First signs that Bad Company 2 might be a port

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I love how they made a big deal about how it's going to be a real PC game and here we are... no servers. You have to buy one of theirs. Pro move DICE. At least the servers are dedicated.

This is classic example how people heard about hte MW2 no dedicated servers and then jump on this news like its the same.

This anouncement shouldn't come as any suprise from DICE/EA. they did this with BF2 and it even semi-started with bf1942.

there will still be servers, there will be community run dedicated servers etc..

the only thing they've stopped is running mods on these servers, was this option available on ranked bf2 servers? but DICE/EA games have never really been mod friendly on the server side. Nothing like UT series (Downloading the server mods from the server when you connect).

this is basically non-news (especially from DICE) or news not worth getting worked up about, the servers will be there, the community adminned servers will be there,

the only problem is where mods would help extend the game life, those won't be there.
We were going to have a big lan party with this game. Is lan gaming still possible if there are no self-hosted dedicated servers? Can a single player still host his own game while playing?

They've also lost another customer. No self-hosted dedicated servers = no purchase for me. Why can't they learn from the Steam model and why it is so rampantly popular? [because it's open - some of the best games of CS and TF2 are all on modded custom maps, etc.]

Steaming piles of consoles. Maybe it's a good thing the hellspawn that are consoles are slowing driving every bit of gaming out of my life. I can save more money that way.
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They've also lost another customer. No dedicated servers = no purchase for me.

Have you even read the damn thing? Take the time and read first post THEN do some research on "dedicated/no dedicated servers" on BF:BC2

Thank you, come again. :rolleyes:
I'll be getting this one

But shit stop selling off dedicated server support, it's really annoying. Next thing you know mouse and keyboard support will be notable features, same goes for 16:10 support with resolutions higher than 1024 x 768 too.

Just add master servers/official servers and allow any 3rd party server to be implemented, not proprietary go-to's that's probably intentionally jacked up in price. I knew from the very beginning, regardless of this news that this game will be consolely, I can tell by looking at those gameplay vids and having experience playing the first. We're gonna have that console player movement mouse lag for the PC version and I bet you on the release day everything is gonna run crappy then EA/DICE will have to get their crap together for a week.
At least we get dedicated servers. I didn't buy MW2 but I will be buying this game.
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No mods are kinda a bummer, but dice has always been kinda restrained to promise anything in all the interviews where mods came up, they always said that it was the first pc game with the frostbite engine(even though 1943 was supposed to be) and it wouldn't be likely for mods to be supported. It was fairly clear a while ago it wasn't going to happen but there is always BF3, if they don't put mod support in bf3 then it's time to fire back.

So all ports have DX11 and dedicated servers with 32/64 players eh. Drama queen much? :rolleyes:
This is classic example how people heard about hte MW2 no dedicated servers and then jump on this news like its the same.

This anouncement shouldn't come as any suprise from DICE/EA. they did this with BF2 and it even semi-started with bf1942.

there will still be servers, there will be community run dedicated servers etc..

the only thing they've stopped is running mods on these servers, was this option available on ranked bf2 servers? but DICE/EA games have never really been mod friendly on the server side. Nothing like UT series (Downloading the server mods from the server when you connect).

this is basically non-news (especially from DICE) or news not worth getting worked up about, the servers will be there, the community adminned servers will be there,

the only problem is where mods would help extend the game life, those won't be there.

Huh? People in here are saying BF2 was NOT like this. The issue here is that you HAVE to buy a server through them. Screws over hosting companies and people who want to host their own.
How is removing dedicated servers and withholding server files "grown up"?

Business models being taken more seriously, no longer are gamers running the show. The business drives what goes, like every other industry.
I think the decisions are pretty obvious.

If they control the servers, it will make it much more difficult to get online with a pirated copy. It's the same motivation behind IWnet and CoD:MW2. That said, DICE is going with dedicated servers instead of P2P which is where I put my foot down. I'm ok with requiring official servers as long as they run well and there are enough to go around. I've never hosted my own or been an admin. I understand the issue and I feel for people who will miss out on running custom servers and such but I'm not about to boycott this one.

