five clients that fold 24/7, and I made it VERY clear in my post that folding is very important to thousands and thousands of people.

Now, that being said, poor folding performance is a stupid reason not like Vista.

In fact, my entire post was actually defending people who do choose to fold. And no, I'm not saying you should like Vista, I frankly don't care if you do or not, and nobody is saying you should use it.

Now, that being said, poor folding performance is a stupid reason not like Vista.

Before you decide to jump down my throat over a post that I made, you might want to read the whole thing, and pay attention to what I said. If the only reason you choose not to like Vista is because it may not optimize folding right now, then I think your selling an entire OS short, but don't jump on me accusing me of saying that folding is not important, because nowhere in my post did I ever say that.

Now, that being said, poor folding performance is a stupid reason not like Vista.

:D You are clearly backtracking...:eek:

Oh, and no, my last name is not Gates... And out of curiosity, do you fold, because I checked, and if you do, it's for a team other than 33, because your not a member of the [H]orde.....

No, I did fold under FAH for a while before I moved my three active machines to Rosetta@Home several months ago. I am still listed on the FAH database, and ranked somewhere between rank 830 and rank 870. I moved to Rosetta@Home because Rosetta@Home is a smaller group and their Bonic client makes use of the 2 CPU core.
some rants and shit after using vista on another rigt for 3 hours.

at least WIN XP lets me drag and drop a folder into my winamp playlist.

so.... drag and drop, missing , killed or just plain "pls wait for the updfate in SP1" ??

and the aero glass , it gets irritating after like 5 minutes...

and the yes and no and "oh please go to and we'll help you solve the problem with more questions" is kinda irritating after installing just winamp, sygate (doesnt work) and opera.

People who keep saying "you have a choice , stick with XP if you dont like vista" really dont think bout their future, i mean in 2 years time , its gonna be in everything and XP's going to the grave being an os with no further support from m$.

My mentality is, better bitch now and let microsoft do the cleanup and optimizations quick and in 2 years time, have a better OS , than have this nice looking irritating nightmare right here.

the folding zealots are even more hilarious than the linux geeks. :D
Seriously ktk, 3 hours is nothing to come in here and claim how bad Vista is. You should actually "use it" before just making outright claims about how bad an OS is.

I am not stating that those concerns aren't valid, but could the winamp problem be maybe winamp and not Vista? I seriously doubt MS took out drag and dropping. These are the kinds of claims that people are jumping to without actually trying to see the overall picture.
I gotta chime in...

I'm running a lowly 2400+ AXP and a X1300 Pro with 768MB of system RAM... Vista runs great for me. Some stuff runs faster than XP even, I've been using it for two weeks, it has been rock solid stable. I'm impressed. It's not the 'bloated ram eater' people make it out to be either.

It's nice to see a new OS after so many years of XP.

Did you get it free?

If not, don't you think that $200-300 USD would have been put to better use on hardware upgrades?
3 hours, eh? Yeah, that qualifies you as an expert... NOT.


Hey Vista-guy, since you're now an expert, maybe you can answer my questions. No one else has.

- Is it (Vista) faster than my present 2K build?
- Is it more stable?
- Is it more secure than 2K or XP?
- Do all of the drivers work?
- Does it always play nice with third-party or open-source software?
- Does it play nice-nice with Creative Labs soundcards?

Lastly, why do I need 3D windows?

I am thanking you in advance for a speedy, insightful, intelligent and non-inflammatory reply.
Hey Vista-guy, since you're now an expert, maybe you can answer my questions. No one else has.

- Is it (Vista) faster than my present 2K build?
- Is it more stable?
- Is it more secure than 2K or XP?
- Do all of the drivers work?
- Does it always play nice with third-party or open-source software?
- Does it play nice-nice with Creative Labs soundcards?

Lastly, why do I need 3D windows?

I am thanking you in advance for a speedy, insightful, intelligent and non-inflammatory reply.

