Flatout 2

it bitches if you have drive emulator software like alcohol or daemon tools installed and wont let you run the game.

managed to find a cracked EXE however, and now the game runs perfect

definately one of the best and most addictive games i have played in a VERY long time :D
No one answered me the last time I asked what was so bad about starforce...

The way you people talk about it, I assume it's some sort of spyware that cannot be uninstalled? Or something like that?

Is it like those Sony CD's that once autoplayed it installs spyware on your system?
jaguax said:
No one answered me the last time I asked what was so bad about starforce...

The way you people talk about it, I assume it's some sort of spyware that cannot be uninstalled? Or something like that?

Is it like those Sony CD's that once autoplayed it installs spyware on your system?

Not a rootkit like Sony, but it is one of the more invasive copy protection schemes out there using driver replacements to do it's job..
In most cases it does not uninstall when you uninstall the game.. It has been known to cause problems with cd/dvd burning that magicaly dissapear once you figure out how to and then remove SF.. Some people report that it actually damages cd/dvd drives.. Google "starforce woes" or "starforce problems".. For more complete info....

BOT, I just picked up FL2, will install tomorrow..
I loved the first one, really liked how the cars handled... challenging as hell. Maybe i'll pick this one up.
I would like to know how the multiplayer is? (Also with the xbox version too) -

What kind of options are there? How many players? etc. etc.
I can't imagine the xbox or ps2 versions to be even close to what the PC version is. If you have a capable gaming PC I highly recommend you get it for PC over the other two. It should have been an X360 release, but oh well. I haven't tried multiplayer yet, I am burning through the single player campaign, about half way done.
That reviewer sounds like he justs sucks at it. Its not that hard to control the cars and its definately not hard to place first in each race. The mini games on the other hand...
I agree, if you arent drunk/mashed you should have no problems controlling the cars.
Expect rear wheel drive cars to be more of a handful but you can power slide round bends so they are great fun and fast!
Its an awesome game single player. Havent tried multi player yet.
WOW.... picked it up last night and it is VERY VERY fun. I enjoy this more than NFS:MW.. much much more :)

Highly recommended.. and it runs VERY fast on my system in my sig.... No slowdowns.... and the surrounds effects is very well done on the audio.... especially if you are going 100+ MPH and a piece of metal flies pass your car.. wooooshhhhh :eek:
Is there a place to buy this online? I made the mistake of not buying it today and im bored out of my mind.
Is anyone playing this game in a widescreen resolution ?
My native is 1440x900 and the game lets me select it no problem but,
maybe it's just my imagination, the cars look sort of unrealistically flattened
and too wide. :(
I wanted to see if it looks better runnning a 4:3 resolution, but I can't figure out how
to run it without my monitor stretching it out anyways to fit the screen.
I want to run 1024x768 and have black bars around the edges.
Does anyone know how to edit the songs in this game? I dont want to add my own, just take some out. Thanks
I wanted to edit some out too.
Apparently there is no in game option and looking at the install folder,
the songs are not discrete mp3s or anything so it looks difficult.
Megadeth was really the only band on there I liked.
The rest were horrible so I just turn the music off now. :(
Stereophile said:
Is anyone playing this game in a widescreen resolution ?
My native is 1440x900 and the game lets me select it no problem but,
maybe it's just my imagination, the cars look sort of unrealistically flattened
and too wide. :(
I wanted to see if it looks better runnning a 4:3 resolution, but I can't figure out how
to run it without my monitor stretching it out anyways to fit the screen.
I want to run 1024x768 and have black bars around the edges.

I heard someone else had this problem and hasnt solved it.
If the games config can be edited to make it use a proper widescreen mode, maybe you will have some luck.

The problem appears to be the way that ATI cards handle 4:3 modes on widescreen monitors.
NVidia insert black bars into the picture whereas ATI dont so it fills the screen.
Hopefully they will fix it after hearing about this.
Currently playing Flatout 2 @ 1680x1050 native res for my Samsung 205bw 20in widescreen on my 7800gtx and there is no borders or black bars and appears to be a true widescreen without stretching, pulling or tearing.

Im also fucking loving the high frames and destructible environments... totally awesome game so far! :cool:
ojax said:
Currently playing Flatout 2 @ 1680x1050 native res for my Samsung 205bw 20in widescreen on my 7800gtx...

Shut your mouth right now!!! Oh JOY! JOY!! JOY!!!

You know these forums are so large...so many people. But the chances of seeing THE QUESTION in your mind answered by someone w/ pretty much EXACTLY the same setup...JOY!

I just picked up the 205BW from Sam's today. I'm using the same damn card and will hopefully be playing Flatout 2 shortly.


Your monitor. How do you like it? If you don't mind have you had any other 20 inch widescreens to compare to? I'm hoping to find someone who can directly compare to the 20 inch Dell. Perhaps this might be a better place to respond bro.
is the game pretty easy to control with a keyboard and mouse?

I do not have a controller for the PC, just wondering if a keyboard and mouse will do.
supastar1568 said:
is the game pretty easy to control with a keyboard and mouse?

I do not have a controller for the PC, just wondering if a keyboard and mouse will do.

I am better with the arrow keys than I am with a gamepad...
CodeX said:
I am better with the arrow keys than I am with a gamepad...

nice, but i did just order a xbox 360 controller for the PC to try that out as well.

Because I had the $15 Buy.com Visa Discount, the total (shipped) for the controller was $18. Pretty good.
There is Megadeth in the sound track SUH-WEET! and the song is SYMPHONY OF DESTRUCTION! That's reason enough for me to buy the game. When I lift I blast that song, it makes me want to punch somebody in the face, pretty fitting for the game it seems :). Sound track looks better than that emo wierd stuff from the 1st one.
I got this game today and it's definitely fun stuff! Now I need to get some of my buddies to get it so I can punish them online! muhuhahaha
Still hoping people write in on the multiplayer aspect of this game. I think one person has said it's good, but it would be nice to get more input. Does anyone play non-LAN multiplayer?

Glad to hear this game is giving the love. If it's got the mp component, then bugbear gets my money.

Jodiuh said:
Shut your mouth right now!!! Oh JOY! JOY!! JOY!!!

You know these forums are so large...so many people. But the chances of seeing THE QUESTION in your mind answered by someone w/ pretty much EXACTLY the same setup...JOY!

I just picked up the 205BW from Sam's today. I'm using the same damn card and will hopefully be playing Flatout 2 shortly.


Your monitor. How do you like it? If you don't mind have you had any other 20 inch widescreens to compare to? I'm hoping to find someone who can directly compare to the 20 inch Dell. Perhaps this might be a better place to respond bro.

I love the monitor. Sadly, I haven't had the chance to try any other WS monitors. I was looking at the LG 20in WS, the one in the same price range as the 205bw, but ultimately decided on the Samsung. A few people I've chatted with have switched from the LG to the Samsung, but I haven't heard of anyone switching to the LG from this Samsung.

IMO the Dell WS would be very similar in performance to the 205bw.
YEah, I just read a thread where a guy had the LG too and he prefered the Sammy. The 205BW's backlighting issue seems to have gone away. :confused: :D Time to give Flatout a run on the WS!! Better check the WSGF to I suppose.
Thread may be going off topic but glad to see more games using native widescreen resolutions!
well- I can ansewer my own question a bit as i went out and picked it up yesterday.

mp is great. very smooth, very straightforward to set up games. the lobby system is easy, and in-game, and when you finish a race, you're dumped back into the same group, so you can keep racing the same people. very nice. this game should kick ass at a lan party or office gathering.

so, there you go. oh- and no starforce.