Regarding mods, they said they didn't have mod tools ready for the PC yet. I bet they could, but it's not a priority. I'm sure they'd rather sell us maps, weapons and game modes as DLC instead of free community content. I've begun to accept the fact that mods are going to need to become more along the vein of total conversions than tweaks to existing games.

It still looks like a solid game and I'm looking forward to it but I am keeping my expectations in check and waiting for the beta.
Modders who know what they're doing will be able to come up with something.
Modding for custom maps sounds great and all, but I used to play a lot of BF2 back in its prime days and basically never found public games running the custom map packs, save for a couple of times ever. So I don't find it a big deal that they are essentially cutting out a handful of private good times.
A bit retarded really, they're going to get leaked OBVIOUSLY...just like absolutely 100% of everything thats ever made...I really dont know why this kind of stupidity persists.
Get this through your heads, just because there are no mod tools doesn't mean there wont be mods. There were never any mod tools for bf42, and iirc bf2 didnt get tools until several of the big mods already had versions in the wild. Will it have the cool autodl of mods and maps like some other game? No, but the bf series has never had that to begin with, maps were generally too large to make that feasible, one of the reasons publi made maps never really took off. Then again, iv'e never played a game where public maps were anything but a damn nuisence, even if they were good, they were almost guaranteed to clear the server out because people are too impatient to download them.
this is what they did for BF2, why is everyone so surprised?

only hosts with servers available in numerous locations got the server binaries for ranked servers.

you buy a server, you're in control, same as always.
A lot of ppl think that DICE/EA is going to run all the servers themselves, but there's no way they can pull that off. I spoke to the guy that owns NFO Server Rentals today: "We've been in contact with DICE, and EA is currently considering the case (or at least, so I've been told). I do not know yet what our chances are." Wonder how DICE decides who will be allowed to rent servers to the general public ?
A lot of ppl think that DICE/EA is going to run all the servers themselves, but there's no way they can pull that off. I spoke to the guy that owns NFO Server Rentals today: "We've been in contact with DICE, and EA is currently considering the case (or at least, so I've been told). I do not know yet what our chances are." Wonder how DICE decides who will be allowed to rent servers to the general public ?

you contact them, they check you out, they decide.

in BF2 all you basically had to do was have servers in a couple locations. that was it.
fuck EA and DICE, i already saw their scheme when they said "affiliated partners"

you had to know their solution wasn't going to be any better than Infinity Ward's IWnet

true dedicated servers are best left to the community who runs and operates them, not some money grubbing bean counters who couldn't give 2 shits about you or me

Slowly, but surely we're being swept into corners where in the end, the devs and game companies will control what we do with their games and soon the PC will end up being a locked down platform, and we'll have seen that day come to fruitiion by buying into the bullshit they are selling
fuck EA and DICE, i already saw their scheme when they said "affiliated partners"

you had to know their solution wasn't going to be any better than Infinity Ward's IWnet

true dedicated servers are best left to the community who runs and operates them, not some money grubbing bean counters who couldn't give 2 shits about you or me

Slowly, but surely we're being swept into corners where in the end, the devs and game companies will control what we do with their games and soon the PC will end up being a locked down platform, and we'll have seen that day come to fruitiion by buying into the bullshit they are selling

except this doensn't affect 99% of people that will buy the game. This is only a problem for:

Those who want to use their own server to host the game
People who go to lan parties

As far as I'm concerned, it's like it's not any different from any other game.
Seriously vote with your wallets, if you don't like it don't buy it. I for one am not complaining, there will still be dedicated servers.
This is only a problem for:

People who go to lan parties

Huge problem.. For this game to be run at a LAN venue, we'll have to rent an online server. This becomes increasing difficult, b/c the larger the LAN, the more of an encubrance it will be to access the public server (with more people) due to the venue's internet connectivity and bandwidth.

I wish they'd do something like a "one week license" allowing LAN promoters to use the server files for just one event. Would help promote the game. Yes, I know there's no way for DICE/EA to police this, but...
I won't be buying it on account of the fact that it's a Battlefield game, and every Battlefield game before has been a giant piece of shit with a side of farts.
I consider Bad Company 2 to be a bonus for PC gamers since it's essentially a console franchise. Personally I'm surprised the PC is getting it at all.