1. No, but it doesn't have to be and no other previous Windows version release has had to 'outspeed' its predecessor either. Getting more speed is what better hardware is for ;)

2. Yes, it's more stable.

3. Yes, it's more secure.

4. Yes, all of the included device drivers work. You've got plenty of reason to get upset at a few hardware manufacturers though, because they haven't yet made device drivers whih work. Microsoft has done its bit.

5. Yes, it plays nice with software. Not all software plays nice with Vista, though. Ditch the misbehaved stuff, I'd suggest.

6. It plays very nice-nice with Creative soundlabs. They were given the technical info they needed ages ago. Damn shame they've spent most of the time since crying rather than doing something about it!

Finally - You don't need 3D windows. You can use them if you like, or not use them if you don't want to.
Well, with all due respect

Vista is steup.exe

Really? Don't you have software to install? How about drivers? Or does Vista do everything, including wiping your butt after you have your morning session?

unix/linux is:
fuck with

Uh, not quite.

Open SuSE 10.2 install procedure:
(and, truth be told, you do need to baby-sit...but it's only because SuSE asks questions pertinent to the configuration process. In other words, it's the same as for any Windows install, other than those pre-configured for autoinstall.)

Phase 1:
- Boot PC with first drive = DVD ROM
- Install DVD ROM for the distro
- When the SuSE menu comes up, choose Install
- Answer the questions as they come up
DONE! (All the drivers except the graphic accelerator are already working).

Phase 2:
- Open YaST (Yet another Setup Tool)
- Input the nVidia website as a source for graphic drivers
- Run YaST Online Update to grab / install the vid drivers
- Reboot

No text console necessary.
another linux zealot? wow. seriously, if you guys wanna compare epenises go do it somewhere else. i'm getting tired of seeing "omg you wasted $200 on bloat." that may be your opinion. but its their choice to buy it. and if you're gonna ridicule them for it, keep it to yourself. why not go make the same argument for the next OSX update? oh wait, its based off of that makes it better. i see.....:rolleyes:
Hey Vista-guy, since you're now an expert, maybe you can answer my questions. No one else has.

- Is it (Vista) faster than my present 2K build?
- Is it more stable?
- Is it more secure than 2K or XP?
- Do all of the drivers work?
- Does it always play nice with third-party or open-source software?
- Does it play nice-nice with Creative Labs soundcards?

Lastly, why do I need 3D windows?

I am thanking you in advance for a speedy, insightful, intelligent and non-inflammatory reply.

1) No but if you wanna continue to use an outdated OS with newer hardware and face issues with trying to get it to run correctly (see PCI-E) then go right ahead.

2) Yes...on my computer it has been.

3) Yes. XP was built off 2K. It added a firewall, DEP, etc. Vista has all that plus UAC....this was kind of a stupid question if you ask me.

4) Yes. But it depends on the hardware. Another stupid question. If you're so worried about it talk to the hardware companies who didn't bother to write drivers for an OS thats been out in final form for the past several months.

5) Depends on the software, I'm running Firefox and OpenOffice just fine thank you. Once again...whats with the retarded questions used to incite us?

6) I do not know. From what I heard, it doesn't. But see #4 for the answer to that.

7) I don't know. Do you? I seem to remember Linux and OSX having similar features. If you're gonna use that as a negative point of the OS, I suggest you look at the other ones and ask yourself, Do I want to use the flashy shit or do I not? I don't use it because I'm too used to Alt Tab.
Hm guys.... if you get vista 64 bit... you cannot use game trainers to cheat :rolleyes:

Unless somebody can give some tips to fix that.
Well, with all due respect

Vista is steup.exe

unix/linux is:
fuck with

and where did you get that FUD?
There is only one reboot needed in a linux install and that is the reboot to stop running the install CD and run yr system... And thats it (while Windows... Install and boot to system. Install 1st driver... reboot. install 2nd driver ... reboot [now have net access], get updates... reboot, more updates.. reboot, install some hardware that still needs installing.. reboot, install AV.. reboot, install FW... reboot, install some other programs... reboot

and just to point out to actually install Linux you just have to click on "install" on the Ubuntu desktop and it just does it (a couple of question and thats it), shite even with GEntoo there is an option that means you don't even have to go near the command line and enter any commands

