Fools and their mindless Vista bashing (for fake reasons)

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Please - I used QED because you yourself demonstrated the 'hata' behavior you decried. I thought that you wouldn't get it, and that's why I changed the post. Had to dumb it down some.

Which of my arguments were flawed?

Which of the "shit" I've been posting has been "irrelevant" to this discussion?

The opener said that anyone arguing against Vista was a fool and mindlessly bashing Vista. Yet not one of you pro-MS people here has disproved any of the critiques surrounding Vista - that it's bloated, slow, closed environment, takes control out of the hands of the user and it isn't a significant advance over its predecessor. In short, it's not worth dropping $300 bucks on right now, and it may never be.

What's funny is that my defense of the "hold-off" position seem to have touched off quite a few nerves in the MS fanbase. If it were just mindless and irrelevant, why did you bother to post? Am I getting closer to your own personal truth than you care to admit?

its not $300. have you looked at the prices for it? ultimate oem is $200. home premium is $119. all at newegg. there is even MCE2005 for $109 which even includes a free upgrade coupon.
People shouldn't be personally insulting people, especially over an operating system discussion.
Quite true. My sincere apologies for responding to snide comments made in the thread by posting more of the same.

The 'hold-off' position is not being attacked by anybody in this thread, and does not need defending. People for whom Vista does not yet meet their hardware and software requirements should wait a while before upgrading. That's not disputed. People who don't want to upgrade are free to continue using their existing OS. That's not debated either.
lol...i'm not even gonna grace that with anything but what i said in front of this sentence. lawl. there is so much ignorance on both sides, especially with those of you who've never used vista and continue to bash it. can we just close this??? :rolleyes:

So you concede the argument, then?
For us here in the States, replacing Windows XP Pro Full OEM/retail with Windows Vista Ultimate is about a $300 proposition. For some of us, the thought of dropping that amount of cash on an OS that is not a significant advance over what we have seems a little stupid. Why is it a smart thing to do, in your opinion?

If you are referring to Vista Ultimate then your comments have limited rather than general applicability. In a corporate environment the vast majority of customers will make the change to Vista Business via volume licensing agreements. In the retail consumer environment only a small minority of customers will actually need the 'Business' features included in Ultimate.
He wants us to say it's big and slow. It is.

He wants us to say it doesn't offer anything over what we have now. It does, but he can't see that, nor does he want to.

He wants us to say the DRM will ruin our digital lives. Sorry, can't help there.

He wants us to give a reason or reasons why we'd "drop $300" on it.

That's an easy one.

Because we can. Same reason people buy Ferraris.Same reason people around here are buying Core 2 Duo processors and running them with extreme overclocks. Same reason people do most anything, including running Win2K till it's so long in the tooth they won't have much choice but to upgrade if there's something they want done but can't do it on that old OS.

Hell, I just installed Win2K on an old Athlon 1 GHz machine earlier today just so I could get some old games working great on this Voodoo 5 5500 AGP card, go figure.

People do things for whatever reason that suits them, I suppose. I'm getting a P4 and mobo with some RAM later this week, "handmedownware" from a friend on the other side of the country, with an ATI 9550 video card which is fully Aero compatible and yes, I'll be running Vista on it the day I get it and slap it all together in a mid-tower case - the same one that has the Athlon/Voodoo 5 in it presently.

Sure it would run Win2K nicely, and XP, hell, Win2K3 would blow the doors off both of them and Vista too (wonder if you knew that - 2K3 is the best OS Microsoft has ever made in terms of sheer performance... I wonder), but I choose to run Vista on it because I need to use it for a variety of reasons, most of which simply don't matter to you.

So there, some answers for the questions you keep rambling on about incessantly. Somehow I doubt they're want you wanted to hear, but so be it.
i'm gettin kinda tired of you saying its $300. its not. have you ever looked at the prices for it? ultimate oem is $200. home premium is $119. all at newegg. omg there is even MCE2005 for $109 which even includes a free upgrade coupon!!!!

the ignorance is killing me

You're missing the point again. It wasn't about the price of Vista copies. Those are variable (though $300 is around what you'd pay for Ultimate at your local brick/mortar). It was all about whether Vista in any of its forms was worth upgrading to, at all.

This new OS is not a significant upgrade from XP or 2K, and it may be a downgrade. Why are those of us who hold off dumbasses for not spending money? This was the entire premise of the op's argument. But we were never given the reasons why were were dumbasses, and we were never told how our criticisms were baseless and fake.
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