The fact that there may not/will be no independent dedicated servers and mod tools shouldn't be too painful when Battlefield 1943 is supposedly still on the way, as well as the game which should be a fully-fledged PC multiplayer FPS, the inevitable Battlefield 3. With those games on the way there may not be a need to drag BC2's longevity out too long by making mod tools available. Who knows.
i played the beta for ps3 and was sad when it was over. i absolutely can't wait for this game on pc. as long as i get to 'choose' what server to play on and add the good ones to my 'favorties' i'll be happy. this is what i've been doing with bf2 forever. in fact, i've been playing the shit outta that game lately and have been kicking some major ass. its as fun as ever. i've never spent much time on mods and really couldn't care less about em.
I, for one, absolutley hate no dedicated servers.

TF2 is pretty much perfection. Why the fuck don't these other companies follow.

Oh, right, then they couldn't charge for DLC.

I'm all for capitalism, but companies that are greedy need to be....I dunno...something really gruesome needs to happen to them.
I, for one, absolutley hate no dedicated servers.

TF2 is pretty much perfection. Why the fuck don't these other companies follow.

Oh, right, then they couldn't charge for DLC.

I'm all for capitalism, but companies that are greedy need to be....I dunno...something really gruesome needs to happen to them.

sooooooo agreed man. you said it
Huge problem.. For this game to be run at a LAN venue, we'll have to rent an online server. This becomes increasing difficult, b/c the larger the LAN, the more of an encubrance it will be to access the public server (with more people) due to the venue's internet connectivity and bandwidth.

I wish they'd do something like a "one week license" allowing LAN promoters to use the server files for just one event. Would help promote the game. Yes, I know there's no way for DICE/EA to police this, but...

You have a very valid concern, and as a fellow LAN goer, I concur. The chances of them allowing a temporary license is very possible. I have seen other companies do this for events, such as Valve for Local content servers.

I wouldnt worry too much until it becomes an issue.

With MW2, we found way around this with a bit of creative connecting to each other. We determined that if all users are local, and are all connected to each other, the only thing thats internet based is the initial matchmaking process. Once that is done, and players are in game, you can even disconnect the internet connction and it will not affect the game. Pretty cool all things considered.
I, for one, absolutley hate no dedicated servers.

TF2 is pretty much perfection. Why the fuck don't these other companies follow.

Oh, right, then they couldn't charge for DLC.

I'm all for capitalism, but companies that are greedy need to be....I dunno...something really gruesome needs to happen to them.

It's like you didn't even read this thread.
Joe Fagot is not going to host a server on his shitty box with shitty internet and ping, O whoopty fucking do! :eek:

I take a dedicated server with required specs and fiber over your P4 and dial up any time!!!

2nd DICE said it countless times it's not going to be a port, so cut the BS rumors ffs...

You're an idiot...
i preorderd my copy for the pc and now this?!
i will be cancelling my order.@!
what has pc gaming come to... this is very disheartening.
a game like MW2 is exactly on how to not make a pc game yet the trend is continuing...
if gaming companies continue this slap in the face to the pc community... then why bother making highend computer parts when the software isnt going to sell..
bad enough that some games dont support SLI but i can live with that..
i preorderd my copy for the pc and now this?!
i will be cancelling my order.@!
what has pc gaming come to... this is very disheartening.
a game like MW2 is exactly on how to not make a pc game yet the trend is continuing...
if gaming companies continue this slap in the face to the pc community... then why bother making highend computer parts when the software isnt going to sell..
bad enough that some games dont support SLI but i can live with that..

I'll quote this:
"Apparently it will still be possible to rent dedicated servers from EA, but custom maps and such are out of the question.

In MW2, you don't have dedicated servers or a choice.
so you guys support PC online gaming being locked down? Purchase this game!!! Purchase MW2 while you're at it
The funny thing is... all of the people that are bitching and whining here will end up buying this game, from what I seen in Beta its a must buy for any BF2 veteran. Even without mods, or Joe Fagot servers...

There is a saying I believe, "eat your own words" or something like that? :p
Did I hurt your fucking feelings? Or is your name Joe Fagot?
If any from above statements are true then I apologize.


No biggie, they did the same thing with BF2, biig whoopty fucking do.
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