BUT the point is ONE reboot is needed as opose to the >12 needed with a Windows install :rolleyes: you should actually try before you try to bash :rolleyes:

As to the 3D desktop/windows in Vista, While I havn't used Vista the effects avail seem similar to the effect available to Linux desktops (via Beryl). while you may think they are just a gimmic (and for the most part they are) the wobbly windows on my GNOME desktop provide a more "natural" flow to the desktop (and a couple of really hand enhancement)
so try it with Vista, you may actually like it
1. No, but it doesn't have to be and no other previous Windows version release has had to 'outspeed' its predecessor either. Getting more speed is what better hardware is for ;)

So you agree - it's more bloated than its predecessors, then?

What would I be getting for my $300 USD to compensate for the bloat?

2. Yes, it's more stable.


A more complex OS with more stuff in it is by definition more stable?

And despite Vista's inherent stability we keep seeing Riki Lake-esque posts in this subforum. "Help, I keep getting bsod's with my new Vista build!". It's empirical evidence, I know, but it's more than you've offered up.

3. Yes, it's more secure.

Is that so? Why does MS think I need OneCare?

Do they seriously believe anyone would ever trust them with security after all the holes and exploits in XP?

And why is Vista having such a hard time playing nicely with McAfee and Symantec security suites? Do we have a jealous operating system here?

Yeah, it's more secure - For Microsoft. They can worry less about competition because they are much more of a closed, XBox console/Macintosh environment. They can control content, software, etc.

I guess it depends on what your definition of the word "security" is. I always thought it had to do with protecting us from spam and hackers.

We'll see how this new OS handles being hacked for two months. My guess is that we'll soon see exploits up the ass.

4. Yes, all of the included device drivers work. You've got plenty of reason to get upset at a few hardware manufacturers though, because they haven't yet made device drivers whih work. Microsoft has done its bit.

"included device drivers" - Super! I can operate my PC without sound!

Your assertion is not valid. The problems are not just limited to a few select peripheral manufacturers, and it's not limited to just hardware. Software suppliers are affected as well.

This is a closed security environment - e.g. it's got enhanced security against anything MS or the RIAA/MPAA might consider hostile to their own interests. Driver coders and software coders now have to account for the elaborate "content" protection schemes MS has written into its source codes. And you wonder why we're getting late driver releases? Why is Microsoft off the hook here, when they are a demonstrated monopolist? Why don't they have to prove it wasn't their f-ups and anti-competitive market positions that caused the problems?

5. Yes, it plays nice with software. Not all software plays nice with Vista, though. Ditch the misbehaved stuff, I'd suggest.

Why would I do that when I could keep my current OS and not have to change software at all? Just to spend money for the sake of eye candy and making sure that MPAA/RIAA can continue to charge me multiple times for the same content?

What exactly am I gaining for the baggage of this great new OS of yours? Would you please just answer that question?

6. It plays very nice-nice with Creative soundlabs. They were given the technical info they needed ages ago. Damn shame they've spent most of the time since crying rather than doing something about it!

Wait - it plays nicely, but it doesn't play nicely... Do you realize you just engaged in double-speak?

Assumiung nVidia or Creative were isolated cases, I'd agree with you, but they aren't isolated cases.

Functionally, this new OS is no better or no worse than XP. Right? So under normal circumstances, we should have no problems whatsoever getting drivers on time. Right? We got drivers for XP in a timely fashion, didn't we?

The question you don't seem to be asking yourself is why so many peripheral manufacturers are having real problems with this issue. The answer has everything to do with the new console-type, closed-content "security".

Finally - You don't need 3D windows. You can use them if you like, or not use them if you don't want to.

Unfortunately, I cannot de-activate MS "phone home" functions, "activation" or "content protection" features. I didn't ask for any of that shit, but MS thinks I should chew and swallow.
another linux zealot? wow. seriously, if you guys wanna compare epenises go do it somewhere else. i'm getting tired of seeing "omg you wasted $200 on bloat." that may be your opinion. but its their choice to buy it. and if you're gonna ridicule them for it, keep it to yourself. why not go make the same argument for the next OSX update? oh wait, its based off of that makes it better. i see.....:rolleyes:

We didn't start this thread. You guys did. The thread opener and several of you posting here are the ones who called us fools for questioning authority, remember?

I think that we have very sound reasons for questioning authority. Microsoft is the one who had their chops busted for anti-competitive behavior. And given their recent press releases on the subject, they still don't get it. Has this all been washed in lethe and forgotten?

As I've stated from the beginning, if you want to spend your hard earned dollars on Vista, go ahead. None of us will stop you. But when you start suggesting we have screws loose or that we are mentally deficient for raising questions, then you're gonna get a fight.
Actually Vista detected everything about my system and I didn't need any drivers at all.
All questions have been answered already, but for the sake of continuity...

1) No but if you wanna continue to use an outdated OS with newer hardware and face issues with trying to get it to run correctly (see PCI-E) then go right ahead.

Strawman argument....I never had any PCI-E issues. I'm typing this on a Windows 2000 SP4OEM machine with PCI-E. I game on it regularly. It folds 24/7.

So you admit that Vista is slower? Then we should switch to it because...we're in less of a hurry? Because we like inefficiency? Or maybe it's an e-penis thing? Hey, baby, look at my huge system resources! I can run Vista. It's HUGE! LOL.

2) Yes...on my computer it has been.

Empirical evidence is pretty meaningless unless there's a lot of it (at which point you have to think about it statistically). We could also cite empirical observations of many here who are having real problems with Vista and its lack of stability. At any rate, you've proved exactly nothing, and given no reason to suggest Vista is better.

Out of curiosity, what did you upgrade from? ME? 2K? XP? Assuming you got here from a 9X kernel, I guarantee it'd be more stable. But in any case, you have to prove that a complex, more bloated OS is more stable than a simpler one that requires fewer system resources. Good luck!

3) Yes. XP was built off 2K. It added a firewall, DEP, etc. Vista has all that plus UAC....this was kind of a stupid question if you ask me.

Woohoo! We get a new security feature stolen from Linux! Just what I needed - the ability to lock myself out of my own account on a repeat basis. More annoying prompts to knock down my productivity, and interfere with my frag counts.

If it's more secure, why does MS tell us we need OneCare?

4) Yes. But it depends on the hardware. Another stupid question. If you're so worried about it talk to the hardware companies who didn't bother to write drivers for an OS thats been out in final form for the past several months.

Don't you think it's possible that MS's own anti-competitive behavior is to blame here? Do you really not know how much more work writing drivers has become for this OS, despite the fact that it's supposedly not that different from its predecessor?

Just why should Creative and nVidia be responsible for ensuring "content" isn't bootlegged? Don't laugh, they have to account for it now in their driver builds!

Seriously, why is Microsoft off the hook? They were the ones proven to engage in anti-competitive behavior!

5) Depends on the software, I'm running Firefox and OpenOffice just fine thank you. Once again...whats with the retarded questions used to incite us?

McAfee keeps telling me it's working on solutions to its problems with Vista, and I hear similar things from users of Symantec.

Have you tried Media Player Classic, mPlayer, TCMP, or any competitor to WMP, for that matter? How about WinAmp or iTunes? Some don't seem to be working properly under Vista, as one of our previous posters has complained.

Funny how anything associated with "content" has to pass through a very narrow Vista keyhole. Funnier still how everything with the prefix Microsoft seems to work out of the box, without tweaking.

I wonder what you'll say after the first service pack comes out and your non-MS apps are broken. It happened with XP!

6) I do not know. From what I heard, it doesn't. But see #4 for the answer to that.

Would you like to know why Creative soundcard offerings aren't working so well?

Here's a hint - it has to do with the control of "premium content".

In other words, if Microsoft or its media partners can't make money from it, they think you shouldn't be able to play it with your high end sound card and make it sound like anything decent. They want the ability to destroy/devalue our content if they don't get more than their two cents from it. This is a difficult thing to be able to do - it's like Microsoft is asking its peripheral manufacturers to come up with a perpetual motion machine, and Creative has it the worst out of anyone, since they focus on high-end sound.

7) I don't know. Do you?

Maybe it's cool to look at text from the side.

The bottom line is this. You're placing your trust in an organization which has already been convicted of anti-competitive behavior in more than one venue. Suit yourself. But if you choose to bash me for being skeptical, I will respond to it.
"The application eggcups has quit unexpectedly"

"Kernel dump"


"you need libc. to install this repository. Your current system has libc."

"Cannot install <app> due to a depency error"

"This application needs kernel 2.6x. You are running kernel version 2.4x"

"Error starting X"

Want me to find more annoyances to talk about?

I also don't want to compare epenises but it really bugs the crap out of me that some people seem to think that everything MS is evil and everything *nix is the saviour.

Linux can be a real bitch to setup and running stabkle, just as Windows. Now if i'm proficient in Linux i can avoid those things. Just like you can avoid them if you're proficient with Windows. Sad thing is: Most Linux zealots rather spend time to bash windows than to get proficient with Windows to avoid those things.

If you like Linux, great, if you like Windows, great. Just don't talk out of you ass if you don't know about either one. I have to deal with Linux servers at work daily and with windows clients and servers as well.

Trust me when i say that Windows servers are just as stable and MUCH easier to setup than any linux server out there.

As for clients, well, Windows has all the programs most everyone needs. Linux does too (except games). In windows you run setup.exe and it usually works fine. In Linux you can be lucky and the same happens (./configure; ./make install; ./make clean) or you see the above quotes. Which do you prefer?
"The application eggcups has quit unexpectedly"

"Kernel dump"


"you need libc. to install this repository. Your current system has libc."

"Cannot install <app> due to a depency error"

"This application needs kernel 2.6x. You are running kernel version 2.4x"

"Error starting X"

Want me to find more annoyances to talk about?

I also don't want to compare epenises but it really bugs the crap out of me that some people seem to think that everything MS is evil and everything *nix is the saviour.

Linux can be a real bitch to setup and running stabkle, just as Windows. Now if i'm proficient in Linux i can avoid those things. Just like you can avoid them if you're proficient with Windows. Sad thing is: Most Linux zealots rather spend time to bash windows than to get proficient with Windows to avoid those things.

If you like Linux, great, if you like Windows, great. Just don't talk out of you ass if you don't know about either one. I have to deal with Linux servers at work daily and with windows clients and servers as well.
Ok, up to this point I can see your points. I may not 100% agree, but I see your points.
Trust me when i say that Windows servers are just as stable and MUCH easier to setup than any linux server out there.
And right here, you ruin it. I am proficient in both windows and linux ( probably more so windows simply because of all the support I've had to do for windows ), and linux is way easier to install and configure. It is also more stable in just about every way, although after win2k stability is a moot point; They are both about as stable, the edge going to linux. However, third party applications can still bring down a windows box. Given it's nature, the same can't be said for linux.
As for clients, well, Windows has all the programs most everyone needs. Linux does too (except games). In windows you run setup.exe and it usually works fine. In Linux you can be lucky and the same happens (./configure; ./make install; ./make clean) or you see the above quotes. Which do you prefer?
Once again, I'm going to have to call bullshit. yum install <app> ( or use yast<?> if that's your speed ).

Even better, watch this; yum remove <app>

What's so cool about this? Well, in those two commands, I installed and removed an application. Try doing the same for a windows app. First you have to generate an MST, then you have to use your package deployment mech, and then it may not work because ....well, I've seen about 100 different errors on supposedly same systems why it doesn't install and needs an admin to do it.

Both windows and linux have their strengths and do them better than the other, but please don't spout FUD to try to prove your point. There are too many here that can smell the bullshit.
Well I was going to tear that post apart but XOR != OR has done it for me

and just to add something... you ever tried going to Add/remove in windows to remove Norton AntiVirus?
In that case, My tercel is BETTER than a ferrari.
It probably is. I don't know your financial situation, but likely if you were to attempt to finance purchasing a Ferrari you would be severely in debt for many years. This would likely have a significantly detrimental effect on your quality of living.

Now why are we talking about cars?